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Blackhawks need more abilities

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  • Blackhawks need more abilities

    I really like piloting blakchawks and transporting people to the right flags, but it gets destroyed WAY to easily and isnt fast enough to esacape AA.

    i can dodge missiles petty well, but when you play....Dalian plant for instance, and your being shot at by a ground anti air, a jeep .50cal and a tank and a jet chasing you. its just stupid. especially when not one person gets in the blackhawk, they just sit at the carrier waiting for the jets to only go and get shot by noob baserapers ;d

  • #2
    Re: Blackhawks need more abilities

    well, if your are skillful enough to dodge and evade all those buggy, you will be fine.


    • #3
      Re: Blackhawks need more abilities

      You have no idea what a full squad of engi's on Wake Island base raping the airfield can do, Thats why they're being nerfed in the next patch. You just need to find some good mates to hope in with you in the BH.

      As far as I'm concerned, give the MEC or Chinese choppers something, apart from transport and capping flags, they'r pretty my useless IMO.


      • #4
        Re: Blackhawks need more abilities

        yeah if you have a few friends its much easyer say 3 enginers in the back 2 medics on the guns and support for piolet and all use voip/ ts ect then all the better


        • #5
          Re: Blackhawks need more abilities

          you need a good crew who are all in the same squad if you want to survive ina BH.

          Gunner (medic)
          Gunner (medic)

          That works quite well, but you really need to work together to survive. Have your crew spot out the enemy so you know where to place your gunners etc.

          And most importantly if one of then says "move it" then you get that chopper out of there, they are able to see more than you so you should always listen to your crew.

          However this almost never happens.


          • #6
            Re: Blackhawks need more abilities

            Originally posted by Eden
            you need a good crew who are all in the same squad if you want to survive ina BH.

            Gunner (medic)
            Gunner (medic)
            you should also make the pilot a support troop, incase your engineers decide to throw some mines


            • #7
              Re: Blackhawks need more abilities

              Originally posted by Sir. Shpox
              You have no idea what a full squad of engi's on Wake Island base raping the airfield can do, Thats why they're being nerfed in the next patch. You just need to find some good mates to hope in with you in the BH.
              exactly, in the right hands they are highly effective, at least in 1.12.
              Originally posted by Sir. Shpox
              As far as I'm concerned, give the MEC or Chinese choppers something, apart from transport and capping flags, they'r pretty my useless IMO.
              thats the entire point of a transport helicopter.


              • #8
                Re: Blackhawks need more abilities

                Get rid off the blackhawks on larger maps and have one of these instead.


                • #9
                  Re: Blackhawks need more abilities

                  Originally posted by spitsfreeman
                  yeah if you have a few friends its much easyer say 3 enginers in the back 2 medics on the guns and support for piolet and all use voip/ ts ect then all the better
                  i bet after the 1.2 patch this tactic will not be effective, weaker helis, better aa, weaker miniguns, and best of all, more accurate pkm. try this tactic in 1.2 and ill get you bastards quickly with my pkm.


                  • #10
                    Re: Blackhawks need more abilities

                    Originally posted by Sephiroth
                    Dalian plant for instance, and your being shot at by a ground anti air, a jeep .50cal and a tank and a jet chasing you. its just stupid. especially when not one person gets in the blackhawk, they just sit at the carrier waiting for the jets to only go and get shot by noob baserapers ;d
                    dalian planet is a great helicopter map because of all the obsticales, after you get past the water anyway. if the us has even one flag, the majority of team should not be on the deck, nor in a helicopter, dalain plant is a ground map, pure and simple. the transport helicopter is for airborne assault, which means three different things, it means it can be used for high altitude squad drops, it can air taxi soldiers closer to the fight, and it can insert and support. when you insert and support, the enemy is busy dealing with two elements at once, your squad on the ground, and your door gunner, thus you have a huge advantage. the transport helicopter is not an attack weapon, using it as such is llama imo.

                    i do agree that the transport heli does need more abilities though. the crew other than the door gunners and pilot should be able to repel, to give the pilot the ability to fly low, and still drop off troops. all air and aa should have radar. and i think all transports should have a small amount of rearming ability, like 1 pack that regenerates every 1 min or so. this is just a realism feature though.


                    • #11
                      Re: Blackhawks need more abilities

                      If you think the blackhawk is too easy to shoot down, you are a shoddy pilot and deserve to become an expanding fireball.


                      • #12
                        Re: Blackhawks need more abilities

                        I don't see the AA issue. The BH drops flares like nobodys business so AA isn't much of a trouble. This may change after the patch. The problem is other aircraft usually. Planes ramming/machinegunning you or attack helos raping you with TV missiles and rocket swarms.

                        Can't believe no one suggested having specops in their ultimate crew combos! Having at least one guy throwing C4 out of the heli can be so damn effective!


                        • #13
                          Re: Blackhawks need more abilities

                          Most of the time I get in the transport chopper with guys that have no idea how to fly.. I hate pilots who fly a fully loaded chopper head on to the enemy base full of soldiers only to get blown up as he tries to land 2 feet from the flag. Unless you have an attack chopper or plane on your a$$, let the 2 gunners do their job and clear the base a bit before you land.


                          • #14
                            Re: Blackhawks need more abilities

                            Originally posted by Sephiroth
                            I really like piloting blakchawks and transporting people to the right flags, but it gets destroyed WAY to easily and isnt fast enough to esacape AA.

                            i can dodge missiles petty well, but when you play....Dalian plant for instance, and your being shot at by a ground anti air, a jeep .50cal and a tank and a jet chasing you. its just stupid. especially when not one person gets in the blackhawk, they just sit at the carrier waiting for the jets to only go and get shot by noob baserapers ;d
                            No. .


                            • #15
                              Re: Blackhawks need more abilities

                              BHs need more abilities..HA!

                              You are crazy!

                              BHs own everything with three engs inside repairing...thier miniguns fire insanely fast and kill u in hit....its almost impossible to die unless you are rammed or your pilot just decides to take a nap....

                              O and btw, its easy to dodge missiles get low and/or get behind terrain.

