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Simple request for those who play 24/7 karkand

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  • #16
    Re: Simple request for those who play 24/7 karkand

    Originally posted by maranello

    Originally posted by BlackHawkPilot73
    oh well get over it..its life
    Please don't flame. He has a point and even if he didn't, this shouldn't be the kind of response anyone deserves on these boards.
    Haha PWNED!


    • #17
      Re: Simple request for those who play 24/7 karkand

      {Sn][per}Farva you on about this server mate i always see you on there.

      24/7 karkand TBF2

      hosted by {Sn][per} GROUP


      lol i see you on there enough i know exactly what you mean about the snipers you or one of your guys was pleading with the armour to go engineer and some arse kept going sniper and taking the tank. Although it is a good way to get your expert badges i got expert Anti tank by armour whoring. LOL but i didn't take the tank at first i was USMC so at the beginning of the round i rushed the factory capped the flag then jumped in the tank and defend that flag all round i didn't die once and finished the round with something like 200 points. I think one of your guys was commander and dropping crates on me to keep me alive thank them for me will you.


      • #18
        Re: Simple request for those who play 24/7 karkand

        its been a while since this thread was started. Red orchestra has come out since then, and if any of you play that then maybe you'll agree with this. DICE should take something from that game, the fact that not everyone can just hop in a vehicle and go. There should have been like an aviator kit or armor kit. I hate wanting to fly, waiting my turn, only to get it stolen by somebody who just wants a quick way to get across the map only to bail out somewhere, or even worse, lose it to somoene who crashes into the water 50' from the carrier.


        • #19
          Re: Simple request for those who play 24/7 karkand

          i only play with medic or engi on karkand
          and i mostly use a tank, but i Know how to use one unlike some people


          • #20
            Re: Simple request for those who play 24/7 karkand

            People will get their badges and awards as they want to .

            Noone cares


            • #21
              Re: Simple request for those who play 24/7 karkand

              Originally posted by *FMJ*Bird
              People will get their badges and awards as they want to .

              Noone cares
              then if you don't care...don't post. like the title says... it was just a SIMPLE REQUEST.


              • #22
                Re: Simple request for those who play 24/7 karkand

                Originally posted by {Sn][per}Farva
                People go onto 24/7 karkand maps for certain reasons.
                Please excuse my ignorance, but what is so special about 24/7 servers? I've never joined one, but this comment you just made, makes it sound unique. (Other than Karkand for 24/7 )


                • #23
                  Re: Simple request for those who play 24/7 karkand

                  they're just servers that choose to run certain maps only or specific rotations. 24/7 karkand is just other maps. They'll also run 64 sized maps on a 16 man server sometimes with the intent that the rounds will be very long and you can accumulate a lot of points. Actually its no more than playing normal rounds, people just get excited to see they got 200-300 points for one hour and a half round. But you can get a lot done in those long rounds. Like 40+ kills for your expert badges. The 20 or so resupplies or repairs for other badges.


                  • #24
                    Re: Simple request for those who play 24/7 karkand

                    nothing Dumber than being an armor whore in ANY map
                    (especially Karkand)
                    while NOT being an engineer !
                    hmmm. yes there is !!
                    being an engineer and armor whore
                    as stated often = a pack of armor with engineer drivers is fairly invincible
                    (ok - takes well co-ordinated counter attacks = but those are rare)


                    • #25
                      Re: Simple request for those who play 24/7 karkand

                      Originally posted by TopGunGreg
                      nothing dumber...NOT STICKING WITH THE OTHER ARMOR ON YOUR TEAM!
                      as stated often = a pack of armor with engineer drivers is fairly invincible
                      (ok - takes well co-ordinated counter attacks = but those are rare)

                      thank you...someone who understands. I had just come from a round where it was me against a tank and 2 apcs who were well executed when i made this thread. where as me and my sniper friend in his, who kept bailing out of his apc leaving it parked behind me(great for getaways) and the other guy in the apc who was driving around in the water. were getting owned. I would have at that point just left and found another server...but it was on my own I begged for another engineer, but was the only one on my team.


                      • #26
                        Re: Simple request for those who play 24/7 karkand

                        Originally posted by {Sn][per}Farva
                        They'll also run 64 sized maps on a 16 man server sometimes with the intent that the rounds will be very long and you can accumulate a lot of points.
                        My understanding is that this is against the BFROE and I remember reading here that a prominant member had his stats recently wiped for the same thing.


                        • #27
                          Re: Simple request for those who play 24/7 karkand

                          you can run whatever map sizes you want...if you couldn't then map size wouldn't be a selectable would just be based on the amount of slots the server had. What you can't do it call the server big score or high points, something to that effect.

                          §1.8 Players may not use or exploit game mechanisms to artificially boost their score ("stats padding") and Server administrators may not knowingly allow or encourage this activity on their servers.

                          This would include but not limited to:
                          § Knife-Pistol-Revive
                          § Knife-Pistol only Servers
                          § Knife only Servers
                          § High Points Servers
                          § Infantry only Servers
                          § No Artillery or Armour Servers
                          § Using Vehicles removed from battlefield for purposes of artificially inflating points
                          § Turning boats upside down and repairing
                          § Glitching inside buildings.
                          § Modifying game files for vehicles and weapons.
                          § Items not included in this list would be up to EA & DICE to interpret.


                          • #28
                            Re: Simple request for those who play 24/7 karkand

                            the amount or map sizes are available not as a choice, but as an option for when more people accumulate on your server.

                            Its not set up so you can say............... i want to play 64 man size map, with 16 people so i can get huge points.
                            Look at your REASONING as to WHY you want to play 64 map, with 16 people.
                            That in itself is against the ROE...........what planet do some of you guys actually live on???!??


                            • #29
                              Re: Simple request for those who play 24/7 karkand

                              And its the same thing for the foot soldier(whichever kit he/she chooses to use) that walks around between the tanks and apcs while they're engaged with the other teams and gets him/herself teamkilled. Then punish on top of it because a tank tried backing away from another tank and ran you over?

                              Just had to comment on this. OMG i agree. Far too many people think that they have right of way over tanks.
                              At the end of the day, if your in a tank, likelyhood is that you are going to be focused on something at least 20 meters away. So if there is infantry around your tank you are not always going to see them. So any movement is likely to run them over, then they punish YOU!!!

                              If you cross the road and dont look both ways first, and just ran out and then got run over. would you sue the driver????? I dont think so, ITS YOUR FAULT FOR NOT LOOKING!!!!!

                              So why punish for an obvious mistake. Some people are just plain dumb!!!


                              • #30
                                Re: Simple request for those who play 24/7 karkand

                                Originally posted by HowieMandel
                                the amount or map sizes are available not as a choice, but as an option for when more people accumulate on your server.

                                Its not set up so you can say............... i want to play 64 man size map, with 16 people so i can get huge points.
                                Look at your REASONING as to WHY you want to play 64 map, with 16 people.
                                That in itself is against the ROE...........what planet do some of you guys actually live on???!??
                                one i never once said why i like playing large maps on 16 man servers. I hate the load times in bf2. I don't always have vast amounts of time to sit infront of my computer for long stretches. So when i get on i want to play. I like playing karkand. There are an abundand amount of servers with that set up(64@16) so i pick one. That way for the hour or 2 that i get to play i can spend the entire time playing.

                                Its not a choice but an option? wtf? For when more people accumulate? only so many can join at once, and i can't just pause mid round and up the map size cause now a few more people have joined. And yeah there actually is the choice to go out and say i want to play a 64 sized map with only so many people on it. The server filters easily allow for that one. They can only recommend what size maps a server with x amount of players should run, just like friendly fire, you're allowed to turn it off, but ea would recommend that it be left alone. just wanting to play a certian kind of round isn't against the roe. thats why people are allowed to set up servers as they wish to an extent. If i want to play air maps i'll go find a 24/7 air maps server or a 24/7 gulf server. If i want to work on my armor and engineer skills and get my times up so i can accumulate more badges then zatar wetlands is not the map for me...see my point. I was going for expert engineer and am still going for vet armor. what better environment to do that in than karkand? what planet are we from?....please!

