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Teen Murders His Mother and Shoots Father Over Halo 3

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  • Teen Murders His Mother and Shoots Father Over Halo 3

    Daniel Petric, now 17, fatally shot his mother and severely wounded his father last October after they took away his copy of Halo 3 from him. Petric allegedly snuck out of his house last October, purchased the game and was caught by his parents after returning home. His father, Mark, placed the game in a lockbox tucked away in the parents' closet. A 9mm hand gun was also locked away in the box at the time.

    Mark Petric, who is a minister at New Life Assembly of God in Wellington, testified that before the shooting on Oct. 20, 2007, his then-16-year-old son came into the room with a question:

    "Would you guys close your eyes," Daniel Petric asked. "I have a surprise for you."

    Mark Petric said he expected a pleasant surprise. The next thing he knew, his head went numb. He had been shot in the head.

    Susan Petric, 43, died of gunshot wound to the head.

    He said the next thing he remembers is his son shoving the gun in his hand and saying, "Hey Dad, here's your gun. Take it."

    Mark Petric broke down on the witness stand as he explained how he survived the shooting. His daughter and her husband came to the house to watch an Indians game. He heard his son telling them they couldn't come in.

    "You can't come in," Mark Petric recalled his son saying. "You guys shouldn't come in. Mom and Dad had a big argument."

    Mark Petric said all he could do was make a guttural yell for help.

    Mark Petric said that over the course of a year he visited his son in jail. During this time, his son apologized to him saying, "Dad, I'm so sorry for what I did to Mom, to you and to the family. I'm so glad you are alive."

    While on the stand, Mark testified that Daniel and his mother always had a very close relationship. Daniel's lawyers said that at the time of the shootings, Daniel was under a great deal of stress brought on by a recent staph infection.

    Daniel was homebound for a year with the infection and was able to do nothing outside of watching TV and playing video games.


  • #2
    Re: Teen Murders His Mother and Shoots Father Over Halo 3

    There have been alot of speculation about how videogames can be dangerous, that is one point and unfortunately companies can't fix this. (Fact).


    • #3
      Re: Teen Murders His Mother and Shoots Father Over Halo 3

      This is one case where gaming really doesn't factor in to the lack of sanity in the person here. It could have been most anything and the result could have been the same.

      He didn't even play the game and he went off the deep end.


      • #4
        Re: Teen Murders His Mother and Shoots Father Over Halo 3

        Well next time they shouldn`t take away Halo 3 from him. That game is the bomb.


        • #5
          Re: Teen Murders His Mother and Shoots Father Over Halo 3

          Omg this is so horrible. I read a book called children who kill, it had like 14 cases where children had killed people. Of course TV/media/computer games were blamed while some of them didn't even have a TV. The one thing they all did have in common however was that their parents were abusing them in different ways....


          • #6
            Re: Teen Murders His Mother and Shoots Father Over Halo 3

            They should hang that guy from the highest tree


            • #7
              Re: Teen Murders His Mother and Shoots Father Over Halo 3

              Originally posted by Idaeus
              Omg this is so horrible. I read a book called children who kill, it had like 14 cases where children had killed people. Of course TV/media/computer games were blamed while some of them didn't even have a TV. The one thing they all did have in common however was that their parents were abusing them in different ways....
              Bingo, if someone goes nuts over something like this, then bad parenting is to blame nothing else. If the person had a medical condition their parents were supposed to make sure they received proper treatment. Blaming it on a 3rd party is just an excuse/cover up for the real problem.


              • #8
                Re: Teen Murders His Mother and Shoots Father Over Halo 3

                Man that sucks...


                • #9
                  Re: Teen Murders His Mother and Shoots Father Over Halo 3

                  Originally posted by Idaeus
                  Omg this is so horrible. I read a book called children who kill, it had like 14 cases where children had killed people. Of course TV/media/computer games were blamed while some of them didn't even have a TV. The one thing they all did have in common however was that their parents were abusing them in different ways....
                  Originally posted by TheHeartSmasher View Post
                  Bingo, if someone goes nuts over something like this, then bad parenting is to blame nothing else. If the person had a medical condition their parents were supposed to make sure they received proper treatment. Blaming it on a 3rd party is just an excuse/cover up for the real problem.

                  QFT. Parents should be the ones not the games.


                  • #10
                    Re: Teen Murders His Mother and Shoots Father Over Halo 3

                    Wow, that's pretty insane. While the article focused on blaming Halo 3, there had to be (as said above) some serious conflict within the family. Hell, I've bought M games before I could and had them taken away, but I didn't even think of anything like this (granted I was pissed that I was short $50).


                    • #11
                      Re: Teen Murders His Mother and Shoots Father Over Halo 3

                      You can't blame the game, only the kid. Really if you have to go that far to killing your own mother for them taking away a game, come on. Really they told him not to get the game (not that he was under age) but that he snuck out of he house to buy it. Really is it worth that much to sneak out of your house to buy a game that you parents could easily have said yes or no for you to get it. come on grow some common sense people its the child's fault not bad parenting.


                      • #12
                        Re: Teen Murders His Mother and Shoots Father Over Halo 3

                        See the eyes of that guy? That's what I call "evil eyes." I've seen that, and I only see eyes like that from evil people. This is very strange thing. Evil eyes really reflect how evil the personality is. That dude has been infected by a serious drug-resistant bacteria, then he still slipped out to get a copy of Halo 3. Wonder where he got money from, or did he actually bought that copy? Nevermind. His Halo 3 was taken away probably not because of the game, but rather how the game is acquired. He lied to everybody close to him and he's gonna lie all the way through.

                        Video games aren't the problem. Most people I know grown up play video games, and the real bad ones are bad from the beginning. Bad people are the problem, and this guy is just another bad one. Too bad that they'll send him into Crime University a.k.a. Corrections Facility, which used to be called prisons.


                        • #13
                          Re: Teen Murders His Mother and Shoots Father Over Halo 3

                          Originally posted by L3adcannon
                          Well next time they shouldn`t take away Halo 3 from him. That game is the bomb.
                          Ouch, that was low.


                          • #14
                            Re: Teen Murders His Mother and Shoots Father Over Halo 3

                            I hate to say this, as much as i think the kid is guilty, but the parents are responsible. And no not for taking away his game, for in the past not raising him right. IF YOU ARE NOT STRICT WITH YOUR CHILD THEY WILL BE A POMPASS *******. and if you dont set boundaries like this, they can go bat**** crazy. Keeping kids away from videogames is as long as possible is the best you can do, i do believe that videogames effect people.


                            • #15
                              Re: Teen Murders His Mother and Shoots Father Over Halo 3

                              Originally posted by thejeran View Post
                              I hate to say this, as much as i think the kid is guilty, but the parents are responsible. And no not for taking away his game, for in the past not raising him right. IF YOU ARE NOT STRICT WITH YOUR CHILD THEY WILL BE A POMPASS *******. and if you dont set boundaries like this, they can go bat**** crazy. Keeping kids away from videogames is as long as possible is the best you can do, i do believe that videogames effect people.
                              Tell me how you're parents can stop you doing certain things? If you determine to defy any of the rules set by your parents, guess what, you can. There is certain chance that kids would be born with evil eyes, and they're gonna be evil. Evil people do evil things, and none of man-made rules existed on this planet will stop them from doing that or die trying.

                              Also, most people choose to play the types of games, not the other way around.

                              I think the modern fallacy of raising children is that people really believe parents and school are 100% responsible of raising good kids. I would say parents and school are probably 50% important, while the rest sits upon personal choice.

