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Leaked BF 2142 video analysis

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  • Leaked BF 2142 video analysis

    Ok, there's another thread on BF 2142 but I decided this warranted a seperate discussion since it concerns the supposed leaked video of 2142 that's been floating around on the net. here goes my analysis...

    Has anyone seen the supposed leak video of BF 2142 on youtube( )? A few people were saying it was actually a FMV from an old PSX game called Future Cop. I have never played that game and cannot comment on that, but I must say that alot of the stuff that is shown and heard in that video seems very consistent with the BF2 engine. The lighting, the shadows, the way the soldiers run (notice the second guy reloading). Also, I do not think that PSX era CG can look that good. I just got done playing Tekken 3 a couple days ago which is the creme de la creme of CG FMV's on PSX and was kind of shocked at how bad the CG looked compared to the real time rendering of the top game engines of our time.

    One of the most impressive things that seems like a dead giveaway to me that this is really the next BF is the doppler effect that you hear when the mech and the hovercraft thingies go past the camera. You can test this out with an attack chopper and do a fly by with the stationary camera while firing the auto cannon. The results are strikingly similiar. Different sound effects, but it definitly sounds like the same code was used to achieve the doppler effect to me. You can even see the empty shells from the mech falling towards the camera (like bf2s choppers)!

    Another thing to point out is that DICE games has pretty much run out of wars to fight. I don't think many people wanna pack gun powder in their muzzleloaders after every shot in BF: Civil War. The logical next step is to create a futuristic game. Not only that, but DICE has some serious competition coming up in Enemy Territory: Quake Wars. DICE took Valve head-on with BF2 and now they are ready to take on ID software.

    Now, I may just be speculating and this is really just an FMV from an old crappy game. In that case, I hope someone will come foward with a rip of the exact FMV that this is supposed to be ( for necessary tools) or at the very least confirm that they have seen the exact same FMV.

  • #2
    Re: Leaked BF 2142 video analysis

    Yes almost every thread on this topic has that video in it.


    • #3
      Re: Leaked BF 2142 video analysis

      ^ Is your ram special? You have 1022mb of ram.


      • #4
        Re: Leaked BF 2142 video analysis

        If that's a leak, I'm Santa Clause.

        It's either a fake or intentionally planted in order to stir up interest.

        Edit to back statement with logic: If it was leaked, dice would have demanded it be pulled from the net. It tags itself as "internal use only" and thus would get the guy who leaked it in some perty hot water. It's also been spammed to enough forums and stuff so there's NO way Dice could have missed it!


        • #5
          Re: Leaked BF 2142 video analysis

          Originally posted by Alm()nd J()y
          ^ Is your ram special? You have 1022mb of ram.
          No I actually have no idea why I put my ram there.


          • #6
            Re: Leaked BF 2142 video analysis

            Originally posted by Wargimp
            It's either a fake or intentionally planted in order to stir up interest.
            I was thinking it was intentionally planted since the first day I saw the video. The timing seems kind of suspect. I just am really hoping it's not fake. I'm already pumped up for ET:QW and BF2142 is just the icing on the cake.


            • #7
              Re: Leaked BF 2142 video analysis

              Originally posted by bitvomit
              I was thinking it was intentionally planted since the first day I saw the video. The timing seems kind of suspect. I just am really hoping it's not fake. I'm already pumped up for ET:QW and BF2142 is just the icing on the cake.
              Don't expect to see it for about 3 years. That's fine with me. Gives me time to enjoy other things and to aquire a significant computer upgrade.

              I do have some reservations tho.

              Rather than re-typing 'em, lemme just quote myself from that other thread:
              Originally posted by Wargimp
              That time? You mean last night?

              Hehe, umm... yeah.

              I'm a future tech buff. I'm also big into real sci-fi. It's almost a dead art these days tho. Everyone conforms to the same old fantisy setting of artificial gravity and jump-drives. Such things are pure fiction as opposed to the great writes of time past that managed to actually predict future technologies.

              You know that Auther C Clark is consitered the inventor of the modern sattelite simply because he wrote a story that included mention of them before they existed?

              That's cool.

              I'd love to see a game that uses what we've got now combined with current research and real laws of physics to produce something that I could believe in as a possible future of warfare. Still gotta be cool 'n fun 'n stuff.

              Simple things go a long way tho.

              For example... energy weapons for grunts is unlikely to every be a practical thing. They would require massive powersources to drive 'em. However, it's possible to do neat things with tech we've got. I've theorised about using explosive based slug throwers (firearms) that would contain a highly charged capacitor in the ammuntion. When you blow up a capacitor, you can make a really big spark. Drive that spark through and alluminum or thermite based slug and you'd get a very hot projectial comming out.

              This is the science behind a plausable plasma rifle. No magic involved since such a thing could be built (but isn't practical or required in this day and age).

              Yeah... I'm a geek.
              Couldn't you tell?


              • #8
                Re: Leaked BF 2142 video analysis

                One big reason that you can tell this is fake is if you look at the skins of the infantry. Looks exactly like the terrorist skins from CS:Source. So I think its a fake.


                • #9
                  Re: Leaked BF 2142 video analysis

                  OMG, thats it. I knew it looked so god damn familar the first time i saw it, Future Cop on ps1 the Cutscene were always of impressive quaility in that game. If anything just by the video i'd say it's a sequal to that or something because there are just so many similarities between the two.

                  I've still got my copy of the game, i might try rip the FMV's and take a look.


                  • #10
                    Re: Leaked BF 2142 video analysis

                    Originally posted by Twisted-
                    OMG, thats it. I knew it looked so god damn familar the first time i saw it, Future Cop on ps1 the Cutscene were always of impressive quaility in that game. If anything just by the video i'd say it's a sequal to that or something because there are just so many similarities between the two.

                    I've still got my copy of the game, i might try rip the FMV's and take a look.
                    It may have just been an inspiration for the next BF game. But I still have an open mind that it could be an FMV from future cop. All cards are still on the table.

                    Originally posted by Wargimp
                    Don't expect to see it for about 3 years. That's fine with me. Gives me time to enjoy other things and to aquire a significant computer upgrade.

                    I do have some reservations tho.

                    Rather than re-typing 'em, lemme just quote myself from that other thread:
                    The JSF supposedly can use directed energy weapons:

                    Advanced weapons

                    The direct lift fan assembly, when not installed, provides approximately 100 ft3 of space [6], along with more than 27,000 hp (20 MW) available for electrical power production [7]. This has made directed-energy weapons possible for the F-35. Some of these designs, including solid state lasers and high-power microwave beams, are thought to be nearing operational status [8].

                    The future is already here. There's alot of crazy technology coming up on the not to distant horizon that would make for a realistic yet sci-fi shooter game.


                    • #11
                      Re: Leaked BF 2142 video analysis

                      Kinda looks like something from Battlefront 2.


                      • #12
                        Re: Leaked BF 2142 video analysis

                        Dice has already admitted it's working on BF 2142.

                        And asked about the video they said "no comment." They could have said "it's not our game" or anything else, but they said "no comment."

                        It's real, and we're all going to find out about it in PC Gamer soon (see other thread about this).


                        • #13
                          Re: Leaked BF 2142 video analysis

                          Originally posted by Somedudes
                          Dice has already admitted it's working on BF 2142.

                          And asked about the video they said "no comment." They could have said "it's not our game" or anything else, but they said "no comment."

                          It's real, and we're all going to find out about it in PC Gamer soon (see other thread about this).
                          No comment could easily also mean "that's not our video, but we're enjoying the free advertising".


                          • #14
                            Re: Leaked BF 2142 video analysis

                            Originally posted by Wargimp
                            No comment could easily also mean "that's not our video, but we're enjoying the free advertising".
                            So your implying they actually had a good idea?


                            • #15
                              Re: Leaked BF 2142 video analysis

                              Originally posted by exho
                              So your implying they actually had a good idea?
                              How many millions has your company made?

                              Dice obviously has had a couple good ideas along their way.

