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Have you adjusted to BF2:SF?

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  • #16
    Re: Have you adjusted to BF2:SF?

    I don't like it. Just started playing tonight. It's laggy and buggy. I shoot people in the back with 20 bullets just for them to somehow survive and turn around to shoot me dead with one bullet. The only thing I really like is that there are less vehicles, especially the flying kind. They're too overpowered and I like not having to deal with them. I thought for sure they'd have a kit with shoulder mounted SAMs. Instead of upgrading the anti-tank's gun, the unlocks should upgrade the rocket launcher. Have an anti-aircraft unlockable for the anti-tank kit and make the missiles actually useful and seek onto things. I really hate how missile turrets are worthless against anything except a slow-hovering helicopter that doesn't use its flares. And then if you do hit something, it takes about 4 missiles even though realistically one missile would take a plane down. And what really bugs me is that the missile turrets are in the worst spots. Who sticks a missile turret right up against a building? Besides all of the obvious performance fixes, I'd really like to see the missile turrets moved to better positions and have them seek better and have the aircraft take less damage. No helicopter should survive a tank shot.


    • #17
      Re: Have you adjusted to BF2:SF?

      I love being the Spetznaz (sp) on mass destruction and picking all the people off with the sniper on that ridge. I got so many kills, just hide next to a tree or a bush and they don't see you. The zip line is useful when you want to go to a building top thats slightly lower than the one you're on.



      • #18
        Re: Have you adjusted to BF2:SF?

        there is ONE night map that doesnt suck.


        I hated the night maps for a while.. but then i was assault and stayed on one flag to defend it.. (the one on the pier or whatever) and racked up the points.
        this map is fun once you learn it.

        but devil's peak and night flight just serve to make me angry. it would be one thing if the night vision adjusted for light somehow i would prefer thermal imaging or something.. nothing is worse than turning a dark corner in a vehicle to be blinded by this enormous light and die before you can switch it off.


        • #19
          Re: Have you adjusted to BF2:SF?

          Played SF for about 3 days. Since then, I've been back to BF2. That was months ago. Since then I installed a new hard drive and never re-installed SF, nuff said.


          • #20
            Re: Have you adjusted to BF2:SF?

            I love ghost town as my fav map by far, thats what got me to love sniping, and warlord is ok. I used to love it, but the lag on it is crazy, at least with my comp, and the gameplay isn't all the balanced. The TV station for the insurgents gets pouned by arty ever fricken game, and SAS wins 70-80% of least from my experience.


            • #21
              Re: Have you adjusted to BF2:SF?

              I'm starting to hate BF2 completely. Just got booted from a server because I was commanding and fighting in a tank. That's the most retarded rule that servers have and this one didn't even have that listed as a rule: don't fight if you're commander. No wonder no one ever wants to be commander anymore. You don't get any team points, you don't get kills from artillery anymore and people expect you to sit back and hide when someone like me is perfectly capable of both commanding and killing.


              • #22
                Re: Have you adjusted to BF2:SF?

                I got the BF2 and SF after my last few game have been BF1942 then 2 years of planetside I still play it but I find that one map on the ship Iron some thing very fun. I will grab a shotgun and go out and get a 4:1 K/D most of the time very fun farming people.

