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TotalBF2 Reviews Project Reality v0.4

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  • TotalBF2 Reviews Project Reality v0.4

    After a few PM requests and getting a lot of play time in himself, our very own HKSniper is back today with a review on the very popular Project Reality v0.4 mod. Here's just a portion of what you'll find in the full review:
    The community also makes the gameplay. The community is so team oriented, many servers will kick those not in squads after a certain amount of time. Lone wolves are not very welcome in the community. However, I did notice that the community is not very accepting of the new guys. In the times I accidentally teamkilled someone, I was either met with insults of how 'stupid' I was, how much of a 'noob' I was, or even at times had vote kicks initiated against me. These events were few and far in between but did happen on many...many occasions. For those new to the mod, take the time to carefully learn uniforms, you can not see name tags until you are up close. Learn the game, get used to it, then you can start having some serious fun. For the most part though, the community loves team work, and they all work as a team. I had so much fun playing in squads with people. It was an absolute blast.

    Click here to read the full review!

    Click here to see PR v0.4 in action!

    <a href=""><img src="" alt="" border="0" /></a> <a href=""><img src="" alt="" border="0" /></a> <a href=""><img src="" alt="" border="0" /></a>

    As always, be sure to leave your feedback on both the review and on the PR mod! To download the mod for yourself, click here.

  • #2
    Re: TotalBF2 Reviews Project Reality v0.4

    I was one of the people who PM'd him Very nice review, im glad you didnt just play it for 30 minutes and decide it was crap because it has a learning curve


    • #3
      Re: TotalBF2 Reviews Project Reality v0.4

      hehe very nice review man.

      one thing I would like to point out thou, It is no longer a mini-mod

      We dropped the mini-mod with 0.4 with the brit infantry ingame, now its just PR


      • #4
        Re: TotalBF2 Reviews Project Reality v0.4

        Yep good review same as above appreciate you playing it for a while. As to the community issues just join a squad and ask for help playing and most players will gradually help.


        • #5
          Re: TotalBF2 Reviews Project Reality v0.4

          Great review. Try PR today, you may never want to go back to Vanilla.


          • #6
            Re: TotalBF2 Reviews Project Reality v0.4

            Excellent review hitting the high and low points as well. This is a great mod and has been a great alternative to Vanilla for me for a while now.

            The learning curve is steep but worth the climb. Teamwork is a must. As a bonus, you'll find that your aim is better when you do play Vanilla.

            I would like to see some tweaks to the Advance and Secure mode that allows for some variation so that the entire enemy team isn't waiting for you at the one flag that you need to take. Bringing the ability to choose different, even if limited, paths would provide the attacking team with some chance of success.


            • #7
              Re: TotalBF2 Reviews Project Reality v0.4

              Originally posted by |GRB|Sarge
              Excellent review hitting the high and low points as well. This is a great mod and has been a great alternative to Vanilla for me for a while now.

              The learning curve is steep but worth the climb. Teamwork is a must. As a bonus, you'll find that your aim is better when you do play Vanilla.

              I would like to see some tweaks to the Advance and Secure mode that allows for some variation so that the entire enemy team isn't waiting for you at the one flag that you need to take. Bringing the ability to choose different, even if limited, paths would provide the attacking team with some chance of success.
              The aim part is so true! I was playing Vanilla for the first time in a couple of weeks and I played using the sniper and was getting headshots galore


              • #8
                Re: TotalBF2 Reviews Project Reality v0.4

                One thing I like about PR is that its teamwork and people actually talk in there from what i saw in the video. I've always wanted to try it but I always get an error just trying to play the game. I tried connecting to one but my game just crashes just connecting to a server. I hope they fixed that problem.


                • #9
                  Re: TotalBF2 Reviews Project Reality v0.4

                  Originally posted by |GRB|Sarge
                  I would like to see some tweaks to the Advance and Secure mode that allows for some variation so that the entire enemy team isn't waiting for you at the one flag that you need to take. Bringing the ability to choose different, even if limited, paths would provide the attacking team with some chance of success.
                  Us too hehe.

                  Next release has a bunch of changes to AAS:

                  1. CP Objective Groups

                  There is now a concept of grouped CP objectives, these can be 2 or more CPs that can be captured simultaneously. Typically not more than 3 will ever be in a group, usually 2. Groups can connect to groups, so you can have a 2 CP objective group connected to another 2 CP objective group. So, at the mapper's discretion, the entire map can consist of objective groups of 2 or more CPs.

                  We don't want completely free-for-all-whack-a-mole a la conquest, but on 64p servers AAS can really degenerate into a stalemate because of the linearity. This should help with that issue.

                  2. Flag cap logic is completely changed.

                  - All flag actions (neutralise or capture) require at least 2 players.
                  - Logic has been changed to make CP battles generally take place over grey flags. Spawn camping to capture a CP should hopefully go away with this change.
                  - There are now 2 radii on CPs. One is set when the CP is controlled by another team and is typically much larger than the normal flag radius. This is to enable "securing the area" types of battles. Note that mappers can set this or the game mode will automatically set this radius if the mapper has not specified it. It is scaled based on the # of players on the server. We allow setting of 2 radii so mappers have the flexibility to have secure the area battles in order to neutralise a CP, byt can still have .. for that same CP .. a requirement that the attackers secure a very specific area in order to capture the CP.

                  The "cp capture radius thingy" in the HUD should make it clear to players if they are inside the radius.

                  - Flags go neutral much quicker now... attackers need 50% of the size of the defender force inside the "neutralise" radius (the larger of the 2 CP radii). Once the attacker achieves that, they will neutralise the flag very quickly.

                  - In order to capture the CP, the "capture radius" (the smaller of the 2 radii) the attackers must have 200% of the defenders inside this radius.

                  - CPs will go neutral quickly, but will take as long as 4 minutes to capture with just a 2 man force and as quick as 2 minutes with a large force.

                  er.. I think those are the main changes to AAS coming in the v0.41 patch. Bunch of other stuff too.


                  • #10
                    Re: TotalBF2 Reviews Project Reality v0.4

                    Excellent review, it hit all the key points that needed to be mentioned. This is how BF2 shoulda been in the first place. This mod just keeps getting better and better which each release. F*CK VANILLA BF2, LONG LIVE PR!


                    • #11
                      Re: TotalBF2 Reviews Project Reality v0.4

                      Excellent review and I'm contemplating giving this mod a try (been strictly vanilla since June '05)

                      I suppose my make or break question is:

                      How easy is it to switch between PR and vanilla? Will I need to uninstall PR (or worse, re-install BF2) in order to play vanilla again?

                      Any details on this would be much appreciated.


                      • #12
                        Re: TotalBF2 Reviews Project Reality v0.4

                        Originally posted by zone36
                        Excellent review and I'm contemplating giving this mod a try (been strictly vanilla since June '05)

                        I suppose my make or break question is:

                        How easy is it to switch between PR and vanilla? Will I need to uninstall PR (or worse, re-install BF2) in order to play vanilla again?

                        Any details on this would be much appreciated.
                        Nope, you can just open regular BF2, and if you want to open up project reality there is a different icon. Or you just open BF2 and go to Community > Mods (Or somethign called that I use the icon the only mod I use an icon for ) Project reality. You will not have to uninstall or reinstall bf2.


                        • #13
                          Re: TotalBF2 Reviews Project Reality v0.4

                          ^ sweet, that is good news, thanks Fox.

                          Another question is VOIP; I know it is critical in PR, so do you guys use the built in VOIP system or is TeamSpeak / Vent needed?


                          • #14
                            Re: TotalBF2 Reviews Project Reality v0.4

                            There is built in voip in almost all servers, I know of one server that has teamspeak set up for its members at that is gloryhoundz. Most people just use voip AFAIK.


                            • #15
                              Re: TotalBF2 Reviews Project Reality v0.4

                              I started playing this mod about three weeks ago, and have been hooked ever since. Like the reviewer said there is a learning curve, and it can be frustrating at times. No more blindly running across the street. You now have to think in order survive. You also have to squad up if you want your team to have a chance for the win. It is worth the time and effort to learn this new play logic. Once you understand it and hook up with a squad, it is very rewarding and fun. Just remember this isn’t VBF2 so don’t play like it is and you’ll live longer.


