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Ways to take out J-10's in JSF's

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  • #16
    Re: Ways to take out J-10's in JSF's

    Originally posted by metallicaguitrst
    Post some of your methods of killing J-10's and also, evading J-10's.

    There is a short clip of a method I use.

    I find that normally slowing down is the only way you will survive a J-10 attack.
    Nice kill man, but be honest, the opposing pilot was poop!
    Your method of killing him is sound, guns only. The same technique works very well in Euro Force during Mig-29 vs Typhoon encounters. Also hitting with guns and quickly switching to missile works. You don't need to wait for a lock tone if you're very, very close.
    Against a decent pilot, the best method of evading J10s, is simple; evade them... keep well out their way. Failing that, vertical climb with full afterburner until you stop.


    • #17
      Re: Ways to take out J-10's in JSF's

      Originally posted by PHPT
      That or lead them to high altitudes, if it's a noob pilot they'll follow and then go spinning off the map. :P
      People do this **** to me all the time and it almost ALWAYS works. I always end up losing them and I never can find my way back.

      How do I avoid that? Just pay attention more to my surroundings while tailing them?


      • #18
        Re: Ways to take out J-10's in JSF's

        Originally posted by thecheat
        People do this **** to me all the time and it almost ALWAYS works. I always end up losing them and I never can find my way back.

        How do I avoid that? Just pay attention more to my surroundings while tailing them?
        don't go straight up


        • #19
          Re: Ways to take out J-10's in JSF's

          Originally posted by thecheat
          How do I avoid that? Just pay attention more to my surroundings while tailing them?
          Watch your altitude. If you're going at 900 and your altitude is nearly 500, they're probably trying to send you into orbit. Problem is once you get that high, the flag markers fade, you have no point of reference, and it's impossible to tell if you're stuck in a tailspin (which you probably are) or are actually headed towards something other than your impending doom.

          Pulling it off requires having a "mark" of some sort so you can at least tell what you're orienting towards, especially since you can choose when to break off. That or having a very good sense of direction since it's pretty hard to tell what's going on when all you see is fog and the skybox. Remember that they know what to look for when they turn around, but if you lose them, you're screwed.


          • #20
            Re: Ways to take out J-10's in JSF's

            Guitarist, great kill. You were lucky the pilot was too cocky though. You could see he was absolutely sure hes the superior. Nice way to show whos the real pilot there

            I loved the fast, consequetive maneuvers, not only barrel rolls. Good use of F-35Bs strenght.

            If youre flying a F35B more often try this. Mark the speeds on your joystick throttle up until 0. I use "900" "600" "400" "0" markings. This way, you can easily prepare to ditch him and keep your exhaust nozzle still in the right position.


            • #21
              Re: Ways to take out J-10's in JSF's

              If someone is stupid enough to actually slow down while flying, they're nothing more than missle food

              Don't EVER fly in a straight and predictable line. Fly high, take odd routes, and never stop checking your six.

              The "S" move is a neat trick as well. Do half a looping, turn around, do another half, and then fly straight down. You'll gain a crapload of speed and it's an ideal time to quickly slip away from your opponent

              Flares can still be useful if deployed correctly. The amount of newbies that I've heard complaining about the flares recently is really getting on my nerves. If you launch the damn things while flying straight, the missle will lock on to the first flare, then see the second, go to that, after it's gone through all of the flares, what does it see? YOU! The best way to use flares is to do a barrel roll while launching them, so they get thrown upwards and cover your ass for a much longer time


              • #22
                Re: Ways to take out J-10's in JSF's

                ^^^its called a split s


                • #23
                  Re: Ways to take out J-10's in JSF's

                  Originally posted by Sir. Blades
                  ^^^its called a split s
                  I dunno. A double split S makes a perfect S.


                  • #24
                    Re: Ways to take out J-10's in JSF's

                    Originally posted by Sir. Blades
                    ^^^its called a split s
                    nah what he's talking about is like the whole "S". A split S is where you are flying straight at like 300 or higher, and then you do a half roll and pull up hard.


                    • #25
                      Re: Ways to take out J-10's in JSF's

                      Originally posted by vets.Sarge
                      If someone is stupid enough to actually slow down while flying, they're nothing more than missle food

                      Don't EVER fly in a straight and predictable line. Fly high, take odd routes, and never stop checking your six.

                      The "S" move is a neat trick as well. Do half a looping, turn around, do another half, and then fly straight down. You'll gain a crapload of speed and it's an ideal time to quickly slip away from your opponent

                      Flares can still be useful if deployed correctly. The amount of newbies that I've heard complaining about the flares recently is really getting on my nerves. If you launch the damn things while flying straight, the missle will lock on to the first flare, then see the second, go to that, after it's gone through all of the flares, what does it see? YOU! The best way to use flares is to do a barrel roll while launching them, so they get thrown upwards and cover your ass for a much longer time
                      the "S" move can be done much quicker. instead of a half loop, turn around, and another half just do a half loop and then put the elevator just as if you're going down in level flight if you get what i mean...


                      • #26
                        Re: Ways to take out J-10's in JSF's

                        Originally posted by sgt-Sander-NL
                        the "S" move can be done much quicker. instead of a half loop, turn around, and another half just do a half loop and then put the elevator just as if you're going down in level flight if you get what i mean...
                        If I got you.

                        Yeah, but thats pushing more into a horizontal flight. You see, people dont like vertical flight as much as horizontal. Horizontal is more natural for them so they follow you easier.

                        Someone on these forums posted a good advice I follow.

                        "Altitude is energy, speed is life."

                        The more you fly non-horizontally in an evasion, the better chances you have to evade. Its just a general observation.

                        Personally, I would add another art. horizon to my HUD, a stripe at 45 degrees, just to keep me at an odd level.


                        • #27
                          Re: Ways to take out J-10's in JSF's

                          This site is good


                          • #28
                            Re: Ways to take out J-10's in JSF's

                            hey metallicaguitarist, I see you are getting a lot of agility in that F35, way more then I usually get, can I ask you are you flying with mouse/keyboard or a joystick and if so which brand?


                            • #29
                              Re: Ways to take out J-10's in JSF's

                              Originally posted by K4M|K4Z3
                              hey metallicaguitarist, I see you are getting a lot of agility in that F35, way more then I usually get, can I ask you are you flying with mouse/keyboard or a joystick and if so which brand?
                              Basically.. this game is weird, in the way that, the faster you go, the more agility you have (yeah thats right I can get an F-35B to do an "on-the-dime-turn, but, it has to be up high. Almost everyone can).

                              And I use joystick. Anyone who says KB&M can compare, is just stupid. Mainly for the fact that you can just NOT be as accurate. To turn (rudder) left/right, you need to press A or D... and that is either "full on or full off" if you know what I mean, where as the joystick, its anywhere in between. With a mouse, you also have to struggle with turning.. you need to pull, lift the mouse, pull down again, lift.... etc... the joystick is just way more efficient.

                              Well I used to have a force feedback microsoft sidewinder 2, but it broke.. so now I am using a logitech extreme 3d pro, and I kind of modified it. I took the spring out of one of my EQ pedals (the spring that keeps the pedal going back up) for my amp, and replaced the HARD spring that came with the joystick. No matter what people say, hard is NOT good in a joystick. The trick is to get it so that its soft and just barely has enough spring power to return to center.


                              • #30
                                Re: Ways to take out J-10's in JSF's

                                the j10 pilot was a n00b :laugh:

