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It may be worth it to TK teammates

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  • It may be worth it to TK teammates

    I have never TKed a person for a vehicle nor have I given a in front of a jet. I hate the idiots who do that crap. With that said, heres my story.
    I was playing US on a Wolf server. Mashtur starts up and everyone runs for the blackhawk. I get in as a gunner. Chopper gets full and a dude snipes me out and takes the gunner spot. The chopper stays up the entire round and he ends up getting 123 points. So it looks like 1 TK gave him the gold. It seems that this trend is happening more and more. I have gotten TKed out of vehicles more in the past month than my whole time combined.
    Its a TK festival out there and Im seriously considering joining the party.

  • #2
    Re: It may be worth it to TK teammates

    If someone stands in front of a jet id happily run them over. You get idiots in all walks of life, intentionally tking for a vehicle is the lowest of the low. just try and avoid it best you can. i.e getting in the thing and away before anyone can do it.


    • #3
      Re: It may be worth it to TK teammates

      I'm sure you'll see less of that once the BH miniguns are nerfed down to where they belong with the next patch.

      Until then, you can stick to FF off servers if it'd help.


      • #4
        Re: It may be worth it to TK teammates

        At the risk of getting flamed. It wouldn't happen if certain vehicles weren't too good.


        • #5
          Re: It may be worth it to TK teammates

          Originally posted by yoohoo313131
          I have never TKed a person for a vehicle nor have I given a in front of a jet. I hate the idiots who do that crap. With that said, heres my story.
          I was playing US on a Wolf server. Mashtur starts up and everyone runs for the blackhawk. I get in as a gunner. Chopper gets full and a dude snipes me out and takes the gunner spot. The chopper stays up the entire round and he ends up getting 123 points. So it looks like 1 TK gave him the gold. It seems that this trend is happening more and more. I have gotten TKed out of vehicles more in the past month than my whole time combined.
          Its a TK festival out there and Im seriously considering joining the party.

          dude! you have more than 1500 TKs, nice job :laugh:


          • #6
            Re: It may be worth it to TK teammates

            That's nothing is you look at the amount of time he has spent playing BF2 - almost 800h
            Looks like a very decent player to me - maybe a little bit lot of time on Karkand, and a 14.30 ratio in the jet...


            • #7
              Re: It may be worth it to TK teammates

              I don't mind accidental TK's, they happen, but in my short time of playing online I was purposefully attacked once that I'm sure of. I respawned in Dragon Valley, US side, and there's a guy standing at the heli pad not moving. So I type "Are you waiting for a heli? Cause I'll gun if you want" and no response. So I go up to him and he turns around and stares at me a good 10 seconds when I start to type again and he shoots me. Just once. Then stares at me again. I type "wtf?!" and then he shoots me again like three times, so I unload into him and five seconds later I see "You were punished for a TK", and I tried to get someone to respond; jackoff or an admin, but nothing. I don't know how many TK's it takes to get booted but I get punished for them alot: idiots running into my tank trying to get in, even when I STOP FOR THEM, etc. It makes me afraid to play online really. I don't like the idea of people's fun being ruined by my accidental TK's but I just don't see why they get so angry and spitefull.

              I'm currently playing the reality mod with all hud and nametags off to try and spot the differences in uniform to cut down on accidental TK's, but I dunno, seems like everyone thinks the game is their moment to shine.


              • #8
                Re: It may be worth it to TK teammates

                Originally posted by yoohoo313131
                I have never TKed a person for a vehicle nor have I given a in front of a jet. I hate the idiots who do that crap. With that said, heres my story.
                I was playing US on a Wolf server. Mashtur starts up and everyone runs for the blackhawk. I get in as a gunner. Chopper gets full and a dude snipes me out and takes the gunner spot. The chopper stays up the entire round and he ends up getting 123 points. So it looks like 1 TK gave him the gold. It seems that this trend is happening more and more. I have gotten TKed out of vehicles more in the past month than my whole time combined.
                Its a TK festival out there and Im seriously considering joining the party.
                Same thing happened to me . Some clan had taken the BH, and I managed to get in, he circled once (making sure I was on the outside of all the action getting no shots) then circled back to the heli pad, where a waiting clan member shot me out of the gunner seat to take it....I C4ed the whole chopper next time it came for repairs, and got them kicked for vehicle TKing.


                • #9
                  Re: It may be worth it to TK teammates

                  I have been shot out of a blackhawk on a clan server by a member of the CLAN!!! There isnt much you can do but TK them back, which I usually do.


                  • #10
                    Re: It may be worth it to TK teammates

                    Originally posted by Nickademus
                    I have been shot out of a blackhawk on a clan server by a member of the CLAN!!! There isnt much you can do but TK them back, which I usually do.
                    Yes there is something you can do about it. I do it all the time:
                    I leave the darn server, and find another one with more mature people in it.
                    If I don't like the people on the server, and I don't enjoy playing with them then why should I stay there, and give myself and others a hard time?
                    I'll just leave and go have fun somewhere else. There are plenty of servers to chose from.

                    I think that the major problem is people taking things way too personal.


                    • #11
                      Re: It may be worth it to TK teammates

                      Half my TKs are from ejecting n00bs from my Blackhawk

                      VeNg3nCe^:Hop out!
                      VeNg3nCe^:Hop out!
                      VeNg3nCe^:Hop out!
                      VeNg3nCe^:Hop out!
                      VeNg3nCe^:Hop out!
                      VeNg3nCe^:Hop out!
                      VeNg3nCe^:Hop out!
                      idiot:No sir
                      idiot:No sir
                      idiot:No way, man
                      You were punished for a teamkill!
                      VeNg3nCe^:Thanks champ

                      edit: I don't do this anymore(since 1.03)


                      • #12
                        Re: It may be worth it to TK teammates

                        If I see people TK for jets / helis in the server I play on -- you're kicked in less than a minute.


                        • #13
                          Re: It may be worth it to TK teammates

                          Originally posted by Talus
                          I'm sure you'll see less of that once the BH miniguns are nerfed down to where they belong with the next patch..
                          I dont think so. You can still earn alot of points without being on the guns. The patch wont change a thing in that department.


                          • #14
                            Re: It may be worth it to TK teammates

                            Last week I was driving the MEC tank up from the back on Karkand towards the front and I was at hotel on the right side and some stupid ass on my team lays a mine about 15 ft in front of me. He was probably trying to prevent the other team from passing, but I was trying to go through too.

                            So I blasted him and then blew up his stupid mine. lol


                            • #15
                              Re: It may be worth it to TK teammates

                              Originally posted by Talus
                              I'm sure you'll see less of that once the BH miniguns are nerfed down to where they belong with the next patch.

                              Until then, you can stick to FF off servers if it'd help.
                              They are never gona nerf the minigun, "they" have been claiming to do it since the game premiered, trust me it will never happen.

