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Killing soldiers in the water

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  • #46
    Re: Killing soldiers in the water

    If they are far out in the water then i grab a boat and circle them for a bit until they lose all hope... If they are gettting towards land i will make sure they see me and wait until they have almost made it and then waste them...


    • #47
      Re: Killing soldiers in the water

      I wait for them to get out of the water, but shoot them before they have a chance to pull their gun out - you know, give them that false sense of hope.

      Plus, it's impossible to teabag someone in the water - better to kill them on land.


      • #48
        Re: Killing soldiers in the water

        Definitely Kill them in the water!! This is not a game about morals and ethics. People committ suicide and respawn for goodness sakes.


        • #49
          Re: Killing soldiers in the water

          this cant be a serious thread, i mean...come on! if you see an enemy out in the open, take him out. the way i see it, it is better him than me.


          • #50
            Re: Killing soldiers in the water

            Since there are no such thing as morals in this game anyway...except for those rare game where people compliment each other, congradualate people when they are promoted or pull off something crazy, etc....i just shoot them. the likelyhood of them shooting me if they were in my position is much more probable than them not shooting me


            • #51
              Re: Killing soldiers in the water

              what if they get out the water and kill ya? I say kill em all


              • #52
                Re: Killing soldiers in the water

                Every red name gets shot/stabbed/blown up at the very first chance I get to shoot/stab/blow up.


                • #53
                  Re: Killing soldiers in the water

                  Kill or be killed, mate. If they were careless enough to be caught with their pants down, so to speak, well, sucks to be them.


                  • #54
                    Re: Killing soldiers in the water

                    You're making it sound like such a horrible thing. Like shooting people in the water is a bad way to kill someone and it's very unfair. Well, the person swimming needs to learn a few tactics not to swim straight into a squad of soldiers.


                    • #55
                      Re: Killing soldiers in the water

                      Interesting topic!

                      I remember once on Wake '42, I was swimming toward the shore and an enemy soldier was there waiting for me, gun at the ready. The server was relatively quiet and because he had enough time up his sleeve and we were both far from the action, he switched to his knife and took the time to write out, "Can I trust you?"

                      I replied, "Not at all," and kept swimming toward his position, fully intent on blowing him away. However, because he laughed at my response and remained there with his knife, I did end up drawing mine and we had a nice little duel on the shoreline ... which I won.

                      More than being good sportsmanship, it made for an experience that was a lot more fun and memorable than simply being shot in the head whilst unable to defend myself.

                      So, yeah, if the circumstances are good, I'll usually let the swimmers make it to shore (and then kill them anyway).


                      • #56
                        Re: Killing soldiers in the water

                        "Gentleman" don't play killing games lol
                        I remmeber from some movie...I think it was Agent Cody Banks 2 (Dont laugh),where they said "Don't show mercy towards your enemies because they won't show it towards you". Also Jarhead has really put into my head thats its either them or me.

                        174 yes 9 no. Gl to next person to swim to shore.


                        • #57
                          Re: Killing soldiers in the water

                          I dont see it as a black-and-white situation. If im in the middle of a battle and dont know the person, or dont have the time to care, i simply shoot them. However, if I am not too preocuppied and i have played a few rounds with the person, i may ask if they want a knife fight. Most of the time they do not reply, so i shoot them, and even when i know the person will knife duel me, someone else shoots them before they get to shore.

                          I dont have a problem shooting enemies swimming, but I DO have a problem with people shooting them when you have arranged a knife duel on the shore through chat.

                          I find it funny that many of you say you wait on the shore for them with you knife out or toment them and kill them at the last moment. Firstly, i have never seen anyone do(wait with knife/shockpaddles) this in the game unless there is no action whatsoever, like when defending on wake at the start of the round for instance, and even then, i have only seen it a few times... me thinks you all are lying. Secondly, I find it funny when someone wants to toy with them and wait to waste them once they get on shore. I have witnessed many teammates get wasted trying to toy with the swimmer and i find it quite funny. I myself have been killed in this manner and have killed the tormenter a few times too.

                          There have been a few times where a lone swimmer is approaching the shore, usually the lone survivor of a boat mishap, and there are many teammates around waiting on the shore patiently for him to get closer. I take off and swim out to him, running in to him, and in general, just being a nusience. If I happen to be in a boat, i like to pull up beside him and switch to the side and throw him some first aid packs, then run him over


                          • #58
                            Re: Killing soldiers in the water

                            Last time I checked, there was no moral, no such thing as being a worthy dueler beccause he's going to kill you, whatever chance he gets...
                            Seconded. I hate to be an ******* but I tend to tease them, wait for them to swim to shore and then just leaving them there. It's different if they're below the carrier but why not get some fun out of the game whilst you can.


                            • #59
                              Re: Killing soldiers in the water

                              I hate when im stuck in the water..... and see a boat come for me... and APC.. Jet or Chopper...

                              or some annoying monkey jumping up and down on the beach... just waiting for me to die...


                              and I love doing it to others

