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Damn you expert healing!!!

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  • Damn you expert healing!!!

    Maybe sitting in a car would enable you to heal more people? Tried getting it behind the wheels?

  • #2
    Damn you expert healing!!!

    I did search the forums but only came up with Mashtuur city as being the answer (bh whoreing). As I have been trying the bh whoreing a bit on that map it doesn't seem to be working(yes full 64 man server). I was wondering if anyone else obtained thiers any other way(without padding). The most healing points I have ever recieved in one round was 22 on Strike. However only after a prolonged firefight between USMC and MEC at the train accident. I know all the tricks to getting good amounts of hps. Choke point bottle necks and entry points also places where people take cover. Mabye my last alternative is to run around the entire time with my bag out? I just want to make sure im not missing any methods to obtain this expert medal.


    • #3
      Re: Damn you expert healing!!!

      Originally posted by Maestro Satanus
      my last alternative is to run around the entire time with my bag out?.
      Only if you don't want kids after the war.


      • #4
        Re: Damn you expert healing!!!

        Originally posted by BigBadBob
        Only if you don't want kids after the war.


        • #5
          Re: Damn you expert healing!!!

          Mate, your best bet is to throw out ammo bags like hunks of meat to a starving dingo at the front of karkand. keep moving around, dont ever stand still longer than a few seconds, and as soon as you get hit yourself, back out fast to heal. As long as you stay alive, your bags will stay out on the ground - tho as soon as someone runs over one, you'll get a point, and it will disappear.

          In short, be one of those pricks people hate spamming 'get health, here' , only be one with brains.

          The other, easy alternative is to join a squad (esp one of bad snipers!) and just count the revives you get!


          • #6
            Re: Damn you expert healing!!!

            i just ran around a bunch of people spamming health packs on the ground, just have to wait for the right round (i happened to be the only medic on the team but it was still hard to get it)


            • #7
              Re: Damn you expert healing!!!

              I got mine on a 16 man server. However i was in a good squad and the round lasted ages (about an hour) 64 man karkand is too short.


              • #8
                Re: Damn you expert healing!!!

                Originally posted by baggygreen
                Mate, your best bet is to throw out ammo bags like hunks of meat to a starving dingo at the front of karkand. keep moving around, dont ever stand still longer than a few seconds, and as soon as you get hit yourself, back out fast to heal. As long as you stay alive, your bags will stay out on the ground - tho as soon as someone runs over one, you'll get a point, and it will disappear.

                In short, be one of those pricks people hate spamming 'get health, here' , only be one with brains.

                The other, easy alternative is to join a squad (esp one of bad snipers!) and just count the revives you get!
                1. he's talkin about expert first aid badge not expert resupply.

                2. revives dont give u healing pts.


                • #9
                  Re: Damn you expert healing!!!

                  Here's what you do: Get 2 friends. One friend will be the dummy. One friend will be a sniper m24/95. That guy will shoot the dummy and you will heal.


                  I have yet to get this one as the round ends too quickly. Your best bet is a low # player 64 map.


                  • #10
                    Re: Damn you expert healing!!!

                    Originally posted by unlimitedmp
                    Here's what you do: Get 2 friends. One friend will be the dummy. One friend will be a sniper m24/95. That guy will shoot the dummy and you will heal.


                    I have yet to get this one as the round ends too quickly. Your best bet is a low # player 64 map.


                    • #11
                      Re: Damn you expert healing!!!

                      get on a 64 man server that has 12 to 20 players on it,that way its a slow game and you have more time to get heals


                      • #12
                        Re: Damn you expert healing!!!

                        K nuh thunk anybody has received expert anything after the 1.03 patch

                        the above suggestion might possibly work providing you could get to everybody in time?


                        • #13
                          Re: Damn you expert healing!!!

                          This was a hard one to get. I had gotten 22 heals, 23 and 24 iar before but I finally got it a while back. Karkand is my friend


                          • #14
                            Re: Damn you expert healing!!!

                            Originally posted by VeNg3nCe^
                            This was a hard one to get. I had gotten 22 heals, 23 and 24 iar before but I finally got it a while back. Karkand is my friend
                            More info pls, how big was the map, how many players?


                            • #15
                              Re: Damn you expert healing!!!

                              dude just play. If you deserve the medel you will get it

