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  • #31
    Re: I have yet seen...

    Is it me or do all colonels suck on infantry fighting?
    im only a captain, but ya ive only seen a few colonels and they werent anything too special. the thing is, many players got where they are from stat padding or whoring unbalanced weapons vs idiots.

    and any legit high ranked player that sux at infantry combat should kill themselves right now. getting high ranks means alot of time invested, if you cant use a rifle by this point...


    • #32
      Re: I have yet seen...

      What´s your problem?
      If you are unskilled, have time to play and enjoy this game why shouldn´t you be high ranked? You may not like the ranking system but put your complains in the system not in the player.

      P.S. - Normally in real life the higher the rank the less you have to shoot.


      • #33
        Re: I have yet seen...

        This is basically E-Penis stroking...

        No. Not all Colonels suck at ground pounding. Heck, Rank is hardly an indication of anything because 90% of the people with high ranks have earned them through the simple means allowd in BF2:

        Medic, Support, Vehicles.

        Rank isn't a direct reflection of skill. It's more of a directly reflection of the amount of time put into ranked servers, and the "size" of the server you play on. Odds are, you're going to get a higher score if you play all 64 player maps. Versus the people who play 16 play maps...



        • #34
          Re: I have yet seen...

          Originally posted by <}US{> Need_2_Kill
          heres the screen at sharki

          *pic removed

          it got worse later on, like only 10 people on my side, and all officers and high sgt on the other side
          I'm seeing the occurance of team-switching to be higher than ever it seems...especially when there are officers present in the game. I play mostly Karkand servers that have auto swapping at the end of each round, and I see mostly officers switching to USMC every time.
          I still don't understand why teambalance on some servers would ever need to be turned off anyway.


          • #35
            Re: I have yet seen...

            Originally posted by Wolfgang Abenteuer
            I've seen BushViper on the ground before, usually followed by a big message on my screen saying:

            You have been critically wounded.

            BV is one Colonel, at least, that I can guarantee does just fine on the ground...

            lol, that's true. i was on a server with him once and i remember some ppl on the other side were claiming he has an "aimbot."

            some ppl just play a lot and some ppl just play a lot and are good!


            • #36
              Re: I have yet seen...

              Originally posted by <}US{> Need_2_Kill
              Im not much of a team player, and one accident makes me a tker for a heli funny, i dont even fly the heli anymore
              if by "one acident" you are reffering to the entire round......then yes, it does make you a TKer...whats so hard to understand? how is that funny?

