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Have you adjusted to BF2:SF?

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  • Have you adjusted to BF2:SF?


    So has anyone else had a hard time getting into SF? I bought SF on it's release date and shortly afterwards found myself having a hard time getting into it. The night maps like Devil's Perch, just plain sucked. I tried them a few times, but I felt like the developpers were just cutting corners by creating night maps...I played Gator...liked it but it was a little confusing at first. Besides I found little skill in sitting on a deck with a pkm.

    Ghost Town is fun...especially if you keep the insurgents back at their base.

    The biggest difference about BF2 and that SF is WAY more sniper friendly. This is actually a good thing, imo. You're constanly keeping your eyes peeled on the roof tops and very often have no clue where the shots are coming from.

    WARLORD is by far the best map and has the best all around gameplay.

    If you're designing a map....keep the action well concentrated.

  • #2
    Re: Have you adjusted to BF2:SF?

    It is funny you've made a thread on this, I was feeling similarly last night.

    I was away on holiday for a month in November, so I missed the release of SF. Needless to say I couldn't wait to give it a go when I got back, but for the first day I spent my time reinstalling graphics card drivers and tinkering with setting as SF kept crashing. Anyway, I couln't help but feel a bit underwhelmed. The night maps are a pain, I can't help but feel that nightvision isn't very helpful. Just another button to press in a frantic panic, by which time you're dead already. I do like the maps though, although some are confusing, and also are more laggy than standard BF2 maps, they're fast paced and exciting. The most fun I have had though, is playing standard BF2 with the SF weapons, it just adds a little variety. It felt, "right", playing the original BF2 again, compared to the xpack. Strange but true.


    • #3
      Re: Have you adjusted to BF2:SF?

      As infantry combat is my thing, I prefer SF. I'd rather have many targets around me and be quickly involved in a firefight than seek them on maps such as Zatar Wetlands, Fushe Pass etc.


      • #4
        Re: Have you adjusted to BF2:SF?

        I haven't really 'gotten into' SF yet either.

        It's mostly because of the chopper pilot lag/fps bug. It's not that I NEED to pilot's just that it shows me that SF is yet another example of crappy coding and poor optimization.

        We'll see what the next patch brings.

        Until then, I play vanilla 99% of the time.


        • #5
          Re: Have you adjusted to BF2:SF?

          Originally posted by Unf0cused
          As infantry combat is my thing, I prefer SF. I'd rather have many targets around me and be quickly involved in a firefight than seek them on maps such as Zatar Wetlands, Fushe Pass etc.

          Same here,I like infantry style combat so much betterr.I rarely play Vanilla BF2 now.


          • #6
            Re: Have you adjusted to BF2:SF?

            there are no insurgents in Ghost Town wtf are you talking about?


            • #7
              Re: Have you adjusted to BF2:SF?

              I LIKE IT!

              You are right about the sniper. Having all the open rooms/empy spaces to hide behind makes snipers a more powerful class. The tradeoff is (apparently) the long loading times that it takes to load all those "extra" empty spaces.

              Have you tried playing other classes? Lately I've been playing support. In the early game, you know where the enemy is concentrated--therefore you shell them with tear gas and toss around ammo bags--snipers and assault take out the dizzy ground pounders, who are unable to support the armor, and *TADAAAA* it takes them 6-7 minutes to finally overwhelm your position (IF they can). Lather, rinse, repeat (if possible) at another chokepoint. And what's better? You get to make the other team furious, calling you a gas spammer, begging you to stop passing gas, etc. This also works for nearby places where your commander has UAV--you just look for the little red dots *cough, cough, stagger, stager...bang, bang, bang*.

              Do, however, avoid gassing your own people. That can get downright ugly. My next unlock will be definitely be the pkm!

              You're right about the night vision. Gives me a headache AND it turns my 21" CRT and x800xt AIW into a 286 thumping state of the art CGA graphics. UGHH; what were they thinking? Having said that, the enemy can't see you very well, and IF your commander is doing well with the UAV, you can gasssss the little red dots some more and take them out at leisure.

              The best part about BF2 is also in SF--there are a HUGE number of "ways" to play. I would suggest you experiment more. If you've been rushing in, then maybe take the sniper, medic, or sf kit and take it slow. If you've been hanging back, suggest you take the AT or assault and bring it forward. Grab some wheels, shoot the paratrooping Brits out of the sky, spawn as a sqaudleader and fly a transport chopper up high above the enemy cap point.

              Finally, I think squad play is more important than ever. When you enter a game, find a medium size squad and fill their need--round out the assault classes, or give them medic or supply support (WHY are there so few medics these days?)

              Failing that, drop some C4 onto a quad and drive around taking out tanks/apc's. Jingle bells...Oh what fun it is to ride with C4 on my quad...


              • #8
                Re: Have you adjusted to BF2:SF?

                Originally posted by Unf0cused
                As infantry combat is my thing, I prefer SF. I'd rather have many targets around me and be quickly involved in a firefight than seek them on maps such as Zatar Wetlands, Fushe Pass etc.

                I'm with you, and I enjoy having more snipers on roof tops.....more chances to knife them all.

                Warlord is a great map, when we play as SAS...we will rush to take one of the spawns in the palace and leave the other one for them. The fighting there is great. Lots of action.

                Ghost town is another great map.

                We've taken the night maps and Gator off our server rotation when we run SF. Gator is just a hog w/64 players. Night maps most people just go to the area's that have light and fight there.


                • #9
                  Re: Have you adjusted to BF2:SF?

                  Let me deal with the flame first.
                  Originally posted by pYura
                  there are no insurgents in Ghost Town wtf are you talking about?
                  Whatever you know what I mean.


                  Yeah I've played quite a few different classes. Actually, that's another thing about SF...I'm more likely to switch between classes as opposed to sticking to my SPecOps usual.

                  I have the PKM, I like using the Tear gas as a smoke grenade to run by tanks...doesn't always work though.

                  I agree with the need for teamwork, however I find on certain maps...Ghost town and Devil's perch....people are doing their own thing.

                  Don't get me wrong...I love just took me awhile to get into it. It definately has proven to be a different game rather than same game with different settings.

                  The other day.....I joined a server with 5 or 6 people....everyone played as was so much fun not having to worry about cappin' flags and arty.

                  Originally posted by megawhompertoo
                  I LIKE IT!

                  Have you tried playing other classes? Lately I've been playing support. In the early game, you know where the enemy is concentrated--therefore you shell them with tear gas and toss around ammo bags--snipers and assault take out the dizzy ground pounders, who are unable to support the armor, and *TADAAAA* it takes them 6-7 minutes to finally overwhelm your position (IF they can). ...

                  Do, however, avoid gassing your own people. That can get downright ugly. My next unlock will be definitely be the pkm!
                  The best part about BF2 is also in SF--there are a HUGE number of "ways" to play. I would suggest you experiment more. If you've been rushing in, then maybe take the sniper, medic, or sf kit and take it slow. If you've been hanging back, suggest you take the AT or assault and bring it forward. Grab some wheels, shoot the paratrooping Brits out of the sky, spawn as a sqaudleader and fly a transport chopper up high above the enemy cap point.

                  Finally, I think squad play is more important than ever. When you enter a game, find a medium size squad and fill their need--round out the assault classes, or give them medic or supply support (WHY are there so few medics these days?)


                  • #10
                    Re: Have you adjusted to BF2:SF?

                    You'll hate one thing the most I think:
                    Sniper and lame squad leaders.

                    I'm pretty much all about infantry and good attack squads. I don't really see a point in making a squad with a sniper as a leader sitting in the back and not calling it SNIPERS. The snipers love to be SLs because medics and support will spawn on them and feed them, but what use are they to me? The problem is 4 out of 5 are ither those sniper SLs or lame SLs that sit back, whore helos, tanks etc. I didn't seem to have that problem in BF. I am really having trouble finding a decent squad on servers that run infantry map 24/7 (most alternate sides, to note, so you lose that decent squad you had). The warlord map tends to usually have one good squad. Mass Destruction too. Gator sometimes. But other maps.. rarely.

                    I do hate the night maps and I think that I will never load any of them. I've been trying to find a server that runs those maps, so that maybe I Can learn one, but I haven't seen any (my BAFAL query is RoundTime >= 4. I'm not sadistic to wait 2 mintes for the commputer after every round).


                    • #11
                      Re: Have you adjusted to BF2:SF?


                      If a sniper starts a squad, he usually locks he can talk to the Commander and do his own thing. Maybe the games you played forgot to lock the squad.

                      I'm still amazed that people have the mentality "I'm Squad Leader". Fact is, a squad leader should only be a squad long as he/she is alive. Once dead, they should leave the group and come they can spawn on the new leader.

                      If you didn't know that already...then you're not as good as you think.

                      Ho ho ho kept my change.


                      • #12
                        Re: Have you adjusted to BF2:SF?

                        I just play the maps, It doesn't matter where i play, i just school everyone I never really took the time to think if i got "used to" the game. I just loved BF2, got SF, and continued winning.


                        • #13
                          Re: Have you adjusted to BF2:SF?

                          Disagree completely with your squad leader statement ADHD. Consistency is the key with a good squad leader. If you've actually played in a good squad you would know that. And the whole "your not as good as you think" comment is just out to lunch.


                          • #14
                            Re: Have you adjusted to BF2:SF?

                            I've had rounds as SL on 64 person karkand where I haven't died once.
                            I had a full squad and I kept them spawning at mec factory. It distracted the mec and kept thier armor trying to kill us the whole round. MEC's flags fell easy without thier armor there to protect them.


                            • #15
                              Re: Have you adjusted to BF2:SF?

                              It took me longer to get used to the performance problems than the maps, but that's for another thread. I LOVE SF. The gameplay seems completely different. There is even more of a need for team play. It's simple, if you don't squad up, you're not going to last too long. This is especially important on the night maps. The new weapons are a lot of fun, and the maps are gorgeous. Again, the night maps can be extremely boring if you don't belong to a squad, because you'll be really easy to spot and pick off when you're running around by yourself.

