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PKM nerfed, but still powerfull, we have balance now ?

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  • PKM nerfed, but still powerfull, we have balance now ?

    With this new patch, 1.22 , the PKM got nerfed a little , but I do feel they nrfed it, many far distance shots I used to have a kill for shure, well, I hurt them but no kill , unless they keep standing offcourse .

    in close to medium combat, it is stil very usefull and a piece of equipment wich is able to do some major damage , only thing I do notice is the small delay wich will make you loose against some guys with a good reflex.

    another thing is, on medium distance, you need to go off the trigger some more for compensating recoil, where the PKM was just a pull trigger and hold trigger machine, you do need to compensate more now .

    So all after all, I do feel it's balanced.

    One minor point, sounds don't match always, meaning you here a gunshot of your PKM, but actualy nothing has happend yet, you are still in the delay zone , they don't seem to adapted this yet .

    PS : just encounterd this tody, recorded it in a small movie, thaught it was funny

  • #2
    Re: PKM nerfed, but still powerfull, we have balance now ?

    The PKM is balanced now... My main concern when people were asking for the PKM to be nerfed was the possibility that EA/Dice would over-nerf the PKM, but it appears that they did a good job of getting a ssssolid balance.


    • #3
      Re: PKM nerfed, but still powerfull, we have balance now ?

      Originally posted by Cornbread Mafia
      The PKM is balanced now... My main concern when people were asking for the PKM to be nerfed was the possibility that EA/Dice would over-nerf the PKM, but it appears that they did a good job of getting a ssssolid balance.

      yes, true, mostly when the comunity asks for something, DICE seems to be always overdoing it .

      comunity asks for better AA : they give is UBER AA
      comunity asks for better support weapons : they give us auto snipers with 100 clip
      comunity asks for nerfing BH : they give us a low armored chopper, and miniguns shoot BB's now


      • #4
        Re: PKM nerfed, but still powerfull, we have balance now ?

        blackhawk miniguns are deadly - most guners simply cant aim ahead and whine

        try it yourself - how fast one dies if HIT with bh minigun

        as for the pkm, it is still the most used weapon on karkand - and well, let it be, i dont play that map anymore. and it is still deadly. and if one used pkm in full auto.. well, you've been wasting it. pkm is the tap-tap weapon. STILL.

        a nice side efect of 1.22 changes is chinese machinegun.. oh my, it is the autosniper rifle with 100 magazine. it lacks the power of pkm, as it needs 5-6 shots for a kill, but with 900rpm, oh mamma..

        ps. UBER AA? joke.. joke.. it would have been uber if planes couldnt see it before aa can get a lock. but now.. one has to realy fly low and slow to stay in range long enough to get locked on, and the missile actualy reach him, before locks ends


        • #5
          Re: PKM nerfed, but still powerfull, we have balance now ?

          Originally posted by sidtherat
          a nice side efect of 1.22 changes is chinese machinegun.. oh my, it is the autosniper rifle with 100 magazine. it lacks the power of pkm, as it needs 5-6 shots for a kill, but with 900rpm, oh mamma.
          I'm not too worried about the Type-95 becoming overpowered. Even being the most accurate LMG currently, it's still only about half as accurate as the PKM used to be, and it needs to hit twice as many times for a kill.


          • #6
            Re: PKM nerfed, but still powerfull, we have balance now ?

            flop firing still seems to be wildly popular in short-med range combat for LMG users and despite the slight delay to reach prone accuracy it seems to still be quite effective.


            • #7
              Re: PKM nerfed, but still powerfull, we have balance now ?

              Originally posted by sidtherat
              blackhawk miniguns are deadly - most guners simply cant aim ahead and whine
              Not true, they are unbelievably undeadly... me and my bro were slowly circling an enemy today for about 2 mins at a distance of about 10m... we managed to hit him about twice... it was so lame that i took to trying to ram him with the chopper... we were owned by his medipac...


              • #8
                Re: PKM nerfed, but still powerfull, we have balance now ?

                Originally posted by sidtherat
                a nice side efect of 1.22 changes is chinese machinegun.. oh my, it is the autosniper rifle with 100 magazine. it lacks the power of pkm, as it needs 5-6 shots for a kill, but with 900rpm, oh mamma..
                They reduced the base deviation (minDev + stance and zoom modifiers) but doubled the per-shot deviation and also increased the recoil while zoomed so it isn't clearly superior to the other LMGs, just different. It is MUCH better than the others when standing though; more of an assault rifle with a big clip than an LMG. I may actually use it now.


                • #9
                  Re: PKM nerfed, but still powerfull, we have balance now ?

                  Damn funny clip there Rombaft!

                  As far as the PKM, I think the slight nerf was a good move - still very effective weapon close to medium range, but not the super uber sniper cannon that it was after 1.21.

                  I played a few rounds of Sharqui and Karkand last night, and although there was the normal half a team of PKMers, I definitely noticed that I wasn't getting as many "wtf?" and "BS" deaths.

                  Maybe by the time the community's dead they'll have sorted all the issues...


                  • #10
                    Re: PKM nerfed, but still powerfull, we have balance now ?

                    yah im happy with it now but some other guns need some better balancing


                    • #11
                      Re: PKM nerfed, but still powerfull, we have balance now ?

                      I think that all the guns are fine now that there is no auto-sniper.


                      • #12
                        Re: PKM nerfed, but still powerfull, we have balance now ?

                        LOL, people saying that the BH is still deadly, you just have to aim. So sad. Support your words and put up a movie like Planewhore did, then come and talk about the BH being deadly.
                        Seriously, the splash damage should be about halfway between 1.12 and 1.2. The BH is horrible now.


                        • #13
                          Re: PKM nerfed, but still powerfull, we have balance now ?

                          I don't think that the BH should get HE rounds again, i think tracer rounds will solve the problem.


                          • #14
                            Re: PKM nerfed, but still powerfull, we have balance now ?

                            I was playing around with it this evening and feel its been balanced a lot better maybe a tad to much on shots at range, but its much better now and balanced a lot better. IMO


                            • #15
                              Re: PKM nerfed, but still powerfull, we have balance now ?

                              I've seen the videos people refer to and been on both sides of the PKM (though still not as much as AT rockets, G36Cs, and sniper rifles). In virtually all the instances I see complaints about the "auto sniper death cannon," its right in the range where the PKM *should* dominate, and the enemy targets die because they aren't used to dealing with effective sustained fire. THIS IS WHY MACHINE GUNS CHANGED WARFARE.

                              Most "snipers" I see in the game sit out on exposed roof tops and blast away at crowds 50-100m away... and actually expect to have some kind of advantage over an MG or assault kit. You need to actually think about where you plop yourself down and maybe think about displacing once in a while. And if you see three people cross a street and get gunned down, maybe you should NOT go that way and simply expect that you can out-duel the enemy with your uber l337 mouse skills. Or do what you mother taught you in the first place and look both ways (and up ...and down), before crossing the street. And don't wander off by yourself to save the day.

                              sorry I'm a little grumpy about this

