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How Do You Circle Strafe In a Heli?

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  • How Do You Circle Strafe In a Heli?

    How exactly do u circle stafe in a heli, it does not work. Everyone says push forward (W) and (A) or (D) and then turn the mouse the other way u r turning. I have tried that but i doesn't turn out right, i just crash and burn.

  • #2
    Re: How Do You Circle Strafe In a Heli?

    Practice Practice practice and More Piractice


    • #3
      Re: How Do You Circle Strafe In a Heli?

      depending on wich way your turning its W and A or D then move and lean the joystick to the side and back. sorry it dont help much but i cant see doing it without the joystick, im sure some could but not me.

      so point of the reply is if you dont have a joystick get one it will make it easier.


      • #4
        Re: How Do You Circle Strafe In a Heli?

        Actually, that's exactly what keys and how you do it, you just have to finesse the throttle, and use small corrections.


        • #5
          Re: How Do You Circle Strafe In a Heli?

          its all compensating and easing off and on the throttle


          • #6
            Re: How Do You Circle Strafe In a Heli?

            Originally posted by Auto-ER-
            Actually, that's exactly what keys and how you do it, you just have to finesse the throttle, and use small corrections.
            i have one question though, when you move the mouse the other way, do u push it just right or left? or do u push it right or left while pulling down.


            • #7
              Re: How Do You Circle Strafe In a Heli?

              I can circle strafe in my helo and I use just a keyboard. I really have to think about what keys I use and how much. I just do it, it's like a natural movement but it wasn't always this natural.

              How about this! Can you circle an enemy tank and keep your nose on the target accurately enough that you can hit the tank with a rocket evey time you choose to fire? I can circle a target and shoot a deadly accurate stream of rockets at the same time. The tank is dead before he could even pivot the turret around to find me.

              So, yes, it can be done with a kybd. In fact, I prefer the kybd/mouse over a joystick.



              • #8
                Re: How Do You Circle Strafe In a Heli?

                I definatly prefer the keyboard/mouse over using a joystick for chopper flying. For some reason, it just works better.
                I get a chuckle everytime someone in my gunner's seat asks me if I'm using a joystick after some mad flight through enemy lines. I've gotten this quite a few times... and they're always stunned when I say "nope, mouse is better".

                Side note:
                When you've gotten more of a feel for flying choppers, sometime worth putting practice into is flying backhawks into hotzones sideways. It drives me crazy every time I'm on a BH and the pilot flys straight into enemy infested areas. The gunners can not shoot forward!! Turn sideways and tilt in the direction that you need to go. It's a bit tricky since you can't see where you're going so watch your mini-map.
                You can also use ctrl to freelook if you need to.


                • #9
                  Re: How Do You Circle Strafe In a Heli?

                  Originally posted by StrikeLeader
                  i have one question though, when you move the mouse the other way, do u push it just right or left? or do u push it right or left while pulling down.
                  It's a subtle balance of keeping the nose up so the gunner can work, but not back too much so you stay level. Small adjustments are the key, if you move it too much one way you're going to wind up overcompensating, and losing control, it just takes practice.


                  • #10
                    Re: How Do You Circle Strafe In a Heli?

                    It's all a matter of easing the controls

                    Once you've tilted the chopper to the left or right (not too much or you'll bail) you'll be strafing in a linear path.

                    You'll only be making minor adjustments with the mouse from this point just to keep the chopper at the same angle

                    Most of the action will be with WASD - You'll want to be rotating the chopper the same direction as the tilt. I'll assume you tilted to the right, in which case you'll start tapping D. Obviously the more you hit D the more you rotate and the tighter the radius of the circle you're tracing.

                    If you're just starting out dont hit it much at all - give yourself a wide berth to practice.

                    Keep in mind that while you're rotating you'll want to be throtling up and down as needed - Because you're tilted not all the torque is going into altitude gain and not all of it is moving you sideways. As such you'll need to be calculating with how much you use W.

                    It's mainly about practice though - try doign the circle high up so that if you lean into it too much you have a chance to correct before crashing.


                    • #11
                      Re: How Do You Circle Strafe In a Heli?

                      Originally posted by Wargimp
                      I definatly prefer the keyboard/mouse over using a joystick for chopper flying. For some reason, it just works better.
                      I get a chuckle everytime someone in my gunner's seat asks me if I'm using a joystick after some mad flight through enemy lines. I've gotten this quite a few times... and they're always stunned when I say "nope, mouse is better".

                      Side note:
                      When you've gotten more of a feel for flying choppers, sometime worth putting practice into is flying backhawks into hotzones sideways. It drives me crazy every time I'm on a BH and the pilot flys straight into enemy infested areas. The gunners can not shoot forward!! Turn sideways and tilt in the direction that you need to go. It's a bit tricky since you can't see where you're going so watch your mini-map.
                      You can also use ctrl to freelook if you need to.

                      I get the same thing!!! haha. "Do you fly with a joystick or kybd?? When I say kybd 'cause I like it better I always get shocked response. I feel like I have more control with mouse/kybd.



                      • #12
                        Re: How Do You Circle Strafe In a Heli?

                        Originally posted by tjmhay
                        It's all a matter of easing the controls

                        Once you've tilted the chopper to the left or right (not too much or you'll bail) you'll be strafing in a linear path.

                        You'll only be making minor adjustments with the mouse from this point just to keep the chopper at the same angle

                        Most of the action will be with WASD - You'll want to be rotating the chopper the same direction as the tilt. I'll assume you tilted to the right, in which case you'll start tapping D. Obviously the more you hit D the more you rotate and the tighter the radius of the circle you're tracing.

                        If you're just starting out dont hit it much at all - give yourself a wide berth to practice.

                        Keep in mind that while you're rotating you'll want to be throtling up and down as needed - Because you're tilted not all the torque is going into altitude gain and not all of it is moving you sideways. As such you'll need to be calculating with how much you use W.

                        It's mainly about practice though - try doign the circle high up so that if you lean into it too much you have a chance to correct before crashing.

                        yea, but suppose that u want to strafe another helicopter, how would u circle that. Just think about the earth revolving around the sun, and the enemy is the sun.


                        • #13
                          Re: How Do You Circle Strafe In a Heli?

                          Best thing I can recommend is jump into single player and practice
                          Its really weird to start off with - when I first started chopper I couldn't fly for sh!t. After a few hours in single player, you get used to it pretty quick.

                          Love flying choppers at ground level past buildings. People sh!t themselves when they see a chopper coming through the streets in Sharqui Its like .. what the!?


                          • #14
                            Re: How Do You Circle Strafe In a Heli?

                            It is a matter of rolling the chopper and yawing it at the same time.

                            Put your hand out in front of you, and roll it around it's axis. Now yaw it as if you were using the ruder. Now slowly try to do both at the same time.

                            Repeat in game.


                            • #15
                              Re: How Do You Circle Strafe In a Heli?

                              Jack.Nader can do it. He is the best pilot i have ever seen lol. Amzing skills exhibited while flying. It must be impossible to hit them.

