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Halo 2 PC

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  • #16
    Re: Halo 2 PC

    Originally posted by alphasnail
    i think i just ****ed my pants in a shrill of eximent. duz any1 know how much vista will cost?
    More like punch yourself in the nuts because some at the bungie forums have been saying it's going to be like $300. For one game? Wow bungie, nice job. How many customers did you just lose for this game?

    Halo3 better be good.


    • #17
      Re: Halo 2 PC

      I doubt more than a few will be buying Vista for just one game, i do however believe people will buy Vista because its going to be the new O/S of the future. Only a fool would spend that much money for one game when they could buy an Xbox+halo2 for less than 300.

      Although the fools have proven me wrong before.


      • #18
        Re: Halo 2 PC

        YAY I GET TO GO SPEND 500$ on new computer parts. This includes, new DX10 Graphics Cards, maybe a Dual Core CPU (plus a mobo that supports it, or a flash of my BIOS) and of course, a fresh clean copy of Windows Vista. Actually lets rethink this: Vista itself will cost about 300$ + 300$ for a single DX10 GPU worthy of gaming + a possible 350$ for a dual core CPU.... do the math, someone correct me if im wrong about all this... but I KNOW for a fact vista will cost a lifetime's worth of money.


        • #19
          Re: Halo 2 PC


          • #20
            Re: Halo 2 PC

            ROFL good one

            anyway I wont be buying windows vista until theres no choice

            i never had any problems with windows 2000 when xp was released

