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Good things about 1.21 , please post here .

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  • #46
    Re: Good things about 1.21 , please post here .

    Originally posted by kamandor
    "Hard turning" is what pilots do in real life to escape missiles, aside from various other measures. The best way to not get hit is to not fly in straight lines. Arguing against "hard turning" is stupid, as it is an entirely effective means of not getting killed.

    Additionally, as others have mentioned, there are ways of breaking out of "circle wars", and if you can't do that then you probably shouldn't be flying a jet. At the very least should learn how to break out of a "circle war" instead of complaining about it.

    In closing, leave the jets to the real pilots, fight on the ground until you think you can dance. Thanks. Peace.
    In real life pilots don't have to wait 10 min for dropping flares again, they can drop as much and as fast they want, till they don't have anymore offcourse


    • #47
      Re: Good things about 1.21 , please post here .

      AA in 1.2

      MaxAngleLock 120
      MaxYaw 3
      MaxPitch 3

      AA in 1.21

      MaxAngleLock 45
      MaxYaw 30
      MaxPitch 30

      The increased Yaw and Pitch mean that the missile can now make sharper turns ONCE IT IS LOCKED ON A TARGET. However, The missle now needs more careful initial aiming toward the target.

      Probably dogfighting will now become a bit different. Look at the new numbers!

      A2A missiles:

      A2A in 1.2

      MaxAngleLock 120
      MaxYaw 3
      MaxPitch 3

      A2A in 1.21

      MaxAngleLock 45
      MaxYaw 15
      MaxPitch 15

      Now the A2A and SAM missiles are different in this patch! SAM can turn faster than A2A.

      good AA patch for me


      • #48
        Re: Good things about 1.21 , please post here .

        Originally posted by <}US{> Need_2_Kill
        i was able to out run almost any missle coming at me, since im learning again to fly with my joystick, i died a few times..the AA is just right

        LOL, good for you, bad for the AA guy


        • #49
          Re: Good things about 1.21 , please post here .

          Originally posted by kamandor
          "Hard turning" is what pilots do in real life to escape missiles, aside from various other measures. The best way to not get hit is to not fly in straight lines. Arguing against "hard turning" is stupid, as it is an entirely effective means of not getting killed.
          The total lack of reading comprehension on these forums makes baby Jesus cry. The problem isn't hard turning, the problem is that it only works for ONE DAMN PLANE.


          • #50
            Re: Good things about 1.21 , please post here .

            i like that i can play now cuz whit 1.2 cant istall taht patch :S but his worked


            • #51
              Re: Good things about 1.21 , please post here .

              The AA is perfect. Instead of the missles zig-zagging, now they go to their target. I can get a lock, fire 2 missles and pull away and get a kill. Although the AA on planes sometimes dies, the missles didn't shoot for me quite a few times and I had to shoot down the F-18 or F-35B with Cannons.


              • #52
                Re: Good things about 1.21 , please post here .

                My only complaints are that after I patched it last night, there were only like TWO servers running it. All of my favorite servers were running the old version. All I could find was one 16 player server


                • #53
                  Re: Good things about 1.21 , please post here .

                  Good things about 1.21 , i can now take screenshots again


                  • #54
                    Re: Good things about 1.21 , please post here .

                    one VERY good thing is that now that 1.21 is out, EuroForce is next.

