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Ever had success with server Admins?

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  • Ever had success with server Admins?

    I got into a minor scuffle last week over being kicked from a server - one of the admins kicked me after I killed him on the field, and blamed it on teamkilling. I decided to appeal on the clan's server, only to get the response, "we spent hours looking in the logs and couldn't find any record of you getting kicked." When I said I was disappointed they couldn't find it, they took it the wrong way and told me I was no longer welcome on their server. I tried my best to be respectful and straightforward on their forums, but apparently I still offended them.

    I was just wondering, has anyone had any success with discussing poor admin decisions on the clan's website? If not, I just won't bother next time something like this happens. Anyone have any good advice other than submitting it to when dealing with a situation like this?

  • #2
    Re: Ever had success with server Admins?

    Not really much you can do about it unless they persistantly abuse against all players then you could fraps it I guess and try at BF2rankedservers.

    Good luck there though BF2RS very rarely reply to threads and if they do it takes forever to get anything done.


    • #3
      Re: Ever had success with server Admins?

      I was kicked because i wouldnt give up the MEC chopper so the admin and clan members could go spawn camp. They reported me as disrespecting the admins. The only bad thing i said "What would you clan leader think about this"

      Told them i reported the server to BF2RS, and i was never banned, i still paly on the server and own the two guys that kicked me, since they love to spawn camp, and i beat them at it


      • #4
        Re: Ever had success with server Admins?

        you can report abusive admins at the new forums

        or at


        • #5
          Re: Ever had success with server Admins?

          Usually your best bet is to try to find the personal email address of the admin who you got in a tiff with and write him an email apologizing for any misunderstanding. You gonna have to swallow your pride on this one. The ironic part is that if you are actually successful at reaching him and getting him to let you back in, you might find him being 10 times nicer to you online.

          Using the forum channels are usually too impersonal and lead to the clan member ganging up on you. Gotta avoid that hostile environment ;-)

          I haven't had any problems on battlefield, but when i use to be a clan leader for counter strike i use to always have to negotiate with admins to get us unbanned from servers.

          Good luck


          • #6
            Re: Ever had success with server Admins?

            i usally just add the clans server to my "badly admined server list" and not go on their server again, i only bother posting on their forum if they make their clan out to be a good community type clan who try to be fair. Then you either get all the clan giving you crap or they say sorry. Its best when you can get proof though like the battlefield recorder file or something then post that and then they quickly shut up giving you crap and give crap to the person who banned you for killing him heh.


            • #7
              Re: Ever had success with server Admins?

              Originally posted by Rez_K'awil
              I got into a minor scuffle last week over being kicked from a server - one of the admins kicked me after I killed him on the field, and blamed it on teamkilling. I decided to appeal on the clan's server, only to get the response, "we spent hours looking in the logs and couldn't find any record of you getting kicked." When I said I was disappointed they couldn't find it, they took it the wrong way and told me I was no longer welcome on their server. I tried my best to be respectful and straightforward on their forums, but apparently I still offended them.

              I was just wondering, has anyone had any success with discussing poor admin decisions on the clan's website? If not, I just won't bother next time something like this happens. Anyone have any good advice other than submitting it to when dealing with a situation like this?
              I have been kicked from a few servers for owning the resident clan, which is sad cuase I am just an average player so where does that leave them? So I can relate generally I just move on to another server or go home to =IMO= server.


              • #8
                Re: Ever had success with server Admins?

                If I get kicked, I don't care. If they ban me however, I try to look the matter up, but haven't been banned by admins yet. Just auto tk kickers.


                • #9
                  Re: Ever had success with server Admins?

                  BF2RS are like real life cops. They are there to enforce the rules, but rarely do so. They are never there when it matters, always there when you make the one mistake in your gaming life and are always stuck up little so and so's. You go to them to try and fix a problem and they give the standard answer "i am afraid i cant do anything about it". I am yet to see a real life cop do anything good. And the same rings true for BF2RS.


                  • #10
                    Re: Ever had success with server Admins?

                    The BF Police, how full of $h!^ are you. Gone from polluting the BF2RS forums now onto another gimmick. If anyone takes that seriously and start another wasteland of crap to feed fake admins egos they are nuts. The only admins are those of us who pay the server bills. You roe hardon wannabes can pay the bill then impose your will. Empty shallow humans that want to be in charge of something.


                    • #11
                      Re: Ever had success with server Admins?

                      This can be a double edged sword. On one hand you have the admin that bans the player in question. They might think that they are doing the server a favor. So the player goes to their forums and starts ranting and raving calling people names, whatever. This method will only reinforce the decision made, even if it was a poor one to begin with. SOme of the younger admins feel the need to "make examples" of people in public forums or on the server.
                      On the other hand, the player gets banned and they go to the forums. They present their scenario and explain in detail what has occurred. More often than not, the admins will remove the ban and offer an apology, case closed and everone goes home happy.
                      I am both a clan leader and an admin, I have read posts regarding this issue. I try my best to be impartial and look at the issue on both sides of the coin. A server that I help pay for monthly is being disrupted by someone that wants to break the rules and get away with whatever they feel like. This can potentially create a problem and stop regulars from showing up. Or someone accidently banned them and they need to be educated a little more in when and what to ban for specifically. It happens, people make mistakes and life goes on. I always try and give someone the benefit of the doubt.


                      • #12
                        Re: Ever had success with server Admins?

                        the best thing you can do on their site, is to be respectful and courteous.

                        Remember, it's their server. If the reason wasn't a major one (padding/hacking/racism/intentional tk etc...), being nice and respectful will give you better chance at getting unbanned.

                        Going into their forums and bitching and calling them names, will only server to keep you banned.


                        • #13
                          Re: Ever had success with server Admins?

                          Well I often have great results with admins as I tend to stay on good servers

                          LaidBackCrew and LateLateCrew Rock out load with their admining and don't tolerate the ass-hattery of some people.

                          I have in fact had issues with as of recent...
                          Get into a Helicopter and had the "Lead" admin put me into the out of bounds area to kill me off so his clanmate could get in and they could fly together, they asked me to get out but I was actually there before they were so they did this. Really a shame cuz' I enjoyed going there but won't now because of this, as many I used to play with don't anymore.


                          • #14
                            Re: Ever had success with server Admins?

                            Is very simple dont play on their servers, if they want to dickheads about it, leave, there's over a 1000 ranked servers. There's a few out there with great admins that dont think they are God's give to video games.


                            • #15
                              Re: Ever had success with server Admins?

                              Is very simple dont play on their servers, if they want to dickheads about it, leave, there's over a 1000 ranked servers. There's a few out there with great admins that dont think they are God's gift to video games.

