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i feel cheap

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  • #16
    Re: i feel cheap

    I don't think what you did is necessarily cheap. It just validates the idea that getting the "expert" badge doesn't really require that you be an expert. It would have made more sense (to me) to have an award for each weapon instead of a class award. 30 sniper rifle kills IAR(4000 overall) or 40 assault rifle kills etc... to gain the expert status with those weapons.


    • #17
      Re: i feel cheap

      Originally posted by Sgt. York
      I don't think what you did is necessarily cheap. It just validates the idea that getting the "expert" badge doesn't really require that you be an expert. It would have made more sense (to me) to have an award for each weapon instead of a class award. 30 sniper rifle kills IAR(4000 overall) or 40 assault rifle kills etc... to gain the expert status with those weapons.
      thats a great idea or maybe they should do to all kits what they did to the sniper kit, to get expert sniper combat the kills must all come from you sniper kits ie sniper rifle, grenade, knife. gun, claymore...


      • #18
        Re: i feel cheap

        Originally posted by cheesewz
        Cheap is standing on a box and firing the grappling hook over and over again until you get your badge.

        Cheap is throwing flashbangs into the air for no reason other than to get your badge.

        Cheap is climbing a building with grappling hook and jumping down (wash, rinse, repeat) until you get your badge.

        Cheap is flying chopper as high as you can and jumping out just to get your badge.

        Why should you apologize for that? If they weren't smart enough to respawn as AT and frag your ass then it is their fault. You have nothing to apologize for.

        My dad told me something funny once and I think it applies here.

        He said that when you're young that you call a promiscuous individuals "whores". When you're grown up that you call them "good sports".

        Does that make you feel any less cheap?
        Well I got my zipline badge kinda like that but I was on top of a building and there was a guy on the other building and he was Sniping, so I was wondering if I could impale him with it, he didn't notice me though so I kept firing it at him then it came up I got the badge. I got the tactical weaponary badge because I kept firing the Gas gun in the Warlord palace lol funny $hit, racked quite alot of kills. I got the Grappling hook from going Rambo, the building that is on ghost town its to the very left of the Brittish side, I was throwing the grappling hook up climbing up, throwing to the next building etc then shooting some people with the MG36, then throwing again pretty fun.

        Also to add to the original topic that isn't cheap, sometimes I actually go fight when im commander, well not fight kill people, but I go capp flags lol, because one time on OSS all my team did was sit in tanks at one place, and the rest of them doing the 'MINE!' for the helicopter and the aircraft, and all points where being capped so I had to do something.

