
No announcement yet. Clan Sponsorship goes LIVE!

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  • #61
    Re: Clan Sponsorship goes LIVE!

    Eek! Half a day from the computer all this. It's turning into Shakespear's theatre in here

    In all seriousness, guys, there are 99 clans to go. In our eyes, well established clans also need support because they have built mini-communities around them. These mini-communities are frequent visitors of TotalBF2. They help the community big time.

    With over 3 months left of clans being sponsored every day, I'm sure you guys will enjoy the variety as much as us.


    • #62
      Re: Clan Sponsorship goes LIVE!

      Originally posted by Supertech
      Im just saying..... people who already have dont appreciate like people who struggle to make the server dues every month. Think about it. I too am grateful for the opportunity just like everyone else here. I just know human nature and humans who DONT HAVE are generally more grateful and appreciative to their givers than ones who ALREADY HAVE. If it ends up being the same ol story where the rich get richer and the poor get poorer well then so be it. Im just asking for a little more insight when it comes to making these selections. Think outside the corporate box for once.
      No you are wrong on that. People who have everything would love to have another sponsor. Unless you have personally been in those shoes do not make the assumption that people who have less are more grateful.

      I know when our clan was in Day of Defeat, we had over 9 servers. When we had the opportunity to get sponsored for another server we were unbelievably grateful and helped out our sponsor as much as possible.

      Please understand even the bigger clans that are more stable and can afford 5-10 servers are just as grateful as the people who are struggling to have 1 server paid every month. Because the people who have 5-10 servers know that can be taken away in a split second. And sponsorships are important.

      Maybe you should think outside the greedy box. No offence but seriously.

      If the rich get richer and the poor get poorer find a way to get rich. Because I got news for you, that is life. You can only fail yourself. Get a website, get a server. Increase the hits on your website. Increase your activity in the leagues. Increase your presence in the gaming sector and I PROMISE you will get noticed and possibility sponsored. You don’t need to have money to get sponsored but you have to have the Drive and the will to.

      I know when I was running a clan of plus 70 and 9 servers, it was 30 hour a week job in the administration portion of it on top of a full time job and College. That is dedication. Show your dedication and you will be rewarded.

      The only one that can affect your future is you.

      And who is to say MIS is a mutli-million dollar company, with money to throw away. I don’t know. You don’t know, so you don’t know what they are capable of giving out to there higher-risk clans (who possibly may or may not do anything for them).


      I don't know what MIS is going to do about sponsoring clans. I am strickly looking at this from a business point of view. Maybe they will sponsor 1 Big clan for every 9 starter clans. I don't know. But the whole point behind this is to not complain and be thank ful.


      • #63
        Re: Clan Sponsorship goes LIVE!

        Originally posted by [1st ID]Frostesh
        I don't know what MIS is going to do about sponsoring clans. I am strickly looking at this from a business point of view. Maybe they will sponsor 1 Big clan for every 9 starter clans. I don't know. But the whole point behind this is to not complain and be thank ful.
        AMEN well said :salute: ...... although i will tell you ... there is a method to our madness :P

        the worse thing that could happen is you %$#% off a future sponsor but setting yourself out there.
        1 of 100 ain't that much wether it be today tommorrow .. or the 7th


        • #64
          Re: Clan Sponsorship goes LIVE!

          Originally posted by [MyIS]Crrrazzzy
          AMEN well said :salute: ...... although i will tell you ... there is a method to our madness :P

          the worse thing that could happen is you %$#% off a future sponsor but setting yourself out there.
          1 of 100 ain't that much wether it be today tommorrow .. or the 7th
          Fine..... I'll $hut the fack up then. :P

          Originally posted by [1st ID]Frostesh
          No you are wrong on that. People who have everything would love to have another sponsor. Unless you have personally been in those shoes do not make the assumption that people who have less are more grateful.

          I know when our clan was in Day of Defeat, we had over 9 servers. When we had the opportunity to get sponsored for another server we were unbelievably grateful and helped out our sponsor as much as possible.

          Please understand even the bigger clans that are more stable and can afford 5-10 servers are just as grateful as the people who are struggling to have 1 server paid every month. Because the people who have 5-10 servers know that can be taken away in a split second. And sponsorships are important.

          Maybe you should think outside the greedy box. No offence but seriously.

          If the rich get richer and the poor get poorer find a way to get rich. Because I got news for you, that is life. You can only fail yourself. Get a website, get a server. Increase the hits on your website. Increase your activity in the leagues. Increase your presence in the gaming sector and I PROMISE you will get noticed and possibility sponsored. You don’t need to have money to get sponsored but you have to have the Drive and the will to.

          I know when I was running a clan of plus 70 and 9 servers, it was 30 hour a week job in the administration portion of it on top of a full time job and College. That is dedication. Show your dedication and you will be rewarded.

          The only one that can affect your future is you.

          And who is to say MIS is a mutli-million dollar company, with money to throw away. I don’t know. You don’t know, so you don’t know what they are capable of giving out to there higher-risk clans (who possibly may or may not do anything for them).


          I don't know what MIS is going to do about sponsoring clans. I am strickly looking at this from a business point of view. Maybe they will sponsor 1 Big clan for every 9 starter clans. I don't know. But the whole point behind this is to not complain and be thank ful.


          • #65
            Re: Clan Sponsorship goes LIVE!

            Originally posted by Supertech
            lol I was thinking the same thing... never posted before, but DAYUM!!! did he make sure he posted in this topic.

            The bottom line is everyone is awarded there own opinions and the oppurtunity to post them, even though opinions are like a**holes, everybodys got one.



            • #66
              Re: Clan Sponsorship goes LIVE!

              1/2 price if you lease somewhere else right now. 50% off if you switch.


              • #67
                Re: Clan Sponsorship goes LIVE!

                Originally posted by Ev!L ErN!E
                lol I was thinking the same thing... never posted before, but DAYUM!!! did he make sure he posted in this topic.

                The bottom line is everyone is awarded there own opinions and the oppurtunity to post them, even though opinions are like a**holes, everybodys got one.

                You guys are all entitled to your own opinions. And for your information I do not need to be “ki$$a$$” – I am trying to help you guys out because our clan has been sponsored before and I know what most companies are looking for. The whole point behind all my post is to think before you talk. Because you guys attacking the situation is killing any chance you have at getting a sponsorship. I don’t want anyone to lose any chance of getting a sponsorship because they got upset because they weren’t picked that day.

                And you’re right everybody has an opinion but I am trying to help out the community the best way I can.


                • #68
                  Re: Clan Sponsorship goes LIVE!

                  Man o man.
                  The first server is given away and already people trying to come up with some conspiracy theory. Give them a break. As much as this program is charity it is also a business decision. Of course you will try to build some bridges with bigger clans or communities. It is it obvious. They are smart going about it and it does not surprise me at all with the choice they made first. 99 servers to go and I hope that all those who are complaining and bitching will be left out without one. They don't deserve it.


                  • #69
                    Re: Clan Sponsorship goes LIVE!

                    The first clan sponsored at least has experience running a server, then can fill it easier and it makes MYis look better. We have the same experience, we know how to run a 32 player SF server and could easily run and fill a 32 player non-SF server.


                    • #70
                      Re: Clan Sponsorship goes LIVE!

                      so how many clans actually entered this contest???? only like 76 right so couple clans get 2 sponserships that would be sweet...... jk jk


                      • #71
                        Re: Clan Sponsorship goes LIVE!

                        oh man.. we have to list all clan members.. oh boy..there goes some time hahahah.


                        • #72
                          Re: Clan Sponsorship goes LIVE!

                          well if you want to list it

                          I submitted Virtual Warriors Clan and refered ACT Armed Combat Troops and UTAC.

                          i really hope we win at least one of these because practicing on someone else's servers is such a pain.


                          • #73
                            Re: Clan Sponsorship goes LIVE!

                            Originally posted by [MyIS]Napoleon
                            The wait is finally over!

                            The 100 Clan sponsorship application is LIVE!

                            If you are a clan that is looking for a sponsorship, will be taking applications starting today. The first of 100 clans will be announced on Friday July 14th on this site. The application is located at this URL.

                            Good luck guys!

                            for some odd reason i dont find anywhere the list of clans selected?
                            on the site , "coming soon" and i try looking for a topic on the list - nothing , i tried read the "LIVE" topic [thistopic] - nothing.. is there some possible way make it easy to finda list for clans selected?


                            • #74
                              Re: Clan Sponsorship goes LIVE!

                              Originally posted by |.SeSo.|Snake
                              for some odd reason i dont find anywhere the list of clans selected?
                              on the site , "coming soon" and i try looking for a topic on the list - nothing , i tried read the "LIVE" topic [thistopic] - nothing.. is there some possible way make it easy to finda list for clans selected?
                              This is coming soon. We're only into our second day, so only 2 clans have been chosen.


                              • #75
                                Re: Clan Sponsorship goes LIVE!

                                Originally posted by Lieutenant Clone
                                Can I get a confirmation that the real names are accually needed, or if the screennames are ok? Because I submitted mine then found out later the it asks for real names, and I havent gotten an email back on the situation yet.

                                Oh, and I know there is a couple other Lost Souls Clans out there tat play some BF2. Will having the same name be an issue?

                                *bump* Still havent recived a reply to the multiple emails either. I hope your server support is not like this?

