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Ever had one of those drivers ?

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  • Ever had one of those drivers ?

    Well, today I hoped in this tank with this fellow on Karkand. Wow. I have never seen a worse driver. I was on the MEC side.

    He did I think several laps across the frontlines, running over our teammates. He retreated when he saw and Enemy Apc back to the square even though hr was full health. Then did a lap across from the hotel back to the square again. I asked him what he was doing, he started swearing. He wouldn't use smoke to cover our teammates ever. In the end he ended up having a score of -9 as all he did was do laps, and accidently run over teammates. Wow. Strange thing was though. He was also constantly stopping, doing nothing. I managed to pick off a few of the c4 bunny's coming near us as I was gunner while he stood there. Then he began furiously shooting at the fence across from the hotel even though the UAV indicated no-one was there. Then I spotted an AT guy, he was too fast for me to shoot him, he hit the tank several times, I decided to hop and kill him, which I managed too, but it was too late, the idiot in the tank was dead. After he died, he went and got the tank again, ending up with -15. Guess you can't blame him for trying ? :evil:

    I've come across so many bad drivers whilst playing Battlefield 2, and people who ruin it in the vehicle for everyone else.

    Eg. I was playing Wake Island. I grabbed a boat near the arty on the US side. Instead of the other idiot who drove across to the beach by himself, I grabbed the second boat and waited till it was full. Instead of completing the obvious I headed to the 2nd farthest spawn. We were almost there when our gunner spotted a tank and begging shooting the gun boat at it. The tank didn't notice us until he began shooting. Thats not all. If you thought having a tank shooting at you with a boat of 6 wasn't enough, he thought he could take on the Chinese Attack Chopper. Yep, it had just come across the corner and he began shooting at that too. Well, after having a tank and an attack chopper swamp us, the boat of 6 died. When we were sooo close to the spawn point.

    Have any similar stories ?

  • #2
    Re: Ever had one of those drivers ?

    "worser" isn't a word.


    • #3
      Re: Ever had one of those drivers ?

      Thankyou Mr.Grammar


      • #4
        Re: Ever had one of those drivers ?

        Thank you is two words!

        Nice storey, but that's life for you.


        • #5
          Re: Ever had one of those drivers ?

          It's "Grammar"


          • #6
            Re: Ever had one of those drivers ?

            Bad drivers are something that you are just going to live with, although that guy in the tank must have had something wrong upstairs. But the second part about people opening fire on things they aren't going to kill really ****es me off. Even players that otherwise seem to be smart and efficient tend to do this. On Wake Island you get countless examples of people opening fire with the RIB's LMG on attack helos. Might as well fire a flare at the thing.

            What you need to do with RIBs is have only 1 or 2 Squad Leaders (second is on the gun in case there are troops were you land) and only once you land should everyone else spawn. It greatly reduces the chance of some dumb ass drawing attention to you and if it all goes wrong it doesn't cost the team many tickets.


            • #7
              Re: Ever had one of those drivers ?

              Does a selfish commander who hogged an APC and watched my squad and i attacking a base swarmed with enemies and APCs considered a bad driver? If tk is not punishable..i would be glad to blow up his APC..


              • #8
                Re: Ever had one of those drivers ?

                Originally posted by MIKEHUNT-UK
                Nice storey


                • #9
                  Re: Ever had one of those drivers ?

                  Ah these ppl are so annoying. On mastuur i hoped in a hummer at the start and proceeded to race down to take the firts flag on the left side. when i got there i switched to the gunner posistion to cover myself. Someone jumps in as driver, it think ok cool he obvioulsy drive to the nxt flag, NNOOOO!!! he attempts to drive right up to the main MEC base and we get owned.

                  So im thinkin oh well unlucky mate ballsy effort though. Spawn back waiting for hummer..... go to jump in same bloke just beats me to driver!! fine the last time was obviously a 1 off anyway.... NNOOOO!!! he tries to race up to their base again like we're in a CHAMP CAR!!!! agen u get vapourised.

                  Spawn again he is there! beats me to a buggy this time soo.... i take out the trusty remmi and BOOM.... he sees the respawn screen end of story.


                  • #10
                    Re: Ever had one of those drivers ?

                    I ram into the morons who cant fly with - 500 jet badge on wake island I ram my car china team and they tk me and i punish because they cant fly, i think they should earn wings i got a joystick that owns :banana:


                    • #11
                      Re: Ever had one of those drivers ?

                      if i dont stop them, they will crash with in one min into buidling, ship, or try to ram the jet into the ground and get other team mates killed


                      • #12
                        Re: Ever had one of those drivers ?

                        Well.... at least you didnt get 5 TK's and insta punishes from the ppl i your boat... ..

                        Alwyas look on the bright side of life (pfui phu, phuhu phuhu phu phui )


                        • #13
                          Re: Ever had one of those drivers ?

                          Yeah I was going to say that getting 6 guys killed isn't any better a tactic then taking off on your own. I usually give a 5-10 second rest after calling out "get in!" before taking off unless the guy is flashing yellow and saying he needs a ride, and there's nothing else for him to take.

                          I admit though, that as I get more comfortable with gaming online (only been doing it a week or two now), I'm getting more confident in taking charge of some situations if no one else seems to be doing it, or doing a better job AT it. In some servers it leads to great teamwork with me as the leader (or strong support), and one some it remains a free-for-all regardless.

                          And sometimes I'm just really a crappy driver/flyer. I was taking off with an attack heli off our battleship when a friendly jet flew towards me attacking a not-so-friendly attack heli. We both had him in our sights and both hit him (it was either I join the attack or be killed since I was still taking off and not moving very fast) and we ran into each other. According to the server, he TK'd me. I forgave him, of course, and said "I dunno who's fault that was but if it was mine, I'm really sorry dude" He responded "don't worry, speed kills". It's that kinda attitude that I really love. Because honestly, it wasn't a big deal for either of us. A fresh jet and heli were only a spawn count away, right there at the same place we died.

                          I suck at flying online right now. Really really badly. Practicing against bots and being a badass in single player doesn't train you the way human-on-human dogfights can. Nothing but being an annoying noob online will make you a better pilot/driver.


                          • #14
                            Re: Ever had one of those drivers ?

                            Those are the main reasons 4 an urge to add a veicle commo sistem so u could tell occupants what to do ,or better what NOT to do!!!


                            • #15
                              Re: Ever had one of those drivers ?

                              Teamtalk? How would a "vehicle commo system" work? You click on it and then what? It turns your text into speech? I thought that's the point of teamtalk. If you did a com system, which seems unvideogameable (I just made up a word!) not only would it be difficult to use, but the enemy could listen in on your plans and report it.

