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Battlefield Heroes Closed Beta Update

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  • #16
    Re: Battlefield Heroes Closed Beta Update

    Isn't it a bit irregular to beta test then close the beta down and then re-open at a later date.

    It sound like they've found a serious bug that they don't want to admit to, or have had to go back to the drawing boards, maybe it's a bug they couldn't fix without a complete re-write.

    With other titles isn't a closed beta session followed by an open one ? or gold release ?

    To be honest. as good as it looks, the more I think about this logistic of free to play and advert support to pay for it the more it turns me off the idea.

    As a Battlefield Head I would much rather pay for a full version, something like Bad Company or maybe even Battlefield 3 on the PC ? What about it Dice/EA - you wanna stop piss-balling about with this Mickey Mouse concept and give us something tangable that we can actually play? Mirror's Edge and Bad Company are awesome, but why are you trying to copy Valve?

    Originally posted by isaac331 View Post
    Heroes its a pretty good game, this next beta will be the last and as it says it will go up again early 2009, and they have been on time on all the beta announcements.
    I guess you must be on of the lucky ones, because it was a complete lottery getting a closed beta key.

    What a joke.. Shouldn't have made an announcement for 2008 if they had no intention of releasing this till next year. It's certainly not the first time Dice have bungled the release date. Battlefield 2 was delayed if you guys can remember. it was only like 2 or 3 months, but at least with BF2 there was a reason to wait because there wasn't anything like it around at the time.

    Dice have plagerised the idea from valves team fortress 2, and I don't understand why, if I wanted to play TF2 i would just logon to steam and play it.. None of the fans wanted a 3rd person cartoon shooter. What we wanted was Battlefield built on the Frostbite engine or something similar, so why not drop the white elephant and get a move on before someone beats you to it? Because there is now a massive gap in the market for an up to date Modern Theatre FPS with 64player server and huge maps.

    Operation Flashpoint 2 : Dragon Rising is worth looking into in the mean time, but that game is still a long way off and Dice are pissing about with everything but a TRUE addition to the BF franchise rather that this Heroes bullsh1t, which is going to be full of adverts anyway.

    So Dice I'd much rather wait and pay money for something I really want to play.


    • #17
      Re: Battlefield Heroes Closed Beta Update

      Ha, actually BF:H could be finished allready - what they said is not bugfree is the "backend".
      The backend includes all the items you collected and/or BOUGHT.
      So the fact that you'll have the possibility to spend your money on a free game is delaying the game.
      If they would just get rid of all these micropayment stuff the game would be ready to be played, I'm pretty sure.
      Whatever, let the kiddies spend their money on virtual costumes for BFH, I have my 50 Euros for BF3 ready to spend.
      Real monea for a real game (I hope)



      • #18
        Mr Salt : Talk is Cheap !!

        Originally posted by ElFipso
        Ha, actually BF:H could be finished allready - what they said is not bugfree is the "backend".
        The backend includes all the items you collected and/or BOUGHT.
        So the fact that you'll have the possibility to spend your money on a free game is delaying the game.
        If they would just get rid of all these micropayment stuff the game would be ready to be played, I'm pretty sure.
        Whatever, let the kiddies spend their money on virtual costumes for BFH, I have my 50 Euros for BF3 ready to spend.
        Real monea for a real game (I hope)

        Oh mate. it's so frustrating isn't it ? All us battlefield heads having to make do playing the lastest BF game on a controller and on a console !! who would have thought ! Personally I'm waiting patiently for BF3 or at least the much need 1.5 patch for BF2. Although it would have been good to have something to play in the meantime. I guess there's alway left4dead (As an Aside - left 4 dead looks awesome, demo play really well, 4upCoop in the demo- just awesome GOTY contender for sure)......Anyway.. back to the mission at hand.

        I struggle to see what the point actually is? In my view Dice/EA are trying to poach users from the Team Fortress 2 community. They're gonna have trouble doing that because TF2 is an excellent game in it own right and you won't get all the adverts or payment for clothes. and at least with TF2 we all got to take part in the the beta session, rather than offering it out in a lottery.

        The whole project from start to finish has been so badly managed from the community point of view. Their website has been quiet for weeks then they hit us up with this bull, 10% above the waterline, that suggests to me that there is still a long long way to go. I don't reckon you'll see it untill at least Easter time at the earliest. If at all. I guess this will be a cash cow for Dice, if they ever get it out on general release. Not that i'll be touching it with a ten foot pole. They've missed the boat in my opinion, should have released it in the summer like they said. Too many good games on the horizon for people to keep interested - I'm sure losing interest!!

        Bollocks to the linear roof running and all the kiddy sh1t that is BFH. Let's get some BF3 on the go with either the Frostbite engine or something that at least uses the power of the Cuda API. Dice, stick to what you are good at - the Battlefield Franchise has alway been for winners, why do you have to spoil it with this CHOD!!!


        • #19
          Re: Battlefield Heroes Closed Beta Update

          Actually I got in the beta since it was announced, and they have been on time, and I know all that BFH has gone through and no they ain't just delaying it because they want, quit your whinnying and leave if you don't want BFH, this is BFH discussion not for you to cry about other games and comparison with a very different game.


          • #20
            Re: Battlefield Heroes Closed Beta Update

            Originally posted by isaac331
            Actually I got in the beta since it was announced, and they have been on time, and I know all that BFH has gone through and no they ain't just delaying it because they want, quit your whinnying and leave if you don't want BFH, this is BFH discussion not for you to cry about other games and comparison with a very different game.
            If you were a true Battlefield Veteran you'd see where we were coming from on this. We never wanted a free to play mickey mouse cartoon game !! But Don't worry mate. This cat is no hypocrite. I won't be found on the BFH lanes. Keep my username in mind because it's not changed in 3 years..

            Some of the more serious members of the community have been playing Dice's games since Codename Eagle, We played though BF1942 and on various ladders. We moved into the modding scene and then moved on to BF2 and 2142. The Battlefield franchise is bar none the most interesting concept for a FPS.

            We never wanted Battlefield Heroes, we've said this form the beginning. With BFH you get small maps, small servers and you have to pay for customisable content and the market they're aiming this game at is not something as mature fps gamers we want to be a part of (there's a loud resonance of negativity about BFH from within the community and more so with certain clans). Many of us would much rather wait and pay our money for something that's worthy of our time.

            If you just take a look on the BFH site, I'm certainly not in the minority. And isn't it funny how Dice managed to keep all those bad comments off the first page. I bet it's all you happy beta testers that made the opening comments. Getting on for 1000 comments in just 24hour and the vast proportion are negative. This game has been put back and put back. No Information has been shared with the community the website has been quiet for months. What, you expect us to sit back and take it like good little consumers... Don't be such mugs !!

            Dice have been having a whale of a time the last couple of months, touring conventions hyping the game, telling everyone that it'll will definitly be out in December... It's just been a line of bullsh1t from start to finish.

            Not crying but like you I have a right to my opinion, I am putting it in context with other becauase there are some stunning alternatives and Dice/EA have not come over in the best light this year. BFBC has been the only stand out title.

            Looking forward to seeing something else from them for sure, they're a really good studio, but something has been stagnating over the couple of years. Maybe that's got more to do with EA putting pressure on them for results, who knows ! either way it's to the detriment of the community and the games.


            • #21
              Re: Battlefield Heroes Closed Beta Update

              Having played the closed beta, I can tell you the only thing similar to TF2 is the graphics style. If that's the only thing you use to characterize a game, then we need to have a talk.

              I'll be the first to admit, it's not a traditional BF title, but even so, it is a more relaxed-style shooter than your other BF games. Additionally, it's a great tool to try and pull more players into the franchise; for example, some may not like the gameplay style of Battlefield 2 or the other Battlefield games (Oh the horror! People not liking Battlefield 1942 or 2? That's impossible!), so this provides a cost-effective solution for drawing them in.

              Also, your sweeping generalization that the entire Battlefield community said they did not want BF:H is false and a massive logical fallacy coming from a large portion of those who say BF:H is destroying the Battlefield franchise. Another portion of the Battlefield community is in love with the game, and yet another portion is still on the fence. By no means does everyone "hate" this game.


              • #22
                Re: Battlefield Heroes Closed Beta Update

                yeah, i would like to give it a try when it comes out. what im sick of is all these "purists" running around trying to convince everyone that it is going to be a bad game like they are an activist. some people have to learn that not everything will always 100% stay the same, and if you dont like it, do what henry did and not play the game instead of trolling around the internet retartedly


                • #23
                  Re: Battlefield Heroes Closed Beta Update

                  If you were a true Battlefield Veteran you'd see where we were coming from on this. We never wanted a free to play mickey mouse cartoon game !! But Don't worry mate. This cat is no hypocrite. I won't be found on the BFH lanes. Keep my username in mind because it's not changed in 3 years..

                  Some of the more serious members of the community have been playing Dice's games since Codename Eagle, We played though BF1942 and on various ladders. We moved into the modding scene and then moved on to BF2 and 2142. The Battlefield franchise is bar none the most interesting concept for a FPS.

                  We never wanted Battlefield Heroes, we've said this form the beginning. With BFH you get small maps, small servers and you have to pay for customisable content and the market they're aiming this game at is not something as mature fps gamers we want to be a part of (there's a loud resonance of negativity about BFH from within the community and more so with certain clans). Many of us would much rather wait and pay our money for something that's worthy of our time.
                  Been playing since 1942 "mate".


                  • #24
                    Re: Battlefield Heroes Closed Beta Update

                    Don't get me wrong, I will play BFH as soon as it comes out, but I don't think I'll like it.
                    Same for BF90210. I know I don't like SiFi shooters, I played the demo and never played the game again.
                    I played TF2 and even though it's a funny game I didn't like it, it's kind of too fast for an old guy like me, and the cartoon style doesn't really touch my soul...

                    The great thing of the BF series (until BF90210 imho) is the great athmosphere you play in. I don't see that comin' in BFH.
                    It will be a very funny game for sure, but it won't live as long as other BF titles.
                    BFH seems to be more a game for the lunchbreak at work, like many other browser games, hahaha.

                    I'm not really waiting for BFH to come out, but I'm bery dissappointed that they were not able to finish the game this year when they announced it for JUNE.
                    Jeeze, I wish I could deliever work like this to my customers. Free or not, if you give a deadline for finishing your job you better get it done.


                    • #25
                      Well there's one less key the communty. Straight to Fansite Admin. What a Suprise

                      Originally posted by Webs961
                      Having played the closed beta, I can tell you the only thing similar to TF2 is the graphics style. If that's the only thing you use to characterize a game, then we need to have a talk.

                      I'll be the first to admit, it's not a traditional BF title, but even so, it is a more relaxed-style shooter than your other BF games. Additionally, it's a great tool to try and pull more players into the franchise; for example, some may not like the gameplay style of Battlefield 2 or the other Battlefield games (Oh the horror! People not liking Battlefield 1942 or 2? That's impossible!), so this provides a cost-effective solution for drawing them in.

                      Also, your sweeping generalization that the entire Battlefield community said they did not want BF:H is false and a massive logical fallacy coming from a large portion of those who say BF:H is destroying the Battlefield franchise. Another portion of the Battlefield community is in love with the game, and yet another portion is still on the fence. By no means does everyone "hate" this game.
                      Yeah let’s talk!!

                      It may well be a sweeping generalisation, but - only going on what I have read on your and other forums, not to mention blogs and various community sites - there is a resounding and overriding negativity that is deafening within the BF2/2142 clan community. Your view as a beta tester is somewhat biased towards Dice and that's the major difference.

                      I have talked to many people about this over the last couple of months and they've all said the same things, maybe we're all just grumpy old cynics but most people, whilst expressing a disinterest in BFH, are for the most part eagerly awaiting the next instalment. Some have bought a PS3 to play BFBC in the interim, so it's not like we're sitting around trolling everyone that has difference of opinions. What, you think I would come on here and make a prat of myself, talking some uniformed crap to people on a BF2 Fan site?... Don't make me laugh. I came here to express an opinion, because you certainly can't to any great degree on the BFH site.

                      Whether it is or isn't similar to team fortress 2 in game play, they've ripped off the graphical look and feel. I bet Valve are reeling at the fact that Dice/EA have plagiarised their idea.

                      Given that we have hardly any other information to go on apart from a few blogs gushing how good all the features are and a couple of mediocre You Tube vids and a couple of nice posters!! I have watched those games play vids with that horrible third person view. Looked clunky and badly animated if you ask me, the environments look kind of cool, but just the environments alone don't make the game.

                      I am only going on what I have seen and heard since this was announced and the community which I run with have a very different attitude towards this game. Regardless of whether you think it's fallacy or not, Clan gamers, those that compete on various ESL ladders and clan base et al. are NOT interested in the game! We actually take our FPS gaming seriously enough to wait for Dice to get Battlefield or whatever is in the pipeline.

                      Battlefield has a good couple of years with load of mods behind it now and people have kept coming back just for those, Dice forget too quickly that it was the mod community that made this franchise great. If it weren't for the creator of all these mods like Project Reality, Forgotten Hope or Point of Existence, the games would have been killed off long ago.

                      Bad Company was excellent, been playing that for months, great single player and the online conquest maps are sweet. Point being, all this great stuff and Dice go completely sideways with BFH... what they should be doing is putting some time and effort in to the franchise that made them big in the first place. Maybe they are, who knows!! Maybe all this is a smoke screen.

                      Like I said we're all waiting for something a little more involved than another cartoon shooter, it's not even about the free to play novelty because there are hundreds of free to play games... Dice/EA just decided to use it as gimmick to capture all you mugs. Now they tell you you're going to have to pay to customise you character... Whatever.

                      We obviously have a difference of opinion. But that doesn't make my point any less valid... If they can't stick to release date and project timelines then Dice/EA should really have a good think about what they are doing because it's to the detriment of all of us.

                      Excuse me but where actually did I say in any of my posts that I "hate" BFH, get your facts straight! Did you actually read the post or just jump on the bandwagon after the first paragraph because Dice gave you a beta key?!

                      I don't hate any game, I'm just not that interested in playing BFH for all the reasons I have said. If you're looking forward to it and you've taken an active part in its development then good for you. I hope you’re truly happy with the result.

                      Nobody wants to see Dice fail, they're a good studio. But just because you run a fan site does not mean your word is gospel!


                      • #26
                        Re: Battlefield Heroes Closed Beta Update

                        Originally posted by 5t3v0 View Post
                        yeah, i would like to give it a try when it comes out. what im sick of is all these "purists" running around trying to convince everyone that it is going to be a bad game like they are an activist. some people have to learn that not everything will always 100% stay the same, and if you dont like it, do what henry did and not play the game instead of trolling around the internet retartedly
                        Hey at least us "Purists" as you say have an opinion about something..

                        Was I mistaken in thinking that this was a democracy?

                        Why'd you all get so offended, when somebody has opinions that greatly differ form you own. Let have a discussion about it.. I have my argument, now YOU'RE suppose to counter it with your own, then we meet somewhere in the middle. That's how it works..


                        • #27
                          Re: Well there's one less key the communty. Straight to Fansite Admin. What a Suprise

                          Originally posted by savagehenry View Post
                          It may well be a sweeping generalisation, but - only going on what I have read on your and other forums, not to mention blogs and various community sites - there is a resounding and overriding negativity that is deafening within the BF2/2142 clan community. Your view as a beta tester is somewhat biased towards Dice and that's the major difference.
                          Even if that was true, which it isn't, there is a lot of people that like the game that haven't played the other BF games. There is a whole bunch of people at my school that only play WoW and the likes, but they are really looking forward to when BF:H is released.

                          BFH is for the most part not a game that many of the diehard old school BF fans will like but there is just as many people that like it. And it's free, what have you got to loose?

                          Whether it is or isn't similar to team fortress 2 in game play, they've ripped off the graphical look and feel. I bet Valve are reeling at the fact that Dice/EA have plagiarised their idea.
                          They're not even graphically similar! The only thing they have in common is that they are both "cartoony", but TF2 wasn't exactly the first game with cartoony characters either. NOLF anyone?

                          Regardless of whether you think it's fallacy or not, Clan gamers, those that compete on various ESL ladders and clan base et al. are NOT interested in the game! We actually take our FPS gaming seriously enough to wait for Dice to get Battlefield or whatever is in the pipeline.
                          Of course it's not going to be a good competitive game but that was never the point in the first place. And if you take FPS gaming seriously enough to immediately discard a new free game because it ain't serious shizniz, find a new hobby

                          Battlefield has a good couple of years with load of mods behind it now and people have kept coming back just for those, Dice forget too quickly that it was the mod community that made this franchise great. If it weren't for the creator of all these mods like Project Reality, Forgotten Hope or Point of Existence, the games would have been killed off long ago.
                          I agree. BF3 needs better mod support, no doubt. They should skip the whole ranked system altogether and open up for custom maps and server-side mods, like Valve games.


                          • #28
                            Re: Battlefield Heroes Closed Beta Update

                            Originally posted by savagehenry View Post
                            Why'd you all get so offended, when somebody has opinions that greatly differ form you own. Let have a discussion about it.. I have my argument, now YOU'RE suppose to counter it with your own, then we meet somewhere in the middle. That's how it works..
                            O RLY?
                            Then you counter it some more and some more and more...

                            Anyway i'm really looking forward to it, its a free game for gawd sake... caaaaam onnnnn!


                            • #29
                              Re: Battlefield Heroes Closed Beta Update

                              *Predicts savagehenry next post*

                              "Yeah mate but they could be working on a game with frostbite for the PC, or something else for the clans, because clans are what move this world, I know its a free game and I won't play it and I know that Dice are working on other games and that they are a big studio, but sh*t I will keep whinnying because I know that nobody wants this game, I mean I don't why should any body."

                              Was I mistaken in thinking that this was a democracy?
                              Now I don't know if to laugh or just cry about that type of comment, this is a game discussion forum.


                              • #30
                                Re: Battlefield Heroes Closed Beta Update

                                BFH is for the most part not a game that many of the diehard old school BF fans will like but there is just as many people that like it. And it's free, what have you got to lose?
                                Damn Straight, I don't like it the sound of BFH and there are many others like me. But there is no right and wrong in it, People are desperate to play BFH and are looking forward to take part in that experience, good for them I felt the same way when BF2 was being hyped back in 2004. Partly the reason they've been so indignant about it on the BFH site is because people feel that Dice have not been forthcoming with the truth, again back to 04 same with BF2 release.

                                But from the clan point of view, it's laughable.. You don't have to do massive amount or research to find out the large majority of people still play BF2 and 2142 are looking forward and eagerly anticipated release of the next in the True Battlefield.

                                They're not even graphically similar! The only thing they have in common is that they are both "cartoony", but TF2 wasn't exactly the first game with cartoony characters either. NOLF anyone?
                                From what I have seen of it does look similar in my opinion. The games was actually announced not long after TF2 got released with the Orange box. So my concern's, I think are valid. Are Dice doing this because they think it a excellent idea and it's was the BF community wants ? or, Are Dice jumping on the TF2 popularity bandwagon ? I think a little of both, but this detracts slightly from the original ethos of the game.

                                Codename Eagle was amazing when it first came out, because there was nothing else like it, as was BF1942. But the real fun begin when those modders came on the scene and we got Desert Combat. If it wasn't for Desert Combat and Trauma studios there would be no BF2/2142 or BFH!

                                My problem with BFH is, they've taken the original concept and made a mockery of it, you may say I'm taking it too seriously (which is fair), but for me the highlight of the BF2/2142 games was the idea of a Multi-role, multi layered battlefield, with combat taking place on land air and sea.

                                There was also a feeling that even though it was essential and arcade shooter, it was still moderately realistic and that combined with all those stats and ranks has produced a game which has stood the test of time. But I don't think even now. anybody else has come close to achieving what Dice has with BF Franchise. People have tried to imitate, but have always failed.

                                Dice have always had original idea's, but in my opinion BFH dumbs down what is one of the best online FPS experiences and gives it's a quirky edge. Okay it's appealing to new players. that's great news... The more people we have in the BF community is all for the better. If Dice get it right. The next BF games is going to chocked full of eager player all fresh and ready to hit the ground running.

                                Personally I can afford to wait, I will probably have look at BFH when it gets release although I don't think it'll get play with any seriousness. Not really bothered about playing cartoon 3rdPS on PC when there are still award to be gained on BF2/2142, Besides I have Time Splitters on the PS2 for that (which is great fun 4UP) I also have Metal Gear Online on PS3 which is an awesome concept. In fact having cited those consoles games make me feel that BFH would be better as a console game. Dice must have got arse backward, BFBC should have been a PC game and BHF should have been on console. Make sense when you think about it?!

                                Then you counter it some more and some more and more...
                                yeah of course, because that's what discussion forum is all about, Am I wrong ?

                                *Predicts savagehenry next post*

                                "Yeah mate but they could be working on a game with frostbite for the PC, or something else for the clans, because clans are what move this world, I know its a free game and I won't play it and I know that Dice are working on other games and that they are a big studio, but sh*t I will keep whinnying because I know that nobody wants this game, I mean I don't why should any body."
                                LOL your powers of telepathy are quite amazing !! LOL

                                I didn't come on here to get flamed... just to express an opinion. If you don't like what I'm saying that's fair enough, no skin off my nose.

                                If all you can do is attack me on personal level rather than have a ration conversation. thats your prerogative, its hardly intelligent though is it ? Please think of something a little more constructive to say or don't say it at all :P

