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"Top" Players...

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  • #31
    Re: "Top" Players...

    This doesn't surprise me at all. Online games are always like this, and you can easily see the worst side of people playing these dumb games. In fact I hadn't played an online game since bf:1942 because I got tired of the cussing, the "noob" word, the disrespect, and basically the worst parts of the human race being displayed in full in the video game. MINE MINE MINE ME ME ME YOU &%&#%#$#$)# and so forth. It's just sad that a stupid video game can bring out so much rage in people, and I can say I myself have gotten mad at this stupid game, we all have, but gesh...insulting, disrespecting, and just being an overall jerk to others in the game isn't going to do anything...just calm down, take aim, and kill them. Nothing felt more great to me than this one time some jerk kept c4 chucking everyone, and after I asked him if he knew how to use anything else, like the gun...he just kept taunting me on and saying "show me how then"...and just as he said that, I shot him in the head with my sniper rifle. Sweet sweet revenge, and no cussing involved.


    • #32
      Re: "Top" Players...

      Originally posted by m4v3r|ck
      Man, i like playing with the top players in bf2.usualy the pilots cuz i love flying... but lots of them are gay .. ive gotten tked outa my jet by sum and aslo base clan mate .:EtS:.Twingi is an ACE pilot... He is Also i think rank 2 , or rank 3 in all of spain..
      Excuse me for going off topic, but how do you sort by country ? Any particular site/app doing this for you or did he painstakingly go through the entire list to find himself ?


      • #33
        Re: "Top" Players...

        I've played with 'Not top 10' but 2nd Lt 'InclLocki' hes probably the biggest a$$ i've come across in bf2, It started on Mashtuur when he & hes squad where tking anyone in 'There' heli, they done the usual landing somewhere discreet then jumping out & tking you. Next round i tkd one of the team as they where getting really annoying & in the end they all jumped on my heli & made me tk them, i got kicked...


        • #34
          Re: "Top" Players...

          Originally posted by Bizzare inc.
          I've played with 'Not top 10' but 2nd Lt 'InclLocki' hes probably the biggest a$$ i've come across in bf2, It started on Mashtuur when he & hes squad where tking anyone in 'There' heli, they done the usual landing somewhere discreet then jumping out & tking you. Next round i tkd one of the team as they where getting really annoying & in the end they all jumped on my heli & made me tk them, i got kicked...
          I had the same thing done to me. Tool me out in the middle of nowhere, sniper jumped out and stubbed me out. I wasnt even on a gun.
          Wonder of its the same mob?


          • #35
            Re: "Top" Players...

            loads of those guys in around the top 50 got stats reset, some examples-


            All for stat padding as far as im aware


            • #36
              Re: "Top" Players...

              Who said his KD ratio sucked? It was like 5 to 2....thats not suck.

              I mean if all you play for is stats then sure that might suck, but honestly, when I want to kill a bunch of people I can go like 20 and 5 just with an AK, but I play for fun, and so I do a good deal of jihad jeeping (in most cases, jihad ATVs) and so hence, my kd ratio is 3:2....

              And you can't judge skill by time played either. I mean obviously 2k hours against 10 hours...yeah but not 200 vs. 2k....

              SPM doesn't mean a thing either, as if you are a sniper, you might not get very many kills for time played...

              So in the end....theres not much you can judge skill of stats that is.


              • #37
                Re: "Top" Players...

                Originally posted by Flares

                Believe it. I've been on the receiving end of abuse or players throwing their toys out their pram, checked their clan page and discovered they were mid twenties/early thirties. Even more shocking was how someone that age finds the time to devote 1000-1400 hours to a game in six months... :hmm:
                Yes I think age has very little to do with it. I think aggression based first person shooters can attract some unbalanced people. I mean they have to keep there rage and ego in check all day... then they can come home and escape into a world where they can insult and shoot people and proclaim they being number 1. It's such a great place for them that they play enough hours to be number 1.


                • #38
                  Re: "Top" Players...

                  Boo hoo I've met worse.


                  • #39
                    Re: "Top" Players...

                    Brilliant, i was playing on Sharqi with this maserkillachilla2 just last week and have experienced this charlie first hand...your'e bang on the money cj...he refused to get in the gunners seat and all time we were getting shot at by the other chopper he kept dribbling on he was no.1 chopper pilot and i was a f..k. apparently

                    At least his mum loves him


                    • #40
                      Re: "Top" Players...

                      Originally posted by Colinloves
                      I had the same thing done to me. Tool me out in the middle of nowhere, sniper jumped out and stubbed me out. I wasnt even on a gun.
                      Wonder of its the same mob?

                      'Nobodyhasthisnameyet' has actually posted on this forum, What a idiot. Anyway this screen is the team who was tking people for the heli.

