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Simple request for those who play 24/7 karkand

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  • #31
    Re: Simple request for those who play 24/7 karkand

    Originally posted by {Sn][per}Farva
    Please don't go sniper and also get into tanks/apcs. I've been playing these kinds of servers as engineer(trying to get expert engineer and veteran armor), even host two of them. But i'm tired of having points deducted for team vehicle damage because the guy in the tank/apc who is a sniper got his butt kicked and now needs fixed so he comes barrelling into me cause he sees my little wrench floating above whatever i'm in. I don't mind fixing as i'm sure no one else as engineer in a vehicle does, heck thats why i went engineer, to fix armor on an armor based map. But please have the consideration to return the favor. So many times I die stupidly cause i have a tank and an apc following me for repiars then when we run into their armor train i can't back out of the way without losing points. People go onto 24/7 karkand maps for certain reasons. Being sniper shouldn't be one of them.
    Why are you blaming all snipers, there not the only other kit besides the Engineer. Besides, its a game, who gives a fu-k besides geeks? Im sick of complaining, keep it to yourself unless its somthing we really want to hear! You get points for in too, so whats the big deal, come on.


    • #32
      Re: Simple request for those who play 24/7 karkand

      this is a forum...people come here to discuss things. If you kept reading you would have seen that, yes its not just snipers and that it was all talked about. Now you chime in like some hardass, if its just a game and only geeks care..then go f-king play somewhere and stay off the boards where people come to talk about the game we play. No one made a big deal...check the title...SIMPLE REQUEST. yet you come off like some e-tough guy knocking anyone who wants to discuss the game they play.


      • #33
        Re: Simple request for those who play 24/7 karkand

        I find it funny you complain about the snipers and have in your name


        • #34
          Re: Simple request for those who play 24/7 karkand

          its the name of the group i help run. I like sniping, weapon of choice for most other games i play...but i was just making a statement that they aren't really useful in a tank on karkand. Or at least that guy in that round that made me make this post was completely f'ing useless.


          • #35
            Re: Simple request for those who play 24/7 karkand

            Yeah, read it again. All he stated was snipers. I don't care about stats, don't know why anyone would. Your gonna to move on to another game anyway.


            • #36
              Re: Simple request for those who play 24/7 karkand

              pfft, didnt you know. when your a sniper and you hop in a vehicle you can lay down claymores by pressing alt+f4. comes handy when you see pesky c4kiddies trying to blow


              • #37
                Re: Simple request for those who play 24/7 karkand

                Originally posted by ROCKETt
                pfft, didnt you know. when your a sniper and you hop in a vehicle you can lay down claymores by pressing alt+f4. comes handy when you see pesky c4kiddies trying to blow
                Yea, were that stupid. hahaha :laugh:


                • #38
                  Re: Simple request for those who play 24/7 karkand

                  Originally posted by die2fly
                  Yea, were that stupid. hahaha :laugh:
                  :drevil: :drevil: sssshhhhh quiet


                  • #39
                    Re: Simple request for those who play 24/7 karkand

                    Personally, because teamwork does kinda blow on a majority side, yes, i know, somegames are sweet and chock full of teamwork, but thats a minority of the time.
                    Anyways, because of that, i find that the sniper kit is the MOST equipt class to capture an infantry gaurded/spawning flag. If your going against 3-5 guys and more, they arnt much of a problem with careful planning and realizing the overall picture.
                    Nope, if i gotta get sent in to capture a certain flag.........send me in with the sniper class.


                    • #40
                      Re: Simple request for those who play 24/7 karkand

                      i was sitting in a n apc, and the resident tank whore jsut reverses into me. before, i was full health, and he was smokin. i died and he got the tk, but why didnt he die? oh, and another time he flipped me


                      • #41
                        Re: Simple request for those who play 24/7 karkand

                        i was sitting in an apc, and the resident tank whore jsut reverses into me. before, i was full health, and he was smokin. i died and he got the tk, but why didnt he die? oh, and another time he flipped me


                        • #42
                          Re: Simple request for those who play 24/7 karkand

                          i was sitting in an apc, and the resident tank whore jsut reverses into me. before, i was full health, and he was smokin. i died and he got the tk, but why didnt he die? oh, and another time he flipped me

