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Blackhawks need more abilities

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  • #31
    Re: Blackhawks need more abilities

    1.Ever herd of trasport hellis?
    2.Mabey in real life they can't stand a aa shot.
    3.Even though bf2 has bad flight models they still can put some realisem in it.
    sorry if I seemed harsh just trying to make a point


    • #32
      Re: Blackhawks need more abilities

      What i usually do when my mates or with teamwork clans, is have the BH full up with a couple of medics, an engineer, some AA/special ops. After i have filled my BH up, i fly a small distance above and behind the attacking force and get the miniguners/soldiers to shoot some suppressing fire over my teams heads so they can get into cover and do their specified job. After that i say as safe as i can until someone requests/spots something which may give them difficulty, (EG.sniper in annoying posistion or a tank which my AT man/Spec ops man could deal with).

      I also fly down if they get into trouble so my medics can go and heal them up. If to many of the ground attacking force are killed, by lets say enemy arty, i will drop the men from my chopper and they can keep the enemy from advancing to quickly so i can go and pick up some more men from the carrirer, drop them off and repick up my chopper squad.

      I have only been able to do this twice though due to most players being lonewolfs or stupid. Even though i was only able to do it a small amount of times, we won quickly and with little casulties. I'm not saying it was all due to the BH but it helped alot. It was also probaly one of the most fun times ive had on a server and also because the jets on my team where keeping the AA and other jets occupied. The blackhawk is very good, but maybe, sometimes can be a bullet magnet.

