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P4 users only:

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  • #16
    Re: P4 users only:

    X2 > *


    • #17
      Re: P4 users only:

      dammit thanks. lol


      • #18
        Re: P4 users only:

        Originally posted by preti9cboi
        Of course there is no 64 bit operating system, not until Microsoft's Vista hits next year.


        What do you call Windows XP 64-bit Edition? Windows 2003 Server 64-bit Edition? Any the many Linux Distro's that are now 64 bit.


        • #19
          Re: P4 users only:

          Not only do I lament the peformance of my P4, but I'm stuck with the "Pro" version... that uses exculivly RAMBUS RAM. While RAMBUS is a good flavor of RAM (it's fugging quick), it would cost me aproximatly $500 to upgrade from 512 to 1 gig!
          Can you say "ouch"?

          The only reason I went for it was because I got the CPU and MB directly from Intel for $200 when the P4 was a brand new thing. I built and absolute killer box around it, for it's day.

          Now that it's day is past, it's a dead albatross.

          I'm looking forward to building a whole new AMD based system in the newyear.


          • #20
            Re: P4 users only:

            Originally posted by preti9cboi
            Technically speaking i know that i am wrong. I'm just a common person like many people here. Unlike you, i gave the laymens an idea on how powerful the 2x is. I didnt just through a bunch of numbers out there that doesnt make sense.
            The numbers make sense if you know anything about computers. If you are undereducated about PC hardware you should simply start reading the trade mags. I am a layman yes, but I have also been a computer tech for almost 10 years. The 1st PC I built was a P75 with 64MB of RAM and a 4 MB PCI Video Card (Mechwarrior baby!!!), through the years I have built 100's of computers, Intel, Cyrix and AMD, so I have background experience. If you were trying to insult me, it didn't work!


            • #21
              Re: P4 users only:

              Originally posted by Wargimp
              Not only do I lament the peformance of my P4, but I'm stuck with the "Pro" version... that uses exculivly RAMBUS RAM. While RAMBUS is a good flavor of RAM (it's fugging quick), it would cost me aproximatly $500 to upgrade from 512 to 1 gig!
              Can you say "ouch"?

              The only reason I went for it was because I got the CPU and MB directly from Intel for $200 when the P4 was a brand new thing. I built and absolute killer box around it, for it's day.

              Now that it's day is past, it's a dead albatross.

              I'm looking forward to building a whole new AMD based system in the newyear.
              Here is some RAMBUS from a local computer store (
              MYO-RB256 256MB PC800 Rambus RIMM, Use in pairs for P4 systems $109.99 If you have 4x slots and 2 are free it would only cost you $218.00
              Also is it PC600/700 or 800?

