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handheld stingers please ...

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  • handheld stingers please ...

    we need to do something to give the lowly footsoldier a fighting chance... the vehicles ar too overpowered and not enough ways to take them out.

    give the antitank guys stingers as an unlock or something, and lessen the amount of damage required to take out a tank/truck/helo ...

    give some balance back to the soldiers, it ruins this game to be endlessly spammed by something you are powerless to stop

  • #2
    Re: handheld stingers please ...

    Yeh, on many occasions I have been killed 5-6 times by tanks when they were spawn camping. Not capping the base, just parked outside killing all inside. He eventually got kicked for camping in a base without capping it.



    • #3
      Re: handheld stingers please ...

      Are you kidding me? Try playing Oman with a bunch of aa whores. As soon you get to the coast you got your alarms going crazy and they dont stop going off till you leave....which most likely is you respawning. With soldiers with stingers added, it would just be too crazy in my opinion.


      • #4
        Re: handheld stingers please ...

        Total bs..Velocity. Guys on the ground barely stand a chance against air attck. Boo ur alarms go off. It is probably the most unbalanced aspect of the game. As a commander, i know that you guys could give a hang what we need you to do. All about points for you. Well, we like points too. And since there arent enuff planes so everyone can have one...screw you guys. Sure would change your attitude if you had to really work to earn those points.


        • #5
          Re: handheld stingers please ...

          Originally posted by Floplag
          we need to do something to give the lowly footsoldier a fighting chance... the vehicles ar too overpowered and not enough ways to take them out.

          give the antitank guys stingers as an unlock or something, and lessen the amount of damage required to take out a tank/truck/helo ...
          give some balance back to the soldiers, it ruins this game to be endlessly spammed by something you are powerless to stop
          Part of the problems is gamers being convinved that the weapons they have are ineffective. You have to try and be innovative when you are facing armor, or whatever else. If you are getting owned in the same spot over and over, DONT SPAWN THERE. Try using different kits, drop some mines, place your C4, drop some claymores, etc. There are plenty of AA stations/vehicles there you just have to learn how to use them.
          I hate it when people that cannot be "masters" of the game say that things are too difficult and unfair. What ends up happening is the skill of the players stays at noob, and the game gets castrated. Like my sig says, so what if someone is bunny hopping? Toss a couple grenades and watch the bunny hopper die.
          The balance you seek is being confused with skill, dont castrate the game because you cannot get in the top 3 every round...


          • #6
            Re: handheld stingers please ...

            Originally posted by MWHRowdee
            Total bs..Velocity. Guys on the ground barely stand a chance against air attck. Boo ur alarms go off. It is probably the most unbalanced aspect of the game. As a commander, i know that you guys could give a hang what we need you to do. All about points for you. Well, we like points too. And since there arent enuff planes so everyone can have one...screw you guys. Sure would change your attitude if you had to really work to earn those points.
            Instead of giving them stinger.....why dont they just make the ones they got more accurate, or hit when they are supposed to. Becuase with the amount of people that play anti tank, which from my experiance is a lot, on certain maps i would say most of them would get stingers and you wouldnt be able to survive for more then 10 seocnds in a chopper cause youd have 9 people firing at you and chances are 2 of those are gonna hit.


            • #7
              Re: handheld stingers please ...

              you dont know me to judge my skill or lack theroff thank you, and its arrogant to presume you do

              but for the record i use all of the tactics you suggest, but it doesnt change the fact that the vehicles are overpowered in this game

              and whoever though artillery was a good idea needs to be slapped silly, its the worst thing ive ever seen in any game

              this isnt a flight sim, you pilots need to get over yourselves


              • #8
                Re: handheld stingers please ...

                Im not assuming anything related to your skill level, and I made it a point NOT to be arrogant in my post. However, you cannot deny the fact that people often suggest/complain about things that would not necessarily be problems if they approached from a different angle. I have been on the ground before getting bombed relentlessly as well. You know what I did? I got into single player mode and I learned how to fly a jet and a chooper. I practiced with TV missiles. I do not want EA/Dice to make the game all easy because so many people refuse to learn to fly or use their common sense.
                You are right, this is not a flught sim, however who said it was COD or DOD? The vehicles are there and they are not going away, learn to use them.
                It just sounds to me like you are getting owned all the time and you are refusing to do anything about it like say, getting better?
                Finally, the vehicles are overpowered in the game yes, aren't they in real life as well? You think that a jet should fall out of the sky because you unload a clip into it from an AK-47 and only 1/4 of the bullets hit? Give me a break.


                • #9
                  Re: handheld stingers please ...

                  im making every effort to improve in the game .. and i dont like getting spammed, but the reason for this is simple ... i prefer a more foot soldier laden game. i dont mind there being jets and helos and all that, but it would be nice if one guy actually had a snowball chance against it or just a little more balance.

                  in a real modern battlefield there are handheld stingers, and they can take out jets and helos. now im not saying we go rull realsim, this isnt AA .. but it would be nice to at least have some sim chance.

                  ive got the anti tank kit down to where i can typically take out a tank with 2 maybe three shots ... but the emplaced stingers are borderline worthless and there is nothing else that can take out the helos or jets but other helos or jets.

                  this isnt realistic, nor does it give any balance to the gameplay

                  you guys shouldnt be able to sit up there and spam endlessly putting up monster ratios while the ground forces secure everything so you can fly and they take the lumps

                  what i see is alot of people that like the overloaded power they have in the air and dont want it balanced cause then they would get owned

                  all im asking for is more balance to the foot soldiers, why does this threadted the pilots so ?

                  now i know here come the "go buy COD" comments or some such tripe .. but honestly, even the pilotd among us have to see how overwhelming they are... you cant possibly think it fair ?

                  in other games in the past there have been very powerful aircraft .. but the ground forces had a chance with stingers or even AT4's.. such as in novaworlds Joint Operations


                  • #10
                    Re: handheld stingers please ...

                    Exactly Revolution. Either get better or go play MOHAA, COD or whatelse there is. This game is what it is because of the vehicles. If they were just weak pieces of crap, why even put them in the game. Either learn to be effective or find another game. Stop trying to change the game to make it easier for you. The only things that should be changed are the bugs.


                    • #11
                      Re: handheld stingers please ...

                      Originally posted by Floplag
                      but for the record i use all of the tactics you suggest, but it doesnt change the fact that the vehicles are overpowered in this game

                      No offense my friend, but what do you think bf2 is all about? In fact all the battlefield games have been about the vehicles. Of course they are over powered, that is against infantry. If they weren't, it'd only take one missile from an AT guy to kill anything.

                      And I have to say that I wouldn't want stingers to be given to any foot soldier, and though I do fly both choppers and jets, I spent most of my time on the ground. So wouldn't I want them then? No, because if you are cunning you know how to deal with jets and choppers. I've shot down plenty of choppers before in a tank because I taught myself how to use that nice 120 mm cannon to hit a chopper in midair, even when it's on the move. Granted if they are a good pilot, I'll soon be screwed, but wait! that is why tanks and even the assault class soldier has the abilitly to deploy smoke. That is one thing I never see anyone do if they are being killed over and over by a base raping chopper, is throw a smoke grenade out there to provide some concealment. You just have to learn some tactics to deal with the vehicles of the game, whether they are on the ground or in the sky, there is always something a foot soldier can do. 50 cal machine guns will rip a chopper to threads, throwing a mine on top of an enemy tank (yes on top) will destroy it as soon as the tank moves, and as for the jets, don't make yourself an easy target. I think the only thing I have ever wanted is to make the stationary AA in the game more effective. The way it is right now, a pilot can just blast it with their gun and the chances of the AA missiles killing the jet are maybe 1 in 20. Jet pilots should fear heading straight towards a stationary AA, as seeing it presents a very easy target. I still don't beleive though the AA should be 100% accurate either, they should be better, but not make it so it's pointless to even fly anymore. If you have good pilots on your team, they will be supporting the guys on the ground and not just getting points, that's what i do whenever I use any kind of vehicle is stick with the guys on the ground.


                      • #12
                        Re: handheld stingers please ...

                        im not suggesting your neuter the aitcraft, just give the ground troops a chance .. why is that such a bad thing ?

                        if this game were all about aircraft, why put in the soldiers ? just to give you something to shoot at ?

                        make the game balanced for both. sure, aircraft will always have an advantage ... but why is it such a bad thing to give the guys on the ground some ammo against you ?

                        again, all id like is some balance and i know im not alone in this one


                        • #13
                          Re: handheld stingers please ...

                          they should make an anti air class


                          • #14
                            Re: handheld stingers please ...

                            great idea Ciccerri, i like it alot


                            • #15
                              Re: handheld stingers please ...


