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Halo 2 PC

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  • Halo 2 PC

    Fans of Halo = happy?

  • #2
    Re: Halo 2 PC

    Darn, you beat me to it.

    Most definately happy. Halo: CE on Pc allowed modding that wasn't available in the Xbox version. Imagine what H2 will allow us to do!

    One catch - only on vista...

    Bungie Update:

    Halo What on the Whatnow?

    Halo 2, on Windows Vista. Halo 2, you may remember, is a "shoot them up" featuring the adventures of Master Chief and his wacky sidekick, Cortana. Well, Halo 2 you know about, but Vista, what the heck is that?

    Windows Vista is the next generation Microsoft operating system that will by turns, be sweet, awesome, radical, and potentially translucent (in places). It will also add layers of new functionality, speed, media processing and so on. I have heard a rumor, in fact, that it will replicate a lot of the functionality of them new-fangled Media Center PCs so that you can stream HD and whatnot to your Xbox 360. If that's true, that would also be nice.

    The game WILL be for Windows Vista, as in, not for Windows XP, so you have a while to get used to that and complain to me about what a jerk I am to Windows 3.1 users.

    But back to Halo 2. We're working with another team at MS to make this not only happen, but happen in a super-sweet radical fashion. To that end, we're going to be helping with a lot of aspects, but don't worry, we are not doing the actual coding work – we're too busy with ONP (Our Next Project). In fact, a lot of you spotted the job postings at asking for, "programmers who are awesome at programming Halo 2 Xbox to work on a PC," and other subtle clues.

    Using your Sherlock Holmes-ian powers of deduction, you probably figured it out. Anyway, there will be significant differences between the PC and the Xbox version. The PC for example, invariably runs at resolutions that aren't 480i. So there's that. The specs and features have been targeted, but not carved in stone, and things will change, so we're NOT going to announce anything more specific than you find here today.

    One HUGE difference between Xbox and PC versions is the absence of Xbox Live. Now, much as a subset of you likes to bitch and moan about Live matchmaking, most of you agree it's a very nice way to find games in a hurry. But don't worry, we'll have a cool system for that, no doubt.

    There will also be some kind of map-customization ability. Does that mean you can build your own maps from scratch, pixel by pixel, importing your own textures, scripts and detailed shaders? Or does it mean one empty room and a crate? Well, we'll have more news on that later this year, but it will be cool, we guarantee that.

    There's loads of questions the Bungie faithful will ask, like, "Will there be a Mac version?" We can't answer that yet. It's not out of the question, but it's not definitely happening either. We promise to keep you posted, and in the interim, you can read the PR-ified version of the press release and FAQ below.


    • #3
      Re: Halo 2 PC

      says its only for Windows Vista OS, GOD DAMN IT


      • #4
        Re: Halo 2 PC

        Im starting to fear that all kcik ass new games will require vista now My christmas laptop will be useless


        • #5
          Re: Halo 2 PC

          Originally posted by Adge
          Im starting to fear that all kcik ass new games will require vista now My christmas laptop will be useless
          Dought it. HL2, Doom3, etc all Linux compatable.

          And although not officialy announced ET:WQ will most likely have a Linux release. So I dont care what they do with Halo 2, it is a MS game so there going to do everything to get people to buy Vista, which incidently will mean a hardware upgrade for most people.


          • #6
            Re: Halo 2 PC

            I have the first one on PC, the custom maps on CE were fun =D

            But by the time this is out, everyone will be playing Halo 3 on their 360 =(

            Which reminds me that I have a 360 so I can get it anyway! =D


            • #7
              Re: Halo 2 PC

              1 BIG question.
              will we be able to play with xbox users. if not i{and im sure many others} WILL NOT buy the game


              • #8
                Re: Halo 2 PC

                Originally posted by Adge
                Im starting to fear that all kcik ass new games will require vista now My christmas laptop will be useless
                jeez cheapscate..... buy vista mabey


                • #9
                  Re: Halo 2 PC

                  What are the hardware requirements for Vista? Anyone?


                  • #10
                    Re: Halo 2 PC

                    That's retarded, making somone get a new OS just for a single game? Oh well, if it comes out to have great gameplay and great graphics (much like the xbox version) than i'll buy it. But cmon now bungie, we all know this is just a scam to sell that new microsoft OS. Trying to advertise a game with it.. that's wrong.

                    (yeah i'm kinda mad that they're making me go to vista just to buy a single game, just incase if you're wondering)


                    • #11
                      Re: Halo 2 PC

                      Here are the requirements:

                      Windows Vista Capable PCs need to pass the current certification requirements for Designed for Windows XP logo. In addition, these PCs would need the following combination of essential PC hardware for good overall Windows Vista performance:
                      •CPU — PC systems should have a modern CPU.
                      •RAM — PC systems should have 512MB of memory or more.
                      •GPU — PC systems should have a graphics processor that will support Windows Display Driver Model (WDDM).

                      Recommended CPU's:

                      Recommended GPU's:

                      Hope this helps.


                      • #12
                        Re: Halo 2 PC

                        errg, how much will windows vista cost?


                        • #13
                          Re: Halo 2 PC

                          I've heard rumors that Vista will launch with DirectX10 which means new upgrades for gpu's will be needed. Dont know if this is true though.


                          • #14
                            Re: Halo 2 PC

                            wasn't there a debate on what were the apropiate system reqs to run vista? i've heard that developers were arguin on what was the requirements to run it.. some said 512mb. would be "enough", some said 2 gigs would be necesary to run it succesfuly...


                            • #15
                              Re: Halo 2 PC

                              i think i just ****ed my pants in a shrill of eximent. duz any1 know how much vista will cost?

