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Why worry about 2142?

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  • #16
    Re: Why worry about 2142?

    Really, who cares? BF3 will not be out for a couple more years. That will give Vista, DX10, and the hardware relating time to propagate throughout the gaming community. And looking at that, BF2 is a DX9 game, but it still runs on older cards with outdated shader modeling.

    The money aspect of this whole thing is truly for the benefit of the whole community. Reusing the BF2 engine will allow DiCE to generate enough revenue to continue production on future titles. There could be potential that the moneys that come from 2142 could help provide free extras to the stock BF2 community via patches (like the Wake Island Map).

    Sure, we would love the Sweden office working on more booster packs, but I think they have pushed that work off to Canada for patch and pack development. The best criticisms I think you could make now of DiCE would be to ask them to promote the best technology on the horizon for BF3. If they are holding out till more information is released from Microsoft, then it is a good thing.

    I want a game that will allow 1024 players on a map. Or even better, I would not mind seeing an ever-dynamic version of BF2 in a Massively Multiplayer Online Game. Complete with country size battlefields that have full air wing groups, completely destructible cities, moving naval groups, and a serious ranking system that rewards for leadership and/or combat style.

    With all the talk about how CPUs are going about to leapfrog today’s technology (Conroe and DDR3) and GPUs finally shrinking their core size, and extended code sets for x64, I could easily see BF3 being a major advance in gaming. (Though, in my heart, aside from the eye candy, I don’t think that BF2 was that technologically advanced)

    Why not? Let 2142 come and go, let DiCE and EA make their money off those who like that genre. It will get piped back into the development team that designs BF3.

