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E3 Could Be Reverting Back To Old Times

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  • E3 Could Be Reverting Back To Old Times

    According to Kotaku, there are rumors circulating that next years E3 could be open to the public. This would certainly please all the gamers who have been angry with the new split in the convention. Check it out:
    It's a rumor that's been circling since the E3 Expo wrapped earlier this summer, that the show will return to all of its glory with all new approved access to the public.

    The latest word we've heard is that the idea has been officially brought forward and is in discussion by the board of the Entertainment Software Association. That means the possibility of an open E3 is one step closer to reality, if the rumor is true.

    The question now is, is the move, if it happens, too little, too late? Can anything save E3 at this point or was this year's event and the across-the-board negative reactions to it the final nail in the show's coffin?

    If E3 were to return to how it used to be do you think it could still keep up with the likes of Leipzig or PAX?

  • #2
    Re: E3 Could Be Reverting Back To Old Times

    It'd be a step in the right direction. E3 used to be exciting for how chaotic everything was in terms of the event coverage, seeing all the madness, etc. Now it's just some boring trade show with little to no major announcements (compared to what they used to have).

