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We need more Game types

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  • #16
    Re: We need more Game types

    First of all, please lets not make 1 word or 1 sentence flametory comments.

    Second of all, back to the topic, DC mod has implemented Capture The Flag, i.e. CTF, game mode. They even released a minimod back in december to show the community their progress. I was one of the first people to join their server to test it and i have played it for hours in the first a few days it was released. However, after a week or so, once people found another cheap tactic, it was no more fun for me and for many others. What they do is, they C4 the flag, and they camp around the flag. Imagine 30-35 MEC (or USMC for that matter) soldiers, camping in a 50 meter square area all with Anti tanks or C4s. There is no possible way to even approach the flag. It's a very nice idea, however, as some people are meant to use cheap tactics, it really got boring after a few days.

    I also tried PRMM's game mode as well. It is nice if you play with 8 people, like 4 v 4, but if you play with more people, like 10 v 10, or 15 v 15, it's so darn hard to proceed man. It's like a lot longer version of counter strike basically Not that i have any regrets, its a great mod, actually imho, it's the best BF2 mod out there.


    • #17
      Re: We need more Game types

      Originally posted by Apostle
      Yes we do need more game types, I agree.

      Anything will do, CTF (official), Supply Lines, pin the tail on the donkey, whatever.
      Yeah, people are getting desperate due to the lack of more game types


      • #18
        Re: We need more Game types

        Supply lines PLEASE. and don't tell me about mods. i can't find anyone playing on mod servers.


        • #19
          Re: We need more Game types

          if you don't believe me about the mod servers, check this:

          0/32 for every single one.


          • #20
            Re: We need more Game types

            SUPPLY LINE gametype please. This worked well in Joint Operation's a novalogic game. It helps concentrate the battle on certain flags rather than having individuals capping remote flags on their own instead of working in a team.

            I'm in a small clan around 20 people and unfortunately i am the only one who enjoys playing BF2 nowadays. EA have messed us around too much, roll on the next FPS.

            We can debate gametypes all we want they won't bother doing anything about it anymore. They have your money!


            • #21
              Re: We need more Game types

              Originally posted by Futile
              if you don't believe me about the mod servers, check this:

              0/32 for every single one.
              This really depends on where you are. If you are in the US and play at "regular" gaming hours you will pretty much always be able to get a game of Project Reality. Elsewhere it can be tricky though Europe is starting to improve. Here's a more up to date list btw.

              So if you'd like to try a SUPPLY LINES gametype, download Project Reality and check it out. For those of you into such things, you can even acheive ranks, medals, badges etc on some PRMM servers.


              • #22
                Re: We need more Game types

                I don't get why they don't implement suppy lines. how difficult can it be to code?? i mean all you are doing is make some of the flags uncappable until others are capped!


                • #23
                  Re: We need more Game types

                  Originally posted by Sir. Shpox
                  Kill the bunny, all members have to find the "bunny" and kill them, once done the killer becomes the bunny.

                  I love capture the flag though. I do believe they will be added soon, they wouldn't dedicate a drop down menu only to Conquest

                  Can not stand those bunnies. That should have been fixed before the release during the testing phase, but it has saved me a few times, it is just frustrating shooting at a hopping guy when he would normally die.


                  • #24
                    Re: We need more Game types

                    Hopefully supply lines will come soon.


                    • #25
                      Re: We need more Game types

                      i feel like the problem isn't lack of game types. we can easily make mods with other game types. the problem is that the ranking system makes people unwilling to play on unofficial, unranked servers.

                      eh. maybe once everybody gets all the badges and ribbons they want they will get bored with ranking and play some mods.


                      • #26
                        Re: We need more Game types

                        Well bring it to EA cause this aint gonna do ****


                        • #27
                          Re: We need more Game types

                          Originally posted by Stryker
                          C4ing the flag would be a good idea.
                          A lot of severs has rules against that in 1942. They would kick, since it is pretty cheap.


                          • #28
                            Re: We need more Game types

                            How would you play these game types? BF2 is based in a world of vehicles and those game types are usually in faced paced FPS's. If anythin before EA gets this idea of more gametypes they need to fix their original gametype.


                            • #29
                              Re: We need more Game types

                              when CTF is mentioned, in my head i remember those turbo powered jeeps


                              • #30
                                Re: We need more Game types

                                Desert Combat CTF was the bomb. WE NEED CTF! We also need a C-130 for massively huge parachute jumps

