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Evil Inside. Subtle or not so Subtle things you have done.

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  • #16
    Re: Evil Inside. Subtle or not so Subtle things you have done.

    if i'm in a crippled aircraft (red bars) i will kamikazi that thing right into someone just so they will lose their vehicle. people get ****ed and think it's lame but if i use my weapons that's not lame. I don't get it. I have achieved my goal of taking you out.


    • #17
      Re: Evil Inside. Subtle or not so Subtle things you have done.

      I pride myself in my ability to force people to teamkill me, then punish them.


      • #18
        Re: Evil Inside. Subtle or not so Subtle things you have done.

        For one thing, its not really evil, but when I join any server I always make squads with stupid names and immediately fill them up. Monkeybutt, LEGObutt, rocknroll, uhaveaids, EFF YOU, stupid names like that, people always join right away, its awesome.

        As for random stuff I love to do...

        -blowing the bridge at the north village on Wake Island right before my teammates are about to cross - and any other strategic bridge
        - nudging snipers and commanders off of buildings and the carrier
        - laying mines in front of hangars so teammates can't take off (when FF mines is off, it just scares them and I take the jet)
        - I just drive a jeep around and bump into friendly vehicles repeatedly, tanks, apcs, other jeeps, its such a **** off thing to do
        - when I'm flying the bomber, laying down 5 bombs right in front of friendly tanks and vehicles, scaring the crap out of them
        - fill up a Blackhawk, then fly like I know what I'm doing, but instead I'll put it right down the nuclear smokestacks on Dalian, killing everyone on board
        - I'f I'm sniping and find a friendly sniper off in the distance, I'll snipe around him and scare him, watch him squirm around or get up and leave, sometimes I'll just snipe his foot
        - just randomly shoot friendlies in the middle of firefights, just to knock down their health
        - throw medpacks in people's faces
        - nudge afk's out of places or off of ledges
        - suicide car bomb groups of friendly infantry

        I almost always do one or the other every round just to break the pace, I really don't care about my rank at all.


        • #19
          Re: Evil Inside. Subtle or not so Subtle things you have done.

          There is something so sophomoric and wrong about this thread.


          • #20
            Re: Evil Inside. Subtle or not so Subtle things you have done.

            my favorite thing to do on maps where there is a carrier (and people inevitably waiting for the planes and cobras) I get the BH and just hover next to the spawn point for the plane or cobra. then when it spawns I use the BH to bulldoze it over the edge into the ocean. Ill get team vehicle damage but not TKs because they are "no more" from falling in the ocean. sometimes ot change it up if there is a big group of people. I will take the blackhawk up, aim it right at the group of people in a dive and bail out. then laugh as it crushes them.

            sometimes if it's wake and Im on chinese and get to the chopper first. Ill flip the chopper over right onto the j10. I get bored very easily :rofl:


            • #21
              Re: Evil Inside. Subtle or not so Subtle things you have done.

              i TK for ammo if they ignore me

              i TK for health if they ignore me

              when i see someone pointing a gun at me, running after me and shooting around me, i TK him

              i TK all friendly snipers with m95 standing near plane spawn point, fu.. no to noob ejection

              and given all of that i have rather low number of tk's

              other than tk's - i ejoy raping mec sf on iron gator being an AT in the hangar
              i enjoy blowing usmc planes form the board of the carier on maps like dalian plant - tank round has the range

              placing AT mines at the spawn location is also fun - got my explosives badge that way - it is amazing how easy it is to score points on some maps this way [fushe pass]


              • #22
                Re: Evil Inside. Subtle or not so Subtle things you have done.

                I have felt the darkness but haven't given in to it.. yet

                Once I was the chinese commander on Wake Island and our main airfield flag had just turned neutral. I was wondering why none of my teammates were capturing back the flag, and then I saw the reason.. about 10 guys at the heli pad in a furious e pressing competition!


                The response was instantaneous lol, they all made a beeline for the flag and got it back ^_^

                If they had stayed there for 5 seconds more.. I would have given in


                • #23
                  Re: Evil Inside. Subtle or not so Subtle things you have done.

                  lol muahahahah


                  • #24
                    Re: Evil Inside. Subtle or not so Subtle things you have done.

                    There was a really annoyin commander he kept shoutin affirmative non stop literally so i can behind him where he was and popped his head full of ma silenced pistol rounds. My god it was satisfyin, aftawards he tried to kill me and i killed him again and started a kick vote while he was respawnin

                    Edit: anova fave time was this guy who tked me for a plane on wake so i got in the essex and when he flew down the carrier strip i shredded thru his plane with the gun


                    • #25
                      Re: Evil Inside. Subtle or not so Subtle things you have done.

                      Originally posted by Sir. Blades
                      ...Or you fly a BH over a bunch of campers and pick them up.
                      Ohhhh....very nice. I'm going to try that one.

                      I've done the same in the past with trucks and campers on the ground heli pads. Never occured to me to do it with the BH.


                      • #26
                        Re: Evil Inside. Subtle or not so Subtle things you have done.

                        Let's see...If I'm commander of the US on Karkand and all the team does is rape the hotel but won't take any flags, I WILL drop arty onto the densest friendly concentration. If someone is stupid and doesn't give health or ammo, I will shoot them one time everytime I see them so I don't get team damage but they're down some health. I teabag anyone who talks crap to me, and rather frequently I'll teabag any sniper that just spams nades and claymores everywhere. If my team sucks and we're gonna lose because everyone is too busy padding their own score, I'll spot them for the enemy =p.


                        • #27
                          Re: Evil Inside. Subtle or not so Subtle things you have done.

                          "Crunch's First Officer"
                          twitter: @signaprime


                          • #28
                            Re: Evil Inside. Subtle or not so Subtle things you have done.

                            Originally posted by The_Misfit
                            Then I saw why, he was up front, fighting, dying, etc... So the 2 of us, and one other guy proceeded to knife, revive, knife, revive, etc.... so that the nub got the message and actually started commanding
                            I did this last night, I am medic all the time cause I love that G36E un anyway, our commander wasnt helping when I would ask for uav over and over and over at factory in Kirkland and the guy wouldnt do anything. So I spawned at where he was and continuiously killed revived him till he got the message, about 12 times or so..

                            I hate people who dont command, and I will do it a million more times so people get the message. So if you see me on your team and you dont command, your ass is mine.


                            • #29
                              Re: Evil Inside. Subtle or not so Subtle things you have done.

                              True story, just a few days ago.

                              I’m on Karkand, as MEC sniper with an L96. I go left (when viewing main map), and start working my way up the mountainside: my goal is the far back USMC spawn, because I want to hunt their commander.

                              You know how everyone clashes on that mountainside in the beginning of a round? Today was no different. Pretty soon, I see an AT guy coming over the lip of a rise, so I drop, fire a round quickly, and to my surprise, he goes down. “Lucky shot” I think, and I sprint again, until I start panting and start crawling.

                              I look downslope, to my left, and here comes a support guy. He prones, I make a snap shot, and luckily it’s another headshot. Same guy, so I think “He’s going to get mad now”.

                              I sprint forward again, run out of breath, drop behind a tree, and sure enough, here he comes again. He’s close, must’ve followed me, and I try to line up a view through the scope but he’s jinking left and right, so I switch back to normal view. He’s on a vendetta for me, he wants blood, because he switches to his knife.

                              I try to switch to mine, but I mess up and in a panic I shoot the rifle accidentally. And you know what happened, don’t you? As soon he was diving in the for the kill, I accidentally headshot him again. That made three times in a row, and by now he’s got to be in a rage.

                              So I really sprint this time, and make it all the way back into their spawn. No sign of the other guy, but I’m spooked, so I sneak around the big trailer, then dash over behind the long fence, and creep up to the other trailer, the one with the rotating antenna. Nobody’s around.

                              I hop up on this little rise behind the trailer, and prone out, figuring I’ll just watch things for a while, and hopefully vendetta boy will forget about me.

                              I’m looking at the gas station where the Humvees spawn, and I see an AT guy come up there. Same guy. I wait a second, but I can’t resist. Easy headshot from the side. The dark side is taking over, and I chuckle.

                              Then I look over to the left, and I see another guy, an engineer. He’s just standing there, with a wrench in his hand. Classic commander pose. So I line it up, wait a sec, and yes another headshot. Oh this is starting to feel deliciously evil in a very good way.

                              I reload, and watch the same spot. Meanwhile, another guy spawns over by the Humvees, grabs one, and drives off. I let him go, it’s the engineer I’m after now. And sure enough, he pops up right in the exact same spot where I shot him last. So I line it up, and although it takes two shots this time because I’m so pumped, I drop him again.

                              15 seconds pass, and there he is again. Same engineer, and I watch as he switches to his wrench. I give him a moment to run, because this really isn’t very fair and I feel a bit guilty, but he stands there like a statue, so I aim a little higher and put one right through his temple again.

                              I figure that this can’t last forever, eventually he’s gotta wise up and spot me or someone else spawning there will hear the rifle and track me down, but I’ll just ride this train as far as it goes, and see what happens.

                              Engineer spawns in a different place this time, but as luck would have it, I’m in the scope and scanning exactly that spot just as he pops into the world, perfectly placed sideways to me, so the crosshairs flash yellow again, and I’m laughing out loud now. This is too delicious.

                              A long 15 seconds pass, then 30, and then I see him. It’s Vendetta Boy, coming with his AT rocket for me, right down the middle of the road in front of the gas station. He fires, the rocket goes barely over my head, then he’s running and jumping and I can’t get a shot, I’m thinking “We’ll, he’s gonna own me now for sure”…

                              He’s getting closer, out comes the knife, oh crap this is gonna be it, and then WHAM the artillery hits us both dead-on, and we’re doing the rag doll through the air.

                              Needless to say, Vendetta Boy left me alone not only the rest of that round, but also for the next three that I stayed on the server.


                              • #30
                                Re: Evil Inside. Subtle or not so Subtle things you have done.

                                Originally posted by The Soup Nazi
                                One day I was playing as USMC at Oman and spawned on the carrier in the middle of the round. We were losing flags left and right and I saw why. There were literally 10 teammates huddled closely together waiting for an F-35 to spawn. The devil on my shoulder told me what to do... so I tossed a single hand grenade right into the middle of them and was awarded with 6 TK's.

                                Sure, I got kicked from the server for excessive teamkilling, but it was worth it.
                                Soup Nazi I feel the same way! Just played a round of Wake Island and the entire round there were 7 - 10+ people all circle jerking on the flight deck waiting for planes to spawn. So for fun they all stand around shooting the flight deck and playing flog the dolphin while others go out and attempt to contribute to the game.

                                So numbnuts thought he needed to lay AT mines all over the flight deck to keep him busy so I ground his face off with my shot-gun before the match ended.

