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4 easy steps to get 40 knifekills in one round without cheating, statspaddling ect..

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  • 4 easy steps to get 40 knifekills in one round without cheating, statspaddling ect..

    Right, hopefull I've got some attention now.

    Alot of people here seems to say that hidding is the key to victory when hunting the knifebadges. I don't say that it's a method that doesn't work. But when I tried it, I found it to be useless!

    Here's how I collected my knifekills!

    1.Take out your knife!
    First of all, If you wanna use the knife, have it out. Doens't mather if your Spec Ops, Engineer or Support. Right now you're there to knife, and you shuldn't risk shooting down someone you could have knifed!
    Alot of people proably think "I'll take out the knife when I'm ready to knife"
    BEEEP! Wrong! Always have you knife out! Well, expect that you're 110% sure that somene have seen you and you're taking damadge.

    2.It's more of a sword then a knife!
    The knife can actual reach more then you think. Try it out on bots or with friends on a empty server, and see by youself how long the edge acual is.

    3.Run like a madman and jump like a bunny!
    So, let's skipp the BS about hidding, sneaking, and stuff like that. There's a chance It will save your life a couple of times, but you won't get too many knifekills by doing it. Bunnyjump like a naden00b!
    But rememeber, you're using a knife now, and unlike the naden00bs you won't kill everyone everytime. But if you somewhat pretend that you're holding in 'nadelancher, you'll find this mutch easier.
    (I shuld say that sneaking acctual DOES work on SF, but as mentioned so is it pretty mutch wasted time in BF2...)

    4.Don't be afraid to die!
    This is a game. You will respawn. In other words, you have noting to lose expect a bad KD ration. But since you're after the knifebadge, I hardly belive you care about that.

    I have a .bf2demo of when I knifed a bunch of lads, and I've been using all the tips that I've written down. But it's recorded on a SF map, so you without the game can't watch it, I'm afraid...

    Watch "KniFe =[WoW]=Funkster", do as I did, and you shuld get your knifekills within no time!

    I haven't realy taken a look at the spelling, so my excuse if you find any err0rs
    And lastly, GOOD LUCK and DON'T GIVE UP!

  • #2
    Re: 4 easy steps to get 40 knifekills in one round without cheating, statspaddling ect..

    or get on a 64 mashtur on american and get all bases except for middle, and they the mec usually camps up i that building and just go knife crazy. i got a total of 27 knifes in 1 round because i got up behind the camping nubs. very fun when all youi see for about 1.5 minutes is my name knifing other people.


    • #3
      Re: 4 easy steps to get 40 knifekills in one round without cheating, statspaddling ect..

      Originally posted by Funkster
      4.Don't be afraid to die!
      This is a game. You will respawn. In other words, you have noting to lose expect a bad KD ration. But since you're after the knifebadge, I hardly belive you care about that.
      u should be afraid to die, at least u need to avoid death. cuz every 15 second respawn time will slowly and unnoticeably waste ur some valueable chances of knifing someone.


      • #4
        Re: 4 easy steps to get 40 knifekills in one round without cheating, statspaddling ect..

        A bit of a reckless guide that requires skill and luck, but that's how I did it too. Hiding and all that fancy smut just doesn't do it. It's like writing an essay- Once you're on a roll, you can't stop and you just rack up knifes like crazy.


        • #5
          Re: 4 easy steps to get 40 knifekills in one round without cheating, statspaddling ec

          I didnt see any tips in this guide.
          "Crunch's First Officer"
          twitter: @signaprime


          • #6
            Re: 4 easy steps to get 40 knifekills in one round without cheating, statspaddling ect..

            cool cool I'll have to try it thanks


            • #7
              Re: 4 easy steps to get 40 knifekills in one round without cheating, statspaddling ect..

              sweet...thanks for the good tips dude, just gotta hope the server im on doesnt kick bunnyhoppers!


              • #8
                Re: 4 easy steps to get 40 knifekills in one round without cheating, statspaddling ect..

                Is this vid a bfrecorder movie?


                • #9
                  Re: 4 easy steps to get 40 knifekills in one round without cheating, statspaddling ect..

                  Actually, this is very true. I got my vet running into teh survalliance post on Sharqi when it was full of enemy and knifed away, they didn't even realize I was there because of the chaos...till half of them were dead.


                  • #10
                    Re: 4 easy steps to get 40 knifekills in one round without cheating, statspaddling ect..

                    Tips and tips... I'd rather call it rules. Have those in mind and you'll be a green mean killingmachine...

                    Originally posted by 3Libras
                    A bit of a reckless guide that requires skill and luck, but that's how I did it too. Hiding and all that fancy smut just doesn't do it. It's like writing an essay- Once you're on a roll, you can't stop and you just rack up knifes like crazy.
                    Just what I think - Sam Fisher ain't the way to go, It's all out Rambo :evil:

                    Originally posted by VeNg3nCe^
                    Is this vid a bfrecorder movie?
                    yea, It is.


                    • #11
                      Re: 4 easy steps to get 40 knifekills in one round without cheating, statspaddling ect..

                      ok, so I dl it and put it in the correct folder? or something? I've never used bfrecorder :S


                      • #12
                        Re: 4 easy steps to get 40 knifekills in one round without cheating, statspaddling ect..

                        Put it in My Documents\Battlefield 2\Profiles\default\Demos\

                        You may have to create the demos folder. Once it's there, open up BF2, go to Community, and it should show up there. If it's in red, you are running a different mod/patch from the one that the demo was recorded in.



                        • #13
                          Re: 4 easy steps to get 40 knifekills in one round without cheating, statspaddling ec

                          Man, sometimes I have trouble getting 40 kills with rifle, but knife? You gotta be kidding man....

                          The best way is to pick on idlers.


                          • #14
                            Re: 4 easy steps to get 40 knifekills in one round without cheating, statspaddling ect..

                            i hate to say it but, spawn camp
                            i know its the lowest of the low but once in a while wont hurt. lol
                            ghost town go to on base and just wait
                            karkald use your flash bangs in the first allyway then the people will be confused who dont have SF and then you kill them


                            • #15
                              Re: 4 easy steps to get 40 knifekills in one round without cheating, statspaddling ect..

                              well i got my knife badge on strike at karkand and i just kept runing int there and kept swinging and at the end of the level i had 21 knife kills just keep hopping around and swingijng and runing back and forth and youll hit the target or get shoot but thats all part of the game i cat really think of any other way of geting it except for being a sneaky bastard

