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Evil Inside. Subtle or not so Subtle things you have done.

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  • Evil Inside. Subtle or not so Subtle things you have done.

    Ok, im one for being prim and proper in the game. I'll admit that. And obviously i hate to rape main uncaps. It just doesn't seem sporting to me.
    However, i've been playing the BF series since inception. Thats alot of years friends.
    SO.........back on topic. No matter how nice of a person you are, or arnt, I'd like for folks to list some things that they either hate to admit, or love to even, that they have done to their teammates, or enemies for that matter that just seemed...... EVIL. (or funny, )

    To start here is one.
    I climbed up on a big hotel buiding. ANd up there was a fellow team mate. Laying down with a sniper. Really on the edge. For a second evil fell on me, and darkness set in. So, i layed down and nudged him........ right off the edge. LOL.
    I laughed seriously for a good 4 minutes or so on that one.

    oh by the way, he died, and for the next 30 seconds or so explained to me, in really violent words, what he would do to my mother.

  • #2
    Re: Evil Inside. Subtle or not so Subtle things you have done.

    One day I was playing as USMC at Oman and spawned on the carrier in the middle of the round. We were losing flags left and right and I saw why. There were literally 10 teammates huddled closely together waiting for an F-35 to spawn. The devil on my shoulder told me what to do... so I tossed a single hand grenade right into the middle of them and was awarded with 6 TK's.

    Sure, I got kicked from the server for excessive teamkilling, but it was worth it.


    • #3
      Re: Evil Inside. Subtle or not so Subtle things you have done.

      The only thing that comes to mind at this point in time would have to be when I base rape with Artillery. It was on Wake and I was the Chinese Commander. There was a server rule of not putting Artillery on Uncaps. Well, I did it anyways. The result? I killed the same set of 3 people 5 times in a row. 2 kept getting inside the Attack Heli and 1 was waiting for it. When I feel the darkness building inside, I really feel no remorse whatsoever.

      Originally posted by The Soup Nazi
      One day I was playing as USMC at Oman and spawned on the carrier in the middle of the round. We were losing flags left and right and I saw why. There were literally 10 teammates huddled closely together waiting for an F-35 to spawn. The devil on my shoulder told me what to do... so I tossed a single hand grenade right into the middle of them and was awarded with 6 TK's.

      Sure, I got kicked from the server for excessive teamkilling, but it was worth it.
      Ah, that reminds me. On countless ocassions have I seen huddled masses of friendlies just camping for a Plane/Heli while our Tickets are being dwindled by the enemy. If it is a Carrier situation, I will get on the Big Guns and destroy every vehicle that spawns. Talk about some fun $hit. Worthy of screenshots I would say.


      • #4
        Re: Evil Inside. Subtle or not so Subtle things you have done.

        lol sometimes i push friendly snipers of roofs...i cant help it, ive seeked help but i cant help myself its so funny some times it as if they are asking me to do it :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:


        • #5
          Re: Evil Inside. Subtle or not so Subtle things you have done.

          yea, i'm a sniper, but i find pushing others off is satisfying. Especially buildings you need a chopper to get up:P


          • #6
            Re: Evil Inside. Subtle or not so Subtle things you have done.

            yea, i'm a sniper, but i find pushing others off is satisfying. Especially buildings you need a chopper to get up:P


            • #7
              Re: Evil Inside. Subtle or not so Subtle things you have done.

              I sometimes play a game in a game. SOme guy kills me on purpose for no reason declaring himself as official enemy (like a double agent) everytime i see that player i will try to kill him!

              The above doesnt happen alot! It even funnier when the other guy tries to kill me (again everyrtime too! Had a fight like that one time and we never punished eachother!!!


              • #8
                Re: Evil Inside. Subtle or not so Subtle things you have done.

                I like to pick up a well placed AT mine thats not mine and replace it. HEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEEH!!!!!!! Then when an APC goes kaboom I watch the guy run out from his hiding place and looking around for his mine, and wondering where his point is. I also like to boobytrap vehicles with explosives, nothing makes me smile more.


                • #9
                  Re: Evil Inside. Subtle or not so Subtle things you have done.

                  I was playing on Karkand and had a "freindly" AT that kept killing me with his DAO. What was happening was he would come around a corner and just start shooting before he saw who was there. I let the first one go, punished for the second and repremanded him but he kept playing like that. Someone tried to kick him (apparently I was not his only victim) but as usual, no one voted except a few. Finally, I had enough so I decided to go spec-ops and start doing car bomb runs.

                  Well who happens to jump in my HMMWV but that same AT guy. So I roll out and find some armor and begin my charge. As I'm rushing in, the AT hops out and starts lining up a shot. Well instead of ramming the tank as usual, I slam on the brakes, hit reverse and run his ass over. Not feeling satisfied, I then hop out and blow up the HMMWV right above his body just to be sure he got my message.

                  I'm pretty sure he left the server after that.


                  • #10
                    Re: Evil Inside. Subtle or not so Subtle things you have done.

                    Putting C4 on planes or attack choppers is my favourite and then waiting for them to get in the air (and ideally start fighting) before blowing them up - not only do they die but you waste loads of their time!


                    • #11
                      Re: Evil Inside. Subtle or not so Subtle things you have done.

                      My only real guilty pleasure involved me and a clanmate - joined a Karkand server and saw 2-3 mutiny attempts right off the bat on our USMC commander.

                      Then I saw why, he was up front, fighting, dying, etc... So the 2 of us, and one other guy proceeded to knife, revive, knife, revive, etc.... so that the nub got the message and actually started commanding


                      • #12
                        Re: Evil Inside. Subtle or not so Subtle things you have done.

                        Originally posted by HowieMandel
                        Ok, im one for being prim and proper in the game. I'll admit that. And obviously i hate to rape main uncaps. It just doesn't seem sporting to me.
                        However, i've been playing the BF series since inception. Thats alot of years friends.
                        SO.........back on topic. No matter how nice of a person you are, or arnt, I'd like for folks to list some things that they either hate to admit, or love to even, that they have done to their teammates, or enemies for that matter that just seemed...... EVIL. (or funny, )

                        To start here is one.
                        I climbed up on a big hotel buiding. ANd up there was a fellow team mate. Laying down with a sniper. Really on the edge. For a second evil fell on me, and darkness set in. So, i layed down and nudged him........ right off the edge. LOL.
                        I laughed seriously for a good 4 minutes or so on that one.

                        oh by the way, he died, and for the next 30 seconds or so explained to me, in really violent words, what he would do to my mother.
                        LMAO you must be related to my teammate snakefang he nudged me off the hotel roof on Mashtur in the middle of my killing spree... i was killing away next thing i know i am a splat of human remains on the ground the fall is so fast and by surprise i couldnt even open my parachute as i heard him laughing uncontrolable over ventrillo...


                        • #13
                          Re: Evil Inside. Subtle or not so Subtle things you have done.

                          One of my clanmates was using the Blackhawk to cap the enemy (MEC) flag at Kubra, I could see the flag going up as I was getting close in a tank and told him to wait for me so I could glom on some points. He didn't and I just missed getting the points. I shot him with a tank round figuring that would just get him smoking and he would go to the pad to repair - unfortunately he clipped a building on the way and crashed, giving me a TK!


                          • #14
                            Re: Evil Inside. Subtle or not so Subtle things you have done.

                            You find someone who is AFK and you just start tking them, then reviving them, then tking again, over and over and over. Or you push the commander off the carrier and ram him with a BH. Or you pick up a full BH and just crash it into the ground. Or you fly a BH over a bunch of campers and pick them up.


                            • #15
                              Re: Evil Inside. Subtle or not so Subtle things you have done.

                              I've bulldozed friendly vehicles off of bridges and cliffs, especially if they're blocking a road and won't move.

