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New Player Question

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  • #16
    Re: New Player Question

    Also, learn to tell uniforms apart. It sounds obvious, but to many new players it isn't - you really want to be able to tell at a glance whether the guy you're looking at is a friendly or not, without having you look at him and check for a red or blue name. Two reasons: one, in that time, you could well be dead; and two, there is a now infamous bug in the game that sometimes puts the name in the wrong colour, making team-mates appear to be enemies.

    If you can't tell friend from foe, one of two things will happen, depening on your mindset and the way you play. You'll either shoot straight away and pick up loads of teamkills, or else you'll try so hard to avoid this that you'll take too long checking every guy and will therefore die many, many times because the enemy will get the drop on you.

    The simple way to tell is that the USMC wears a pale sandy-coloured uniform, whilst China and the MEC both wear a much darker colour. Since China and the MEC never fight each other, you only need to be able to distinguish Americans and "non-Americans".


    • #17
      Re: New Player Question

      Nice little site above. My best piece of advice....Aim for the head! All guns give 3 times more damage if you are hitting their face. Good luck.


      • #18
        Re: New Player Question

        Here are my tips, I learned them when playing the older BF series games:

        - Never walk out in the open when you're not sure where the enemies are at. If you must, then try and keep to walls and obstacles to help you arrive to your destination.

        - Squad up with a squad that use VoIP and follow their steps. Be their medic and help them out when they die.

        - Short round burst ALL the time unless desperate in a firefight

        - stay back, watch what your friendlies do and how they react to a given situation. If you want, let me know and I can show you the rops online some day. Private message me whenever you get time.

        - Sometimes I help my team with rarely getting kills. I shoot and cover fire.

        Either way, as encouraging as we're trying to be, it does come down to learning the basic concepts of having a tactical advantage over your enemy, and vice versa. If you think you can get some easy kills, remember that the enemy is trying not to get killed, so in desperation they may resort to crazy tactics. Think before you shoot. Evaluate before yuo run out. This is definitely not a "run and gun" game.



        • #19
          Re: New Player Question

          all great advice .. and when you are practicing on single player .. DO NOT play on easy .. you will learn nothing that way


          • #20
            Re: New Player Question

            Originally posted by =GzR=Damager
            all great advice .. and when you are practicing on single player .. DO NOT play on easy .. you will learn nothing that way
            Hmm, you may be on to something. This might be why there are so many retards that pass by enemies strafing and looking in the direction of an "enemy spotted" on the mini-map.

            I see the computer fly the helicopter in single player better than some people in multiplayer! ....Start, increase throttle, flip and kill both you and gunner. Spawn, TK the guy that can actually fly, jump in, start, increase throttle, raise about 2feet off the ground and flip once again.



