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Killing soldiers in the water

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  • Killing soldiers in the water

    I was reading this thread:

    And wanted to ask a simple morality question.
    Granted, this is a video game but I suppose you could count this a part of the 'gentlemans agreement'

    If you see soldiers swimming, do you kill them whilst they are defenceless? or wait for them to swim ashore?

  • #2
    Re: Killing soldiers in the water

    I hate when being shot in the water. I wonder why I can't shoot back even if I'm in shallow water not even reaching my waist.
    If I see some enemy swimming I'll draw my pistol, and let him know that his last minute has come - shot after shot, and I take my time


    • #3
      Re: Killing soldiers in the water

      Originally posted by DrunkenPirate
      I was reading this thread:

      And wanted to ask a simple morality question.
      Granted, this is a video game but I suppose you could count this a part of the 'gentlemans agreement'

      If you see soldiers swimming, do you kill them whilst they are defenceless? or wait for them to swim ashore?
      It would be a very one-sided "gentleman's agreement", i.e. I would only be agreeing with myself not to kill or get killed while in the water. Every other player would laugh their rear off and let me suck down cold, hard lead.
      Apart from that, I have no "moral" qualms when playing a game, really. I generally try not to be a total jackanape to my "teammates", but I have little remorse for the enemy.
      Thirdly, killing the enemy when they're defenceless is an integral part of the game - by the same line of reasoning you lined out above you would have to forbid shooting at parachuters, lone car drivers, guys reloading after spraying an entire mag at you, knifing a sniper in the back, shooting people out of SAM sites with a rifle and so forth.
      In short: Yes, I kill swimmers, with much delight.


      • #4
        Re: Killing soldiers in the water

        Kill em in the water & then molest the wet dead body as it floats ashore


        • #5
          Re: Killing soldiers in the water

          I kill swimmers, i'm not going to wait for them to get out so they can start hopping and t00b me or something like that. They went into the water, knowing their handicap when swimming, its their fault.


          • #6
            Re: Killing soldiers in the water

            easy kills for the win


            • #7
              Re: Killing soldiers in the water

              Not shooting a guy swimming is like not shooting a guy that is sprinting across a street.


              • #8
                Re: Killing soldiers in the water

                this poll is really a no brainer ... anyone who voted "no i wait" should be excluded from this game ...


                • #9
                  Re: Killing soldiers in the water

                  If you don't shoot him in the water chances are you will be sniped while waiting or he will pop out and have an l85, in which he rolls on the ground, fires once, and you are automatically dead.


                  • #10
                    Re: Killing soldiers in the water

                    Its nice to tease them a little too.

                    Let them think theyve got a chance of getting safe by putting rounds into the water next to them. Then just before they beach poor it into them with your best war face on


                    • #11
                      Re: Killing soldiers in the water

                      The joy it brings to find entire squads swimming across the river in levels like Karkand tells me yes, I do shoot folk in the water, as well as use grenades and other joyful things like claymores too!
                      Shoot them, no remorse for the enemy in a game as you know they will most likely plug you the moment they get out. Love how the bullets dont actually go through the water though, just splash on top, have to be a pretty good shot to take them out at a distance in the water.


                      • #12
                        Re: Killing soldiers in the water

                        War is hell, take them out before they reach shore and shoot back at you


                        • #13
                          Re: Killing soldiers in the water

                          Originally posted by Legli
                          The joy it brings to find entire squads swimming across the river in levels like Karkand tells me yes, I do shoot folk in the water, as well as use grenades and other joyful things like claymores too!
                          Shoot them, no remorse for the enemy in a game as you know they will most likely plug you the moment they get out. Love how the bullets dont actually go through the water though, just splash on top, have to be a pretty good shot to take them out at a distance in the water.
                          Claymores in the water - how?
                          Do they even go off in deep water?


                          • #14
                            Re: Killing soldiers in the water

                            Not so much in the water as where they have to swim too. On Karkand they often come up ladders or onto sloped banks with no way around them. If you drop them in the water they just vanish I think, or sink, either way they are not much use in there. Sorry for the confusion!


                            • #15
                              Re: Killing soldiers in the water

                              I shoot them before they get out of water and shoot back

