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Why is the unsupported SF still being sold for $29?

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  • #16
    Re: Why is the unsupported SF still being sold for $29?

    anyone who says SF lags is wrong..i used to think the same thing when I had my old computer..guess what, my old pc sucked. Now with my new pc i dont get a bit of lag. SF is NOT laggy if you have a good computer.


    • #17
      Re: Why is the unsupported SF still being sold for $29?

      Originally posted by AK47-Warlord
      Not really, Spetsnaz are Russian Special Force while Rebels are Chechen fighters mixed with Merceneries ... they all got same weapons cause they get them from the same places.
      MEC is just that MEC ...... nothing really intresting about them, Spetsnaz and Rebels have a long history of fighting eachother.
      ho, i understand the nations difference... i was only talking weaponry-wise. and i have nothing against AK vs. AK.

      Originally posted by RangerXML
      Sorry bro, AK vs. AK factions is cool, new RPG thats alot more fun to use and the Support Kit does not have a GL (no nade in there, but that would be cool). SF is a very welcome variation to the normal BF2 USMC vs everyone else!
      My bad. i had only tried it once, and its only the tear gas launcher... i was mistaken because i didnt up my graphic setting yet, so i wasnt able to see if there was a white trail or not nor gas going out. now i know


      • #18
        Re: Why is the unsupported SF still being sold for $29?

        Originally posted by AK47-Warlord
        SF is damn good, puts BF2 to shame to be honest.
        Ever since I played SF I havent touched regular BF2, SF is just all-together so much better.
        Oh man..and this is coming from the guy whos quote is "don't get ripped off, don't buy Bf 2142"

        I don't mean to trash on what you said, nor will I do it direspectfully, but SF maps are a joke compared to what BF2 vanilla offers.

        I enjoy the new additions to some of the kits, nor do I mind some of the new weapons, but SF could have been much better.

        The game doesn't run as smooth as vanilla, and trust me, I have the system and computer knowledge and proof to back it up.

        I dunno, I was excited for SF, more-so than alot of people, and as my sig. may show you, I was quite dissapointed with the overall performance and replay value of the game. Too "linear" it seems.



        • #19
          Re: Why is the unsupported SF still being sold for $29?

          I don't get it. So if I buy SF right now, I won't be able to play it online or something? I was thinking about getting it...


          • #20
            Re: Why is the unsupported SF still being sold for $29?

            Originally posted by Mr.Wonton
            I don't get it. So if I buy SF right now, I won't be able to play it online or something? I was thinking about getting it...
            I don't know what this is about but I bought it yesterday and I've been playing it really much ^^ Online of course


            • #21
              Re: Why is the unsupported SF still being sold for $29?

              Originally posted by subzero extreme
              I was in compusa yesterday and saw Special Forces for sale at $29.

              If EA no longer is supporting SF, then why are they still selling it to consumers?

              And why is the price $29, wasnt it $19 when first released?

              I smell class action suit against EA for continuing to sell a product that is no longer supported, especially when the product refers to customer support on the back cover.
              looks like it's still supported


              unless I missed an anouncement


              • #22
                Re: Why is the unsupported SF still being sold for $29?

                Originally posted by Sacramento
                anyone who says SF lags is wrong..i used to think the same thing when I had my old computer..guess what, my old pc sucked. Now with my new pc i dont get a bit of lag. SF is NOT laggy if you have a good computer.
                The problem is that people who complain about lag in this game run this game on E-machines and then they wonder why it runs like ****.
                I have decent PC and I run the game on 1280x1024 4xaa with most of the stuff on high and not even one hickup.

                Originally posted by machstem
                Oh man..and this is coming from the guy whos quote is "don't get ripped off, don't buy Bf 2142"

                I don't mean to trash on what you said, nor will I do it direspectfully, but SF maps are a joke compared to what BF2 vanilla offers.

                I enjoy the new additions to some of the kits, nor do I mind some of the new weapons, but SF could have been much better.

                The game doesn't run as smooth as vanilla, and trust me, I have the system and computer knowledge and proof to back it up.

                I dunno, I was excited for SF, more-so than alot of people, and as my sig. may show you, I was quite dissapointed with the overall performance and replay value of the game. Too "linear" it seems.

                Dude, your PC is junk if you cant run SF without lag end of story (cause it runs perfectly here).
                I think you are just sore cause you cant run the game smoothly, thats why you prefer BF2 ... I know a ****load of people who played BF2 and then SF and never touched BF2 again.

                But to each their own so whatever.

                And what does my sig has to do with anything ? BF2142 is going to be garbage and its already known.


                • #23
                  Re: Why is the unsupported SF still being sold for $29?

                  ...Guys your crying over spilt milk get over it, some ppl just can't afford nor have the knowledge or a friend to help them get a powerful enough machine for this game. Unless your willing to spend atleast $1000 dollars your not gonna get a lag free experince and thats bare (6600GT 256MB PCIe, 2GB RAM and an AMD Athlon 64 3200+ ontop of a base: mobo, psu, HD and cables) or maybe $750 if you go to a PC show/NewEgg.


                  • #24
                    Re: Why is the unsupported SF still being sold for $29?

                    Originally posted by machstem
                    Oh man..and this is coming from the guy whos quote is "don't get ripped off, don't buy Bf 2142"

                    I don't mean to trash on what you said, nor will I do it direspectfully, but SF maps are a joke compared to what BF2 vanilla offers.
                    Gotta disagree with you. SF maps for the most part are a couple of orders of magnitude more interesting than vanilla. They are more "3d" thanks to the grappling hook and zipline. Vanilla seems so simplistic, usually there are 1 or 2 ways to get up on a roof or into a building. Look at how many ways you can get into the palace on warlord, it's pretty crazy.

                    Originally posted by machstem
                    I enjoy the new additions to some of the kits, nor do I mind some of the new weapons, but SF could have been much better.

                    The game doesn't run as smooth as vanilla, and trust me, I have the system and computer knowledge and proof to back it up.

                    I dunno, I was excited for SF, more-so than alot of people, and as my sig. may show you, I was quite dissapointed with the overall performance and replay value of the game. Too "linear" it seems.
                    I don't have any lag issues in either vanilla or SF so /shrug. My machine is fairly mediocre too.

                    As for the "linear" gameplay comment, lol this is an FPS we are talking about here. If you are expecting something more out of BF2142 or ET:QW then you are probably going to be disappointed. It's the nature of the genre.


                    • #25
                      Re: Why is the unsupported SF still being sold for $29?

                      So SF is better than Vanilla and it runs just as smooth? (Which is what most people say) I'm itchin' to get my hands on it. But I'm practically broke. >.<

                      We're kinda getting off topic aren't we? o.O
                      I think we should change the thread topic to Vanilla VS. SF


                      • #26
                        Re: Why is the unsupported SF still being sold for $29?

                        Originally posted by Mr.Wonton
                        So SF is better than Vanilla and it runs just as smooth? (Which is what most people say) I'm itchin' to get my hands on it. But I'm practically broke. >.<

                        We're kinda getting off topic aren't we? o.O
                        I think we should change the thread topic to Vanilla VS. SF

                        Since this is the SF section I think the majority of people are going to say they love SF. If you asked in the general forums you would find a lot more people who don't like it. Some of the reasons people seem to dislike it are:

                        - Night maps (avoidable if you don't like them, quite a few "day maps only" servers)
                        - Laggy/performance issues. Some people have problems, some don't.

                        Personally I love SF though.


                        • #27
                          Re: Why is the unsupported SF still being sold for $29?

                          Same here SF never lags for me, must be something wrong with your comp.

                          SF maps like Warlord, Mass Destruction are pretty damn fun too

                          Mass Destruction,I mean you got the chechynian rebels fighting the Russian Spetznatz,Rugged terrain, lots of place's for snipers to hide,maps look good, you got BMP's coming over the hillside, Hind helicoptes on strafing runs.

                          Warlord you got insurgents with RPG's driving around in little toyota pick up trucks with 50 cal's on the back trying to hold off british SAS paratroopers.

                          Ghost Town a cool euro version of karkland, you got the apache and hind facing off against eatchother, lots of building to building fighting,British special forces can come in on jet ski's.

                          I don't know what u guys are talking about but the SF Map's are pretty damn fun to me.


                          • #28
                            Re: Why is the unsupported SF still being sold for $29?

                            Did I mention that I can't wait till I manage to save 30 bucks for this thing?
                            You think that this game is worth the $30? Or should it be sold for more because of how good it is? I've been hearing plenty of good things about it.


                            • #29
                              Re: Why is the unsupported SF still being sold for $29?

                              Originally posted by Mr.Wonton
                              Did I mention that I can't wait till I manage to save 30 bucks for this thing?
                              You think that this game is worth the $30? Or should it be sold for more because of how good it is? I've been hearing plenty of good things about it.
                              30 bucks is a proper price for such an expansion... I don't think I would pay more than that. However, it's really worth the money ^^ Great gameplay and nice weapons to kick ass with. But maybe you should ask other peoples opinions, if you ask in a Special Forces-forum, everyone will say that it's great :P Almost everyone.


                              • #30
                                Re: Why is the unsupported SF still being sold for $29?

                                I like SF and all, but I think I will play BF2 more just because of performance. There not that much of a difference, but I play Vanilla bf2 on medium without any problems but it lags on SF with the same settings. If I played it before I bought it, I would wait untill it was $19.99 before i bought it.

