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P4 users only:

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  • P4 users only:

    Do you wish you had gone with an AMD (754 or 939) instead of an Intel product?

  • #2
    Re: P4 users only:

    I've had my computer for about 2 years already. It has a P4 and can still play many of today's games pretty well. I've heard many good things about AMD processors and when the time comes to build my next computer, i'll definitely consider getting an AMD processor.

    Are there any other advantages that an AMD has over an intel other than just gaming?


    • #3
      Re: P4 users only:

      I'm using Intel product,good old 3.0GHz(@3.6) northwood.I guess I'll try some amd 64 processor,but for now intel works fine.To bad new Intel products are not good as they were before.


      • #4
        Re: P4 users only:

        I have four computers in my house. A pentium 2.8 and i dont know about the other one. Two dells and two AMD computers built by myself. The 2.8 and 3200+ runs BF2 just fine.

        Anyway, everyone knows that dell uses P4. They are great processors. It's just that people dont realize that the P4 has been out since 2000. That's a good five years ago. Every year intel makes a small improvement on the processor and markets it as a revolution. Intel has been riding the P4 for as long as possible, even with their new dual core.

        A64 came out in 2003. The 64 means a 64 bit processor. Intel P4 is only a 32 bit processor. So yes, that means the intel dual core is two 32bit processors slapped together while AMD is two 64 bit processors slapped together. Of course there is no 64 bit operating system, not until Microsoft's Vista hits next year.

        In general, I bought a P4 when it was the best during it's market time. Now AMD is the best bang for your buck, performance wise. When microsoft's Vista hits the market, i'm sure intel will finally have a 64 bit processor and they will probably be the best bang for the buck. Then i'll get an intel again, if im in the market for a new pc.


        • #5
          Re: P4 users only:

          Yeah soon as vista comes, P5 will come out i bet


          • #6
            Re: P4 users only:

            Ive heard AMD is alot better for games, if I would have known that I would have bought a AMD. Anyways, I got a P4 3ghz w/HT, and it runs games great, so Im not really dissapointed.


            • #7
              Re: P4 users only:

              Yeah soon as vista comes, P5 will come out i bet
              Maybe, but will AMD still have the advantage? They have the lead now, when/if intel introduces P5s, AMD will probably pull out something better. O yeah not to mention any single core processors aren't really worth getting today if you want long standing value and gaming performance. Dual core all the way baby!


              • #8
                Re: P4 users only:

                Doesnt the xbox360 have 3 or four cores? I wonder how they compare to intel and amd. hmmm


                • #9
                  Re: P4 users only:

                  It has 3 cores made by IBM.


                  • #10
                    Re: P4 users only:

                    Originally posted by preti9cboi
                    A64 came out in 2003. The 64 means a 64 bit processor. Intel P4 is only a 32 bit processor. So yes, that means the intel dual core is two 32bit processors slapped together while AMD is two 62 bit processors slapped together. Of course there is no 64 bit operating system, not until Microsoft's Vista hits next year.
                    I don't know where you get your info from but you are wrong.
                    Yes the 64 means 64-bit Processor, but it is not 2 62 bit processors slapped together, I think you meant to type 64 not 62. But the AMD64 is more than that. Try up to 1600MHZ FSB, on die memory controller, double the bandwith of an Intel on the on-die memory bus L1/L2
                    Intel is a company focused on the desktop/server/laptop market, where as AMD is focused at the Gamer, and everyone knows what drives the hardware side of the computer industry, right? PC Games. Excel runs just fine on a P3 550 with 128mb RAM, no need to upgrade to an AMD64 4400 with a 512mb Video card and 2 gigs of RAM. AMD won't make Intel go away, but the Intel processor will become like the MAC when it comes to video games, NON-EXISTANT!:evil:


                    • #11
                      Re: P4 users only:

                      I've been fine with my P4. I'll probably buy AMD next time around, though - if anything, to try something different.


                      • #12
                        Re: P4 users only:

                        Originally posted by preti9cboi
                        Doesnt the xbox360 have 3 or four cores? I wonder how they compare to intel and amd. hmmm
                        A. Console gamers are 14 year olds
                        b. Intel has a 64 bit processor that actaully predates the Athlon 64, it is called the iTanium64, and it sucks!

                        I had a salesman at Ebgames the other night ranting about how PC Gaming was dead and Xbox 360 killed it. He said the graphics on the 360 are years ahead of the PC and much more beautiful. Wrongo Gaylord!
                        Granted the Xbox 360 demos I have seen in the stores are gorgeous, of course every single demo unit released is hooked into an LCD via HDTV connections. SO of course they will be fantaboulous, but you are still talking a max of like 1024x768 for graphics. I don't think this helmet has ever seen a good game running on a tweaked out PC, he would poo apon himself. Again, console gamers are usually 14 year olds.


                        • #13
                          Re: P4 users only:

                          Hell yes, but i had no choice...


                          • #14
                            Re: P4 users only:

                            I Currently have a P4 (dual 3.4)
                            and have had AMD in the past

                            Honestly I have never been able to tell which worked better or not, other than those that are more astute with computers talking about them.


                            • #15
                              Re: P4 users only:

                              Originally posted by j-train
                              I don't know where you get your info from but you are wrong.
                              Yes the 64 means 64-bit Processor, but it is not 2 62 bit processors slapped together, I think you meant to type 64 not 62. But the AMD64 is more than that. Try up to 1600MHZ FSB, on die memory controller, double the bandwith of an Intel on the on-die memory bus L1/L2
                              Intel is a company focused on the desktop/server/laptop market, where as AMD is focused at the Gamer, and everyone knows what drives the hardware side of the computer industry, right? PC Games. Excel runs just fine on a P3 550 with 128mb RAM, no need to upgrade to an AMD64 4400 with a 512mb Video card and 2 gigs of RAM. AMD won't make Intel go away, but the Intel processor will become like the MAC when it comes to video games, NON-EXISTANT!:evil:

                              Technically speaking i know that i am wrong. I'm just a common person like many people here. Unlike you, i gave the laymens an idea on how powerful the 2x is. I didnt just through a bunch of numbers out there that doesnt make sense.

