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Laidback Crew server......

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  • #46
    Re: Laidback Crew server......

    I don't see what the problem is here, these guys are paying for the server and their rules are all fine within the ROE and they are allowed to enforce them. Like many others have said if you are going to whine about them go play on another server.

    Half the people in this thread are arguing over attacking an uncappable rule. The real issue of the thread was because the guy didn't follow the rules and got what he deserved.

    I don't like peope attacking an ucappable in a vehicle but i've learnt it's something thats going to happen. The worst kind are the ones who take the fighter and then strafe and bomb uncappables not letting enemy jets off the ground, these guys have no confidence in their dog fighting abilities and i will always see them as easy kills when i'm in the air.


    • #47
      Re: Laidback Crew server......

      Originally posted by LBC|LiquidBruin
      Look guys, I'm usually pretty laid back and I'm going to stay that way now...ok?

      There's no sense in this flaming going back in forth. I understand those that have gripes being upset, that's usually the way it happens.

      Could we agree that you guys are not going to buy our side of the story and that we're not going to buy yours? I don't think any of this is going to change any of our minds. There's not going to be any kind of magic pill that's going to make everyone agree on how the game is supposed to be played. This forum is proof, there are posts both for and against the policies we follow.

      Since as it's been pointed out that our server is within the rules for ranked servers from EA, are we expected to change our policy because a dozen or so guys don't like them? I don't think that even you guys would expect that.

      Anyway, I can appreciate your dislike but I don't agree. I hope that you guys may change your mind some day but if not, then I hope you find servers that you do like and enjoy the game. That's what we all paid the dang money for anyway right?

      For those of you who asked, our rules are posted on our website and here's a link, hope you find it useful.

      Thanks for posting the rules! It's your server and I fully support you enforcing them. I may not agree with some of them but I don't have to play there either. I would recommend putting a link to the rules on your main page instead of buried deep within your website.



      • #48
        Re: Laidback Crew server......

        Alright... so i'm not trying to drum up support for myself (cause i know i'm in the right) This happened awhile ago.

        I was on your 56 person server 1-28-06 around 8PM central.

        I was on the MEC team, piloting the MEC bomber. I was #1 overall, the 2 F-35's and the USMC player in the MEC fighter couldn't shoot me down. I can only remember causing 1 TK, anyways sometime during the middle of the game i was kick and banned.

        I hoped on your TS server and talked to a few of the LBC regulars. They were kind enough to check the logs and said "he must of slipped and hit BAN instead of KICK"

        One of the guys' who i talked to said, he kicks players who are idle first and then with negative scores second. I was neither, I'm not trying to speculate WHY i was kicked it just curious how out of 56 players, #1 has to go.

        Anyways i'd like to be un-banned ASAP.



        Hmm, beats me. Maybe it was me, maybe not - Hell if I remember. I do remember you playing though - And I do remember you consistently whoring the jet - and I do remember also that the side I was on had absolutely nobody useful flying choppers or jets. Pretty unbalanced when all you have are ground pounders on one side and then the jets/choppers that are nearly impossible to shoot down on the other.

        You're not in teh banlist. But don't expect me to personally give you teh thumbs up and a-ok. I've seen yo in action, and as far as I'm concerned if you can't split up your play between various roles and want to stick solely to whoring a jet (and then on top of it doing it on the side that already has a ****load of air support against a side that has none) then I for one wouldn't want you around.

        But, again, I claim amnesia here because I don't remember any ban being placed on you.

        Hmmm... maybe it was, maybe it wasn't? Well whomever it was seems to have re-moved the ban. I'll say thanks for that.

        You remeber me playing..... Figures i was in the bomber, which used correctly does rack up large amount of kills. Jet Whoring? Now that sounds like someone frustrated by being bombed? I beleive that was my second round on that map, the first i was all on the ground, maybe a bit of armor for a second. But thats not the point.

        The game in question had YOU on the USMC side. Your team controlled 5/7 bases, we held the Hotel and their was a constant battle for that flag near the water and the hotel. We were down tickets......i would say more than 50 (but i'm not positive i ws a bit busy)
        You say: "Pretty unbalanced when all you have are ground pounders on one side and then the jets/choppers that are nearly impossible to shoot down on the other"
        Well you were winning...... so 'ground pounding' was working for you.
        Also your excuse that our team had the vechiles that are impossible to shoot down is kinda ...... bunk. Everyone of those bases you had has AA, plus 2 F-35's its your teams fault if they dont utalize them.

        I don't know where you get this "whoring a jet" crap from.... If i get in the game, and there is a jet ... i'll take it, if not i'll be on foot or vechile looking for action. I AM BETTER than a couple other pilots, BUT i'm no where near the best out playing. I try to do my best to kill the enemy (hence bombing them) so for you or whomever to kick me... the only MEC that had the possibility to give MY team a chance to come back and possibly win. I would have to say they are lame.

        I think someone was affraid of compettion, big suprise.

        And let the record show my team lost that round on OMAN.


        First of all, you should know that whatever you post in this forum can only be seen by the person who starts the topic (you) and [?] members. So there's no use in trying to convince anyone who was right and who was wrong, especially since you're not banned.

        Originally Posted by TiNM@N
        Hmmm... maybe it was, maybe it wasn't? Well whomever it was seems to have re-moved the ban. I'll say thanks for that.

        Wasn't me, but you are welcome. Your first post was reasonable and dignified, and a request rather than a challenge or rant. You should have left it at that.

        Originally Posted by TiNM@N
        ...Jet Whoring? Now that sounds like someone frustrated by being bombed? I beleive that was my second round on that map, the first i was all on the ground, maybe a bit of armor for a second. But thats not the point.

        You asked why were you removed if you had the top score, and you received an answer. That you don't like the answer or you disagree with it is not our problem but yours.

        Originally Posted by TiNM@N
        Also your excuse that our team had the vechiles that are impossible to shoot down is kinda ...... bunk. Everyone of those bases you had has AA, plus 2 F-35's its your teams fault if they dont utalize them.

        The AA in the game is what's bunk. The entire BF2 community knows it doesn't work, and that's why it's a documented fix coming out in the next patch. Norm explained his perception of an unbalance in air power in that game. I wasn't there so it's none of my business, but Norm's an admin, you are not. He's responsible for the greater good of the gaming experience for the majority of the players on the server. If you don't understand what I'm trying to tell you here, start at the top and reread this post again.

        Originally Posted by TiNM@N
        I don't know where you get this "whoring a jet" crap from....

        Watch your mouth. It's not crap. I know where he gets it from and so does anyone who knows how to win in this game. Situation: Your team is losing. Your team doesn't have many flags. Not enough feet on the ground. You have the high score. You believe you can make a difference by remaining in a plane, bombing, reloading, bombing, reloading etc. Meanwhile your team is desparately trying to survive, and take some flags. What's wrong with that picture?

        Originally Posted by TiNM@N
        If i get in the game, and there is a jet ... i'll take it, if not i'll be on foot or vechile looking for action. I AM BETTER than a couple other pilots, BUT i'm no where near the best out playing. I try to do my best to kill the enemy (hence bombing them) so for you or whomever to kick me... the only MEC that had the possibility to give MY team a chance to come back and possibly win. I would have to say they are lame.

        What's wrong with the picture (that you have confirmed) is that the guy in the plane is under a false impression. But he's on a roll personally (high score remember?) and he sticks with his plane even though all he's doing is ****ing everybody off, because it has become all about his score, not about his team's victory. I've kicked and banned pilots for lesser infractions. Whoring means different things to different people, and basically it's an expression. In general it means you're hanging on to one thing because the reward you get for doing so is too powerful not to do it.

        Originally Posted by TiNM@N
        I think someone was affraid of compettion, big suprise.

        Adjust your perspective buddy. It's not about your abilities, your swagger, or your talents. Does your team win?

        If i dont fly... then who will? Will another USMC player come and hi-jack the bomber like they did the fighter? Or will a MEC player with 5 hours total BF2 playing with NO air experince want to try to learn on this server right at this exact time? Or will it be something inbetween? Who knows?

        WHat i do know is.... MY team was loosing, THEIR team had 3 jets. I'm carpet bombing anything thats moving and my co-pilot is blasting any armor he can before i do an evasive manuver just to stop being shot down.

        So what if i have a high score? It's a fact of CONTRIBUTING to the team. So i killed one friendly while killing 8 times as many enemys. My co-pilot had at least 5 kills.

        Yes it is common knowledge that the AA is insufficient, but it still does shoot down enemys. If your mad cause i wouldnt crash or get shot down maybe you should boot your own pilots and try for yourself?

        You say he did this for the greater good? HOW IS THAT? I could POSSIBLY see if you all were stuck on the ship and were getting bombed, down a 100 tickets... but with you UP 50+ tickets and 3 jets?...pleaseeeeeee weak excuse.

        Well ill disagree with how on how you think to play the game..... I know what i was doing was helping my team, you say i was trying to **** off everyone. well i've played more and i now how to win so ill say im right your wrong. But in the world where you hold the 'ban' key i guess i lose.

        "Adjust your perspective buddy. It's not about your abilities, your swagger, or your talents. Does your team win?"

        no they dont win cause their best chance of killing enemys and clearing flags got kicked cause he was to good. - weak

        After this some of the other clan guys started to jump in and talk stupid ****. I countered their dumb **** with facts that left the looking more stupid and ignorant, at which point they banned me for "total disrespect of the LBC clan"

        Just another instance of them being weak players.


        • #49
          Re: Laidback Crew server......

          Originally posted by 1Bravo
          For your writing you look like a pretty cool guy.. perhaps the only one from the LB crew...
          Yes and No. Yes he's a cool guy, and no... pretty much everyone at LBC is a pretty cool guy both in and out of the game. I'll echo LiquidBruin's point(s) though: This isn't the place for addressing an issue that happened on our server. We provide a specific forum for complaining about... well... anything. We do that because: while we're in the game and on TS we don't wish to get into arguments with angry or emotional visitors who felt they were wronged playing a... game. It breaks our concentration, destroys our teamwork and communication, and interupts our strategy. We take our time playing as a team seriously. Most of us have lives way beyond this game, and we've pooled together because of that outlook.

          We're called the Laid Back Crew. We're not a clan. Think about those two things. We pay for and maintain our server for the enjoyment of the members of our community, which consists of people who have an absolutely great time playing BF2 and getting to know each other better. Most of our members are there because they like our style, our attitude, how we run the server, and the fact that we're not a clan. I'll say it again: we're not a clan. In fact we don't much care for roving bands of "pubbers" who get satisfaction out of "owning" the map or "taking over" the server. If we agreed with that thinking, we simply wouldn't exist, and we'd all be in "clans."

          We got tired several years ago of all the attitude, the baggage, the arguments, the flaming, the "I'm right and you're wrong" and we just want to play and have fun. We are also human however. When attacked by people who don't know us, we - like anybody - will get defensive.

          So...knowing all that, a reasonable mind would now correctly assume, that no, we're NOT masters at the game, and our skills are less than the best, but I'll repeat, we're not a clan and we make no bones about that. But we also don't owe anybody anything, and we make no promises of what you'll experience on our server. Each person gets to decide for themself if they like the server or not. But I'll say with 100% certainty that we in LBC have an absolute ball doing it the way we're doing it, and that's what we intended when we set it up.


          • #50
            Re: Laidback Crew server......

            Enough already. Please handle your dispute with them on their website. We can do nothing to help you here.

