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Artillery runins gameplay

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  • Artillery runins gameplay

    artillery is so lame, it totally screws up gameplay, am i the only one that thinks this? common. ea should take this out

  • #2
    Re: Artillery runins gameplay

    I am starting to suspect that forums ruin gameplay. I am gathering evidence now and will be petitioning ea to stop the forum madness very soon.


    • #3
      Re: Artillery runins gameplay

      Originally posted by .iKonn
      I am starting to suspect that forums ruin gameplay. I am gathering evidence now and will be petitioning ea to stop the forum madness very soon.
      ROTFLMAO! But couldn't agree more!


      • #4
        Re: Artillery runins gameplay

        Originally posted by .iKonn
        I am starting to suspect that forums ruin gameplay. I am gathering evidence now and will be petitioning ea to stop the forum madness very soon.

        On Topic:

        No, I don't think it should be removed, nore do I think it ruins gameplay.
        It's an aspect of the game that you learn to deal with. Keep your ears open. Most of the time you can hear it coming in with plenty of time to find cover. If you really want it gone, go blow it up.

        There's also mods which remove it. If you feel strongly about it, play them.


        • #5
          Re: Artillery runins gameplay

          i think artillery adds alot to the game, makes it feel more like a battlefield


          • #6
            Re: Artillery runins gameplay

            I don't know about ruining gameplay in general, but I definitely think there should be an option to disable it. It's just annoying, I'd say 50% of my deaths on Karkand at LEAST are from arty. And 40% are from tanks/apcs. Another 5% are from hand grenades. I almost never get killed by an actual GUN lol

            I love when I'm playing on the MEC side on Karkand... and I hear the guns firing, and promptly vacate the area, only to watch 5 of my teamates get owned. Even if I warn them, they just never learn


            • #7
              Re: Artillery runins gameplay

              How to avoid getting shot:

              When you capture a flag, RUN!!! Don't hang around there tossing out medic packs, ammo, claymores, w/e; come back after the arty and you'll have a dozen dead corpses on the ground for you to stock up on points with.


              • #8
                Re: Artillery runins gameplay

                Artillery is a very good asset for a team to have. My only gripe with it is that it has too fast of a reload time. It should be a 1-2 minute minimum (undamaged) before a commander can use it again. As long as you listen for it, use your map to know if it is friendly, and know where/why artillery is being fired, you can avoid it almost everytime.

                Originally posted by Marveric
                How to avoid getting shot:

                When you capture a flag, RUN!!! Don't hang around there tossing out medic packs, ammo, claymores, w/e; come back after the arty and you'll have a dozen dead corpses on the ground for you to stock up on points with.
                Couldn't agree more! The people who cap flags should know that almost 100% of the time artillery will be heading their way. I play with that knowledge, and it has saved my rear end countless times.


                • #9
                  Re: Artillery runins gameplay

                  You know what i think is funny...

                  Arty: Ever-increasing amount of kills...
                  I hate arty threads: zero kills

                  scientifically proven!
                  Arty is more effective then these threads!


                  • #10
                    Re: Artillery runins gameplay

                    I hate artillery. If anything it should have to be called in by a squad leader... And it needs to be friendly fire ON.... Also, Supply crates should NOT repair artillery and other assets..

                    What bothers me about artillery is that once you get a solid firefight going, with front lines, and medics and support doing their job to help the rest of the team, in comes artillery to destroy the one bit of teamwork. Once the artillery strike comes in, bith sides have to try and re-establish the front lines again..

                    Granted IRL, re-establishing front lines is a part of war; but IRL teamwork is much easier to achieve.. In this game, teamwork is destroyed and/or completely avoided because of artillery...


                    • #11
                      Re: Artillery runins gameplay

                      Originally posted by Cornbread Mafia
                      I hate artillery. If anything it should have to be called in by a squad leader... And it needs to be friendly fire ON.... Also, Supply crates should NOT repair artillery and other assets..

                      What bothers me about artillery is that once you get a solid firefight going, with front lines, and medics and support doing their job to help the rest of the team, in comes artillery to destroy the one bit of teamwork. Once the artillery strike comes in, bith sides have to try and re-establish the front lines again..

                      Granted IRL, re-establishing front lines is a part of war; but IRL teamwork is much easier to achieve.. In this game, teamwork is destroyed and/or completely avoided because of artillery...
                      Nope. If it was your arty that destroyed your firefighting opponets you can then storm the artied enemy positions and take the line. That depends on the commander notifying your squad that arty is on way to your area and your entire squad taking appropriate cover while the enemy died in the storm; ready to burst out and attack thier positions over thier critically wounded and dead bodies killing the medics and other survivors.

                      THEN YOU move the battle line forward to YOUR position of YOUR choosing.

                      Not restoring the firefight like before. Arty is the God of War and when it speaks, we little GI Peons need to escape to cover until it is done.

                      Ive watched as my team take or captured hard fought objectives that the artillery finally destroyed. The arty would go on and when it was over I would see the team pour in to kill the enemy survivors and take the place ready to advance to the next base. That Folks; is VICTORY by teamwork.

                      If I wanted to whine about deaths by enemy arty maybe I do it after getting run over by a friendly tank while trying to flee.


                      • #12
                        Re: Artillery runins gameplay

                        Originally posted by Heavy552(AWG)
                        Nope. If it was your arty that destroyed your firefighting opponets you can then storm the artied enemy positions and take the line. That depends on the commander notifying your squad that arty is on way to your area and your entire squad taking appropriate cover while the enemy died in the storm; ready to burst out and attack thier positions over thier critically wounded and dead bodies killing the medics and other survivors.

                        THEN YOU move the battle line forward to YOUR position of YOUR choosing.

                        Not restoring the firefight like before. Arty is the God of War and when it speaks, we little GI Peons need to escape to cover until it is done.

                        Ive watched as my team take or captured hard fought objectives that the artillery finally destroyed. The arty would go on and when it was over I would see the team pour in to kill the enemy survivors and take the place ready to advance to the next base. That Folks; is VICTORY by teamwork.

                        If I wanted to whine about deaths by enemy arty maybe I do it after getting run over by a friendly tank while trying to flee.

                        Doesn't work that way in this game.. What you have is both sides using artillery on the same area, when you have a good firefight going, and therefore no one gains anything. In fact, both sides lose because you have to start over again to rebuild the front line...


                        • #13
                          Re: Artillery runins gameplay

                          Originally posted by Cornbread Mafia
                          Doesn't work that way in this game.. What you have is both sides using artillery on the same area, when you have a good firefight going, and therefore no one gains anything. In fact, both sides lose because you have to start over again to rebuild the front line...

                          true that alotta times both sides use arty in the same area during major firefights...but alteast you know when yours is coming down *cough*GIANT FLASHING RED CIRCLE OF DOOM ON MINI-MAP*cough* and can find cover to hide/fire from.


                          • #14
                            Re: Artillery runins gameplay

                            well, arty is NOT the god of war, might have been close in WWI, but karkand aint WWI.

                            i think its perfectly used, except good firefights on karkand are ALWAYS broken up by the arty, which really sucks.

                            the solution? make tank rounds, APC rounds, SRAWs, or anything big destroy arty and UAV.

                            that means if an enemy tank sees your arty across the bridge, he can blow it up.


                            • #15
                              Re: Artillery runins gameplay

                              i wish u can use the arti to shoot at a tank like BF1942

