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Ever had success with server Admins?

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  • #16
    Re: Ever had success with server Admins?

    Originally posted by Rez_K'awil
    I got into a minor scuffle last week over being kicked from a server - one of the admins kicked me after I killed him on the field, and blamed it on teamkilling. I decided to appeal on the clan's server, only to get the response, "we spent hours looking in the logs and couldn't find any record of you getting kicked." When I said I was disappointed they couldn't find it, they took it the wrong way and told me I was no longer welcome on their server. I tried my best to be respectful and straightforward on their forums, but apparently I still offended them.

    I was just wondering, has anyone had any success with discussing poor admin decisions on the clan's website? If not, I just won't bother next time something like this happens. Anyone have any good advice other than submitting it to when dealing with a situation like this?
    I've had both. We run four ranked servers ATM and get one or two complaints a month. Many of those are straight out lies and many are very abusive. Most of the complaints are misconceptions of why they really were kicked. One guy started writing in all caps for being kicked when asking for a teamkiller to be kicked. It turns out that it was the automatic ping kicker that removed him. If you want to be unnbanned and what not always be respectful and don't lie, lies will get you nowhere and only increase the hostility.

    I've gone to three server forums after being kicked or banned. Two of them could be called successes and one an absolute failure.

    One server had a rule about spawnrape which I interpreted as killing at the uncappable base. So we started circling any important base supressing the enemy and waiting for ground forces. Then recieved a warning from one of the admins. I told them I would comply and we flew to a base destroyed all vehicles coming in and had my gunner eject and go cap the flag from the ground while I hovered above. We were still kicked. So I went to their forums and told them exactly what I had done and why a spawnrape rule is particularly bad and hard to enforce and asked that they would think over their rules. I got only nice responses but I don't know if they changed the rules. This is the link to the discussion if anyone is interested.

    The second kick was for alleged cheating (this was before any aimbots were out and an accusation against hellfires). I got on to their server and asked them to supply any proof at all and why they felt the need to ban. The responsible admin said the opposing team had been accusing us of cheating and kicked by hearsay alone. They unbanned us. A few weeks later we found ourselfs on that server again and were banned for statspadding or cheating, I can't remember which. This server is run by clan asbo. Don't go there.

    The third instance was a making-room-for-admin-kick of the highest scoring player that had 50 kills or so to 0 deaths. I promptly went onto their forum telling them that kicking players for scoring high without making certain of statspadding is bad. Kicking the highest scoring player while making room for an admin is bad. And why some other possible reasons for kicking the highest scorer is wrong. The admin that kicked stuck to his story that he was making room for an admin and that the score didn't matter but that the guy had a high ping. One guy implied that there was fould play involved combined with uncap rape. Then they locked the thread.


    • #17
      Re: Ever had success with server Admins?

      guys if you are having probs with other clans servers come by our 64 player ranked server you can get the ip at our website


      • #18
        Re: Ever had success with server Admins?

        Originally posted by Rez_K'awil
        I was just wondering, has anyone had any success with discussing poor admin decisions on the clan's website? If not, I just won't bother next time something like this happens. Anyone have any good advice other than submitting it to when dealing with a situation like this?
        I've had good success. I started with a kick, now I admin on a the server.
        Got booted for attacking uncaps on the R2 server 'cause I was being stupid and not paying atention to either rules or warnings. I thought I'd been banned (I wasn't, it was only a 5 minute delay before I could rejoin) and took it up with the admins. Said sorry and admited it was my own stupid fault. They let me back in and we ended up enjoyed eachother's company enough for them to be able to sucker me into joining the clan.

        Now I'm on the flip side of the coin and do listen to players when they come to us. If they lie or act like dicks they get treated poorly. If they're rational about it, we work through it.

        Originally posted by MouseNo4
        BF2RS are like real life cops. They are there to enforce the rules, but rarely do so. They are never there when it matters, always there when you make the one mistake in your gaming life and are always stuck up little so and so's. You go to them to try and fix a problem and they give the standard answer "i am afraid i cant do anything about it". I am yet to see a real life cop do anything good. And the same rings true for BF2RS.
        Untrue and unfair.

        As to them being snotty, that's a BS generalization. We got investigated due to some unfortunate events and the BF2RS Admin we delbt with was very cool about the whole thing. We spent more time laughing than grouching.

        More to the point, BF2RS has no real power. This should be known. They don't have a big red button they can push to nuke servers or player stats. All they can do is listen to and work with the community and relay information to service providers and EA.

        RL cops get the same shafting too.

        Easy for either to become jaded.


        • #19
          Re: Ever had success with server Admins?

          Originally posted by Rez_K'awil
          I got into a minor scuffle last week over being kicked from a server - one of the admins kicked me after I killed him on the field, and blamed it on teamkilling. I decided to appeal on the clan's server, only to get the response, "we spent hours looking in the logs and couldn't find any record of you getting kicked." When I said I was disappointed they couldn't find it, they took it the wrong way and told me I was no longer welcome on their server. I tried my best to be respectful and straightforward on their forums, but apparently I still offended them.

          I was just wondering, has anyone had any success with discussing poor admin decisions on the clan's website? If not, I just won't bother next time something like this happens. Anyone have any good advice other than submitting it to when dealing with a situation like this?

          if this had occured on our server we would have given you the benifit of the doubt, there would have to be a real record or knowldge of you being an asshat to not be welcome on our server, if you own us out of skill we try to recruit you or at least salute you, not kick you....


          • #20
            Re: Ever had success with server Admins?

            Our server has the most simple rules:
            1) Don't TK or Force TK
            2) Don't advertise or recruit for your clan on our server.
            3) Don't be a smacktard.

            Of course, rule 3 is very subjective, but I think we are fair about it. Usually, first offenses to rule 3 are kicks not bans.
            Here is an excerpt from someone I kicked (not banned) last night:

            Daqing Oilfields. I am following an F-15 in the SU-30, waiting for a gun shot quietly behind him.
            He drops his bombs and knocks out 5 people.
            He is so excited he does a victory roll and flies straight as he types “WooT!!!”
            Just as he is finishes his typing, I light him up and he explodes.
            I couldn’t help it. I typed back “WooT!!!”.
            Well I guess that sent him over the edge. He started with,
            “You F****ing =EL= have to download you skill”
            “=EL= S**ks. They are all hacks!”
            And so on and so forth.
            My only response was
            “We certainly do not hack. All this because you got mad I said the same sarcastic remark as you. You are being kicked for one hour. You may return after that.”
            I kicked him and he came back an hour later, much more behaved.

            Another example: Our server switches teams between the two rounds per map. Some players, especially on Chinese flying maps, switch back so they can keep the upper hand in the J-10. I give them plenty of opportunity to switch, then they are kicked for a round.
            There is a certain standup individual in this thread I needed to kick once. He has since been a model player on our server.

