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PKM sniping video!!

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  • #16
    Re: PKM sniping video!!

    Originally posted by JDUB
    The J-10 video, though, was just plain boring,
    That was the point.


    • #17
      Re: PKM sniping video!!

      Thanks for the vid. I learned a lot from it actually.

      I normally shot in bursts of 3-5, but after your vid I started shooting single shot.

      Went 42-7 on Karkand with the PKM, infantry only. I think I'm in love.


      • #18
        Re: PKM sniping video!!

        The video might be worth a crap if it wasn't recorded in SP...


        • #19
          Re: PKM sniping video!!

          Originally posted by Cornbread Mafia
          The video might be worth a crap if it wasn't recorded in SP...
          What do you mean? That was Mashtuur City, and it's an MP-only map. What am I missing?


          • #20
            Re: PKM sniping video!!

            Originally posted by Tyler Hudson
            What am I missing?
            The part about Cornbread Mafia being mentally handicapped.


            • #21
              Re: PKM sniping video!!

              Old News... Very Old


              • #22
                Re: PKM sniping video!!

                the PKM owns eveything, i like it the way it is because usually people are dumb enough to shoot it standing up.......If you lay down you will
                A. Die Less Often

                B. Get Those Major Kills


                • #23
                  Re: PKM sniping video!!

                  Whats your in-game name planewhore... didn't it used to be |CCC||Planewhore ...?


                  • #24
                    Re: PKM sniping video!!

                    That's his friend's account, who doesn't play anymore. PW said his infantry account didn't have the PKM unlocked and he was like 10k points away from his next rank but his friend already had the PKM so he used his account for the video.



                    • #25
                      Re: PKM sniping video!!

                      The PKMs new found power is probably the one thing that really bothers me about BF2.


                      • #26
                        Re: PKM sniping video!!

                        WOW that is amazing, only a god among men can pull that off.


                        • #27
                          Re: PKM sniping video!!

                          What that last part? Well, im sure the "sniper" was grateful that his target was standing still. The whole time. After being shot several times.


                          • #28
                            Re: PKM sniping video!!

                            i seriously cannot wait to unlock that gun.


                            • #29
                              Re: PKM sniping video!!

                              Originally posted by PlaneWhore
                              The part about Cornbread Mafia being mentally handicapped.
                              Oh wow an insult. I am hurt.:hmm:


                              • #30
                                Re: PKM sniping video!!

                                Okay already skimmed over three people in this thread that I'd like to kill. And snowy, since you're the most recent, congrats.

                                plz repeat after me k????????

                                The PKM is unfair.
                                The PKM is unfair.
                                The PKM is unfair.
                                The PKM is unfair.

                                And I love the ones that try to strategize with it. 'omg if u lay down teh gun is peur pwnage LOL' or the more cryptic, 'if u use 3 round bursts or single shot u get beter ratio!!!!!!!!!!!1eleven'

                                Sorry but it takes little to no skill to use, and even standing up, it outclasses the DAO for close to medium quarters. This gun is a pathetic reminder that EA/Dice don't know what they're doing. If using it makes you feel better than other players or having a nice K ratio helps you sleep at night then enjoy.

