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Ever had one of those drivers ?

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  • #16
    Re: Ever had one of those drivers ?

    A way coul be that when you'r a driver/pilot of any vehicle/chopper/plane, in the Q-rose becomes available radio commands like.."dont open fire until my go,soldiers!!"..or..."hold fire soldiers"..."free to fire team.."


    • #17
      Re: Ever had one of those drivers ?

      Well, its hardly suprising, considering playing BF2 on public servers is the same as an adult playing with a bunch of grade school kids.
      And last time I checked its pointless to whine about someone whose brain hasnt full developed.

      This is the world of online gaming, get used to it.


      • #18
        Re: Ever had one of those drivers ?

        Originally posted by shpox
        Well, today I hoped in this tank with this fellow on Karkand. Wow. I have never seen a worse driver. I was on the MEC side.

        He did I think several laps across the frontlines, running over our teammates. He retreated when he saw and Enemy Apc back to the square even though hr was full health. Then did a lap across from the hotel back to the square again. I asked him what he was doing, he started swearing. He wouldn't use smoke to cover our teammates ever. In the end he ended up having a score of -9 as all he did was do laps, and accidently run over teammates. Wow. Strange thing was though. He was also constantly stopping, doing nothing. I managed to pick off a few of the c4 bunny's coming near us as I was gunner while he stood there. Then he began furiously shooting at the fence across from the hotel even though the UAV indicated no-one was there. Then I spotted an AT guy, he was too fast for me to shoot him, he hit the tank several times, I decided to hop and kill him, which I managed too, but it was too late, the idiot in the tank was dead. After he died, he went and got the tank again, ending up with -15. Guess you can't blame him for trying ? :evil:

        I've come across so many bad drivers whilst playing Battlefield 2, and people who ruin it in the vehicle for everyone else.

        Eg. I was playing Wake Island. I grabbed a boat near the arty on the US side. Instead of the other idiot who drove across to the beach by himself, I grabbed the second boat and waited till it was full. Instead of completing the obvious I headed to the 2nd farthest spawn. We were almost there when our gunner spotted a tank and begging shooting the gun boat at it. The tank didn't notice us until he began shooting. Thats not all. If you thought having a tank shooting at you with a boat of 6 wasn't enough, he thought he could take on the Chinese Attack Chopper. Yep, it had just come across the corner and he began shooting at that too. Well, after having a tank and an attack chopper swamp us, the boat of 6 died. When we were sooo close to the spawn point.

        Have any similar stories ?
        I think the tank guy was just a total newbie. His actions are just preposterous beyond belief. However, as I have "whined" many times in the past, idiots are a dime a dozen in BF2.


        • #19
          Re: Ever had one of those drivers ?

          Originally posted by iewgnem
          This is the world of online gaming, get used to it.
          I disagree, it's the human race in general. If anything, the anonymity of the internet just brings out the tardsmack in everyone.

