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Sum1 Explain Snipin to Me l9lz

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  • #16
    Re: Sum1 Explain Snipin to Me l9lz

    Bullet drop in the game can be quite significant. I had a battle with another sniper, running around behind cover and such, he was on a roof, I was behind a car. None of us could hit until I started to aim just a little higher than his head. Boom-headshot.

    Afterwards, he congratulated me on the battle


    • #17
      Re: Sum1 Explain Snipin to Me l9lz

      OK this thread has really got me annoyed.

      Headshot! Very easy, very doable. majority of my sniping kills are from headshots, as i dont like hitting non-stationary targets MOST of the time. If you don't believe me, i will prove it to you on a server.

      M95! Not the best all round rifle in the game. a FANTASTIC alternative to the SVD, in terms of firepower, however on the whole it is IMO on a par with the Type 88 (accuracy vs power) and falls well short of the M24. I personally try to avoid using the M95 as it makes too loud a report, making it much easier for the enemy to pinpoint you.

      Bullet Drop! Has been proven to exist in a thread posted about 2 or 3 months back. by lowering the velocity of the weapons projectiles in the config files, some wise bloke was able to see the bullet drop by firing against a wall. There is also the devs' word, but who can believe that, i still want those hovercraft!

      ************************************************** ******

      You did well to hide in a bush rather than a high place. People when sniping underestimate the ease with which you can be seen from great range when up high, in cranes particularly. Sometimes, it can be an advantage to use a high spot in order to cover more than 1 flag, but generally, stay in the weeds, or under a vehicle, etc. Also, avoid the top of any hill.

      Just finally, i disagree with the bloke who said it was Oman the OP was playing on... .for 1 it is definately not a city map, and 2, it sounds a lot more like Sharqi, with people hanging off it!

      cheers all,



      • #18
        Re: Sum1 Explain Snipin to Me l9lz

        Aim low with the m-95 if shooting at shorter ranges than 100 meters. I dont know if its true or anything but it feels like the bullets going up the first 100 meters with m-95 not down. This is probably just bull but whenever i aim low i hit. It should be like that though because most rifles irl goes up the first 100 meters.


        • #19
          Re: Sum1 Explain Snipin to Me l9lz

          Originally posted by baggygreen
          by lowering the velocity of the weapons projectiles in the config files, some wise bloke was able to see the bullet drop by firing against a wall.
          My bullet drop thread is here:

          Short Conclusions:
          -There is bullet flight time (1000 m/s for all handguns except support guns, who are 500 m/s)
          -There is bullet drop, for all guns
          -bullet drop is about 60cm @350m (for all guns except support guns, for which it is more)

          And concerning headshots: Headshot means normal damage X 3 , which in turn means that all sniper rifles kill with one headshot.


          • #20
            Re: Sum1 Explain Snipin to Me l9lz

            There is no bullet drop for regular guns. Bullet deviation can be mistaken for this. Only the sniper rifles have bullet drop.

            With the M95, bullet drop is wonky. It tends to fall faster than other sniper rifles, so aim higher. The wonky part is that if you're aiming at somebody at the same elevation as you or even lower, it seems to go into reverse. I've shot people in the head before while aiming at their belly button if they were below me.

            Big tip though. Dont be hasty. Just like the support weapons, your CoF (Cone of Fire) takes time to settle down. If you go prone and shoot immediately, chances are high that you will miss. Get your position, take a deep breath, line up the shot, give it a second, then squeeze the trigger. If you miss, dont hastily fire off another round. Take your time again. Not only will this make your shots more accurate, but in case you miss, even if you shoot really fast and hit again, chances are it will be a body shot and wont kill, and they're going to be busy hunting you down and reporting your presence to their squad. Best to let them think it was a random shot and settle down again to give you a clean sight profile on their head.

            EDIT: I've seen the bullet drop thread, and although editting the velocity seems to add bullet drop to regular weapons, I'll stick by my statement. The reason I do is that even at long range, regular rifles still hit accurately enough that there's no need to account for a drop. I've managed to get headshots on people with the G36C just by aiming at their heads, whereas with sniper rifles I had to compensate. So whether or not there actually is drop, it's best to say there isnt than to say there is and have people miss shots trying to compensate.


            • #21
              Re: Sum1 Explain Snipin to Me l9lz

              ok no offense to anyone here, but i say i'd have a 1 hundred dollar bet on the fact that the topic starter is under 13, who's with me?

              jk, ignore me, im bored.


              • #22
                Re: Sum1 Explain Snipin to Me l9lz

                Originally posted by PsychoSnowMan
                Just use common sense, make sure you wait a couple seconds after being scoped in without moving so the deviation gets cut down, line up the reticule with the target and fire. Practice makes perfect.
                i agree with PsychoSnowMan. You have to hold your crosshairs over them for 1-2 seconds. it seems to help me.


                • #23
                  Re: Sum1 Explain Snipin to Me l9lz

                  Ive witnessed the puff of smoke that bullets give when they hit a wall or something behind a guys head as I had him lined up for a head shot, maybe 10 feet away. It was lamost liek the bullet went through his head and hit the wall..he must have been afk cause all i did was shoot again at same position and aim and hit the second time.
                  truthfully Id say the sniper rifles have a tendency to go through targets, ive seen it happen mutiple times.


                  • #24
                    Re: Sum1 Explain Snipin to Me l9lz

                    redrider - you helped and good to know sum1 else noticed
                    baggygreen - calm down , you helped too, and the map WAS oman
                    thirdeyepry - this could be too ... 7 shots sum with sum w/o aiming high and seemed to go right through him
                    xopht - screw you im 17 ya bastard just new to this game


                    • #25
                      Re: Sum1 Explain Snipin to Me l9lz

                      canucks suck because bertuzzi is a little sissy pansy

