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Battlefield 2: Brain Off

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  • Battlefield 2: Brain Off

    Jofaba is back today with his latest installment in TotalBF2's article series. This time around, he takes a look at a number of mini-mods released for BF2 and reviews them. Here's a piece from the article:
    While digging through the vast number of mods being developed for Battlefield 2, I stumbled across a couple of oddballs that really caught my eye. While the majority of the more anticipated mods are serious ventures; shooting for realism and detail, there's a handful that are shooting for mayhem and giggles. Now, chances are that you've heard of some of these mods. Maybe you even tried a couple of them out back when they were freshly released. But for some reason, it appears that most of you haven't been playing lately, so I wanted to share with you what I do when I feel like turning off my brain and have some good old fashioned fun. Plus, if you guys don't play, then the servers won't be full enough for me to really enjoy myself. And that's simply unacceptable.

    Click here to read the entire article!

    So be sure to take a break from vanilla BF2 and try out some of the mods reviewed by Jofaba. Community feedback is always welcome so post away! Hope you enjoy his latest piece of work.

  • #2
    Re: Battlefield 2: Brain Off

    um - no brickfield?


    • #3
      Re: Battlefield 2: Brain Off

      Originally posted by troybob
      um - no brickfield?
      One of my most anticipated mods, but as far as I know there's not even a beta out yet? The only reason I included Battlepaint, another mod without a beta, is because I don't think many have heard of it and the videos are hilarious.


      • #4
        Re: Battlefield 2: Brain Off

        oh ok i guess i skimmed over the part where you said you would only be checking out those with beta's

        a neat read - and a good service to the community to get the word out about these mods.


        • #5
          Re: Battlefield 2: Brain Off

          Great article, yay for mentioning Battleracer. I will definitely check out these other mods.


          • #6
            Re: Battlefield 2: Brain Off

            sunts mod would be fun to get a bunch of people on. Also do these mods work with 1.3? (i would assume probably not)


            • #7
              Re: Battlefield 2: Brain Off

              Originally posted by Sir. abjam77
              Also do these mods work with 1.3? (i would assume probably not)
              I am pretty sure that they arent affected because most of these have some age to them, and have survived through previous patches, but I'll go through and check each one right soon and let you know. I can only assume the lack of the game crashing means it's okay though.


              • #8
                Re: Battlefield 2: Brain Off

                Nice compilation. I love lists of already released mods so I don't have to sift through all the garbage. Keep stuff like this comin'.


                • #9
                  Re: Battlefield 2: Brain Off

                  i tried out slaughter, it would be awesome to get a server of this up. It works on the new patch, all the supercharged weaponds are crazzyy (i like the AT gun, very original)


                  • #10
                    Re: Battlefield 2: Brain Off

                    Nice job on spotlighting the smaller modifications out there. Without them, BF2 would have gotten old a long time ago.

                    Of course, that list has special significance for Sir., as Sir. Elxx is the co-leader of the Battleracer mod, which just released version 1.22.


                    • #11
                      Re: Battlefield 2: Brain Off



                      • #12
                        Re: Battlefield 2: Brain Off

                        Originally posted by laserpanda
                        Yeah, was one of the first mods I installed like half a year ago but I haven't heard much from them since, and it's been duplicated in Total Retardation and Surreal in various ways. I didn't think it was really worth mentioning. The animation of the wheels going under the jeep's is cool though.


                        • #13
                          Re: Battlefield 2: Brain Off

                          Nice job Jofaba.

                          The article was well written, enjoyable, and there were a few mods I haven't even heard of. I am downloading TR2 now, and a Battlepaint video is getting started out of curiousity.


                          • #14
                            Re: Battlefield 2: Brain Off

                            Another thing about TR... your support gun can be used as a personal rocket launcher. As in, aim at the ground and fly straight up. Enjoy!

                            EDIt: If you download Total Retardation and get an insanely long black screen, just give it some time. I think it's a badly planned video; believe it or not. I think it replaces one of the EA videos. If you get this, let me know and I'll have Spawndemon insert a warning into the main article.


                            • #15
                              Re: Battlefield 2: Brain Off

                              lol, played some TR, great mod. Don't forget about anti gravity c4s! also i love the smoke effects (and for Sir. formation flyers i found a way to get colored smoke, they have it in this mod!). Also there is this wierd thing on top of the jeeep...well, ican't really describe it check out the screenie

                              colored smoke


