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Aliasing in BF2

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  • Aliasing in BF2

    Has anyone else payed attention to this problem: The textures are rendered in a quite funny way? Like they start to render when u get closer but especially the buildings just at some point get clear, they don't render "smoothy"?

    Is this a bug with my comp, tweaking along the patches to make the game work better or the mysterious performance gain with the ATI cards!?

  • #2
    Re: Aliasing in BF2

    Originally posted by Cambridge
    Has anyone else payed attention to this problem: The textures are rendered in a quite funny way? Like they start to render when u get closer but especially the buildings just at some point get clear, they don't render "smoothy"?

    Is this a bug with my comp, tweaking along the patches to make the game work better or the mysterious performance gain with the ATI cards!?
    same with me... kinda funny acually:laugh:


    • #3
      Re: Aliasing in BF2

      haffeysucks :P how the HELL did you got your proc to 3.2 ghz !???


      • #4
        Re: Aliasing in BF2

        Isn't that mipmapping?


        • #5
          Re: Aliasing in BF2

          Well I don't know? Anyone with more knowledge on this?


          • #6
            Re: Aliasing in BF2

            Originally posted by redearedslider
            haffeysucks :P how the HELL did you got your proc to 3.2 ghz !???
            He does'nt unless he's using a phase changer for cooling which he's not.

            Therefore he must be lying so let's BURN HIM.

            Ok, burning is a bit strong, er ideas?


            • #7
              Re: Aliasing in BF2

              Originally posted by Razorman01
              He does'nt unless he's using a phase changer for cooling which he's not.

              Therefore he must be lying so let's BURN HIM.

              Ok, burning is a bit strong, er ideas?
              I think he has a TYPO, maybe he tried to but the normal 2.2 ghz instead of 3.2 ghz. He doesn't seem a nerd to me...


              • #8
                Re: Aliasing in BF2

                trust me hes not at 3.2, trust me. Also, about the game rendering, this IS a part of the game it has a horrible draw distance. I know because I asked this same question not too long ago, I also downloaded a bunch of BF2 videos to make sure it looked the same as my game.
                This is not a problem with your computer or your game, just written badly. You could have dual 7800GTX 512mb and 4 gigs of ram and a fx 60, and this will still happen. I personally think it looks horrible but Im used to it.


                • #9
                  Re: Aliasing in BF2

                  Well it looks quite horrible, but now I'm OK with it if it's a "part" of the game.


                  • #10
                    Re: Aliasing in BF2

                    you know what's really horrible, the texture flickering in my game goddamnit !! hope they fix it


                    • #11
                      Re: Aliasing in BF2

                      its not called aliasing, its like the draw render distance. aliasing is the jagged lines on buildings etc.


                      • #12
                        Re: Aliasing in BF2

                        Originally posted by redearedslider
                        haffeysucks :P how the HELL did you got your proc to 3.2 ghz !???
                        sorry all! lol i mean 2.4Ghz. I often say 3.2 also i dunno y. ill change that...

                        but funny to see your posts like that, sorry for the confusion

                        thanks for pointing that out


                        • #13
                          Re: Aliasing in BF2

                          its also called "lod" (level of detail) as when u get closer to something, it becomes more detailed. If u use rivatuner, u can tweak this to have negative lod (objects are clearer from far away) or if u want performance have a positive lod (textures look blocky unless ur right in front of it)


                          • #14
                            Re: Aliasing in BF2

                            Sorry got mixed up with the terms here. But in any case, it's BF2's fault so I have nothing to "worry" about anymore. So case solved.


                            • #15
                              Re: Aliasing in BF2

                              Originally posted by haffeysucks
                              sorry all! lol i mean 2.4Ghz. I often say 3.2 also i dunno y. ill change that...

                              but funny to see your posts like that, sorry for the confusion

                              thanks for pointing that out
                              lol i dont see at as insulting lol you dont have to appologize it's just funny ^^

