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Who said it wasn't possible?!?

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  • #31
    Re: Who said it wasn't possible?!?

    I thought it was no converting From SF to BF2. I don't see why anyone would give a rats ass over the originals being on SF.


    • #32
      Re: Who said it wasn't possible?!?

      Hey, I give him many points for figuring this out. It doesn't matter if you agree that it is or isn't against the Eula. He took the time and through trial and error found a way to do this. But as long as it is on un-ranked then EA can't say to much now can they.

      Good job! I like to see new things!


      • #33
        Re: Who said it wasn't possible?!?

        Sorry to bring this back, but I can't seem to connect to my Unranked server when these maps are running. Has anyone else had this problem?

        I turned PB off for the server and my account, but my unranked server still kicks me because I am running "modified content". Is there a way to turn this off? :cry: Or a setting I need to change in order for it to allow me in?

        The maps run fine in SP mode.


        • #34
          Re: Who said it wasn't possible?!?

          you may need to copy the file over
          change the init text in that one as well

          maybe? just taking a wild guess


          • #35
            Re: Who said it wasn't possible?!?

            wow i wish ea would put the extra things in normal BF2


            • #36
              Re: Who said it wasn't possible?!?

              Originally posted by magic_taco
              Sorry to bring this back, but I can't seem to connect to my Unranked server when these maps are running. Has anyone else had this problem?

              I turned PB off for the server and my account, but my unranked server still kicks me because I am running "modified content". Is there a way to turn this off? :cry: Or a setting I need to change in order for it to allow me in?

              The maps run fine in SP mode.
              Make sure the init.con file it the same, copy both the client AND the server zips to your xpack/levels/Strike of Karkand folder.....

              Also, if your server is a linux one, make sure that there is not uppercase lettering ie Strike of Karkand needs to be changed to strike of karkand.
              Further more, check the your .desc file says strike of karkand too (Open up this using Notepad)

              Hope this helps

              Big D


              • #37
                Re: Who said it wasn't possible?!?

                VERY SWEET IDEA, but how about you doing USMC versus Insurgents, make it like real life Iraq today, that would be sweet , but still awesome work there mate


                • #38
                  Re: Who said it wasn't possible?!?

                  Originally posted by TyR_72
                  VERY SWEET IDEA, but how about you doing USMC versus Insurgents, make it like real life Iraq today, that would be sweet , but still awesome work there mate
                  That's easy to do....
                  All you gotta do is add the USMC (Kits and Soldiers) to SF and then change the init.con of the map you want to have US v Insurgents.
                  Then, wa-la, a map with USMC v Insurgents.....

                  If you want to make the map even sweeter, you'll edit the Loading map to show US v Insurg and edit the spawns, and give the US use of the grappling hook etc etc

                  Big D


                  • #39
                    Re: Who said it wasn't possible?!?

                    Thank you for posting the tips. Unfortunately, I am apparently missing some vital step. D_Lusted, you wrote "Further more, check your .desc file says strike of karkand too (Open up this using Notepad)". If you mean the .desc file in the Strike_At_Karkand folder, doesn't seem like there's much to edit. Are you referring to something else, somewhere else?

                    I have tried unzipping the, making the changes, then rezipping the file. Uploaded the whole Strike_At_Karkand to my server, but no joy. I can play this single-player and the remote server appears to run it fine. Again, this damned thing is working, I just can't connect to my remote server that is running this map!

                    I have also tried just pulling the init.con file from the, making the changes, then popping it back in. Uploaded the whole Strike_At_Karkand folder to my levels folder under Xpack, but still no joy

                    -Are we by chance supposed to change the name of the map or its folder?
                    -Did you run these from a remote server or did you serve the game from your home box?
                    -Was PB enabled?
                    -Did you change anything in the localization files?
                    -Did you change anything in the archive.md5 file in the Strike_at_Karkand Info folder?
                    -Are you using an AMD or Intel CPU (serious question)?
                    -Did you change or replace anything in the

                    Do you have any for download so I can stop asking so many questions?!

                    Don't know if you'll answer but I have to give it one more try.


                    • #40
                      Re: Who said it wasn't possible?!?

                      Is it possible to put a SF map on vanilla BF2?



                      • #41
                        Re: Who said it wasn't possible?!?

                        Do you have this running on a remote server, and can you join it as a client???

