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New World at War Preview from CVG

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  • New World at War Preview from CVG

    CVG, by way of the PSW magazine, has a nice lengthy write-up of Call of Duty: World at War. The team had a chance to sit down with a demo of World at War, and here's what they had to say (insert the minor spoiler warning here for those who don't want anything spoiled):
    This was a large scale, open battle that saw the US forces attempting to take an airstrip overrun by entrenched Japanese forces. As I approached, Japanese soldiers sprung from the long grass, snipers fired from the palm trees and soldiers thought to be dead jumped to life and attacked from the rear.

    Treyarch's Noah commented that players in the dev's offices had begun playing World At War in the same manner as real US troops would move through a battlefield; advancing slowly, scouring the tree tops for enemies and firing into the long grass to spook hidden enemies.

    Backing up this gameplay is COD's latest weapon - the flamethrower. This enables you to burn trees, grass and almost anything on the battlefield. It was demoed to me in the game's new Co-op mode, with Noah and Treyarch's creative director Richard Farrelly teaming up to showcase the fiery death-dealer.

    It looked a little cheap. Every step was met with a vicious burst from the scorching flamethrower, which instantly set everyone and anything on fire. Grass would burn, spread and torch trees; flaming enemies would run screaming into gun turrets and cause havoc. It looked all too easy and Noah admits that getting this balance right, especially for online, will be vital.
    This was just one part of three information packed sections from the author's hands-on time with the game. For more where this came from, look no further than

  • #2
    Re: New World at War Preview from CVG

    Good read! He brought up an interesting point about balancing the flamethrowers for multiplayer...


    • #3
      Re: New World at War Preview from CVG

      Good article. Pretty much same info, but I like his relaxed writing style. I'm not happy about the respawning enemies part. -_-


      • #4
        Re: New World at War Preview from CVG

        Originally posted by [BFE]IC|Zweibz7 View Post
        Good read! He brought up an interesting point about balancing the flamethrowers for multiplayer...

        ueah i thouth about that aswell it would be pyro achivments all over again :shakehead:


        • #5
          Re: New World at War Preview from CVG

          another nice read sounding really nice


          • #6
            Re: New World at War Preview from CVG

            LOL OWNED


            • #7
              Re: New World at War Preview from CVG

              nice article.

