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Euro Maps - too many players quit

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  • #16
    Re: Euro Maps - too many players quit

    Originally posted by AlphaCueUp
    u dont understand what im saying......special forces is an expansion too...yet it does not show up when i have the "same mod" box checked....same should be for euro forces......true you should be able to have vanilla maps in the rotation....but the euro forces servers should not be visible to me when i make the browser search...they apear as red....what is the purpose in that? why show up at all?
    Sorry bro, you're missing my point... Special Forces is considered to be an expansion pack. There are different tools aside from the weapons that neither Euro nor vanilla BF2 use. Euro Force is referred to as a booster pack...just a few new maps and weapons meant to expand upon vanilla BF2. The kits are still relatively the same. No night vision, no tear gas, no grappling hook, no zip line, and lots and lots of vehicles...


    • #17
      Re: Euro Maps - too many players quit

      your point really isnt disagreeing with what im just also saying that there is no reason for the eruo forces servers to show up when i search, as i dont have it installed on my computer, and it would only serve as an inconvenience...EA or whomever should realise that this poses as a difficulty for us, and appearently for these servers as well, and make the simple and appropriate adjustment in the next patch....

      euro forces servers should also continue playing maps from vanilla and maybe even begin to with long as they dont show up when i search for this makes playing bf2 harder


      • #18
        Re: Euro Maps - too many players quit

        Not to toss more fuel to the fire, but I really feel that EA's decision to allow for people to get disconnected from a server merely because they didn't purchase one of their expansion/booster packs is really poor customer support. I believe that servers should be able to run any/all maps they want, although there should be a filter so that if people want to play vanilla or SF then they should be able to find servers running that. If we pay to play this game, we shouldn't be penalized for not paying MORE for something we might not want with it.

