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SF Badges: Zip Line, Grappling Hook and Tactical Support Usage

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  • SF Badges: Zip Line, Grappling Hook and Tactical Support Usage

    Does anyone have the Basic Usage Badges for Zip Line, Tactical Support or Grappling Hook?

    If so, how on earth did you get them?

    UBAR states that you have to deploy or throw 10 flash bangs or grapple 10 building or deploy 10 zip lines to qualify for the basic badges.

    I have deployed atleast 10 zip lines over the course of my first dozen games but haven't received the badge. What is going on?

    It doesn't appear to be a "IAR" requirement thing either as you have to do 100 for Veteran and 1000 for Expert.

  • #2
    Re: SF Badges: Zip Line, Grappling Hook and Tactical Support Usage

    hello all, K's first post here =]

    K nuh ever thrown a single flashbang, yet has the Tactical Support badge!?

    thunking about it, K was playing Support at the time it was awarded and using the Gas Grenade Launcher - mebe UBAR has it wrong and it should be "Fire 10 Gas Grenades"?

    nuh idea about the grapple or zip lines :shrug:


    • #3
      Re: SF Badges: Zip Line, Grappling Hook and Tactical Support Usage

      I have all badges, easy as hell, trow ten flashbangs or teargass, then ten times deploy zip or graple (just deploy, pick it up and deploy again)


      • #4
        Re: SF Badges: Zip Line, Grappling Hook and Tactical Support Usage


        Depoly the zipline in front of you zip down it pick it up then do it 11 times, i did this and got it straight away, same with the grappling hook


        • #5
          Re: SF Badges: Zip Line, Grappling Hook and Tactical Support Usage

          You have to deploy 10 ziplines in one round to get the Basic Zipline Badge
          You have to use the grappling hook 10 times in a round to get the Basic Grappling Hook Badge
          You have throw 10 Flashbangs OR 10 Teargas grenades in a round to get the BasicTactical Support Weaponry Badge

          Make sure you are on a ranked server.

          It's not that hard to do...


          • #6
            Re: SF Badges: Zip Line, Grappling Hook and Tactical Support Usage

            Those are the easy one's. But what about the ribbons? Does anyone have the Navy Seal, SAS, SPETZNA, MECSF, REBEL or Insurgent service Ribbons?? It says you have to play 5 hours for every faction and play avery map that faction plays on. I have done both for atleast 4 of the new factions and I still don't have the ribbons?? Am I just going to have to wait??


            • #7
              Re: SF Badges: Zip Line, Grappling Hook and Tactical Support Usage

              That's where I am going wrong then. Stupidly, I didn't realise that I could turn around and pick the zip line up again.

              I got the Tactical Support badge today in a normal game through excessive use of Tear Gas on Iron Gator.

              Thanks to everyone who has responded.


              • #8
                Re: SF Badges: Zip Line, Grappling Hook and Tactical Support Usage

                OK - another stupid question, how do I pick up the grappling hook or zip line once I have used it? E and G don't appear to work!


                • #9
                  Re: SF Badges: Zip Line, Grappling Hook and Tactical Support Usage

                  Its G to pick them back up same as picking up a kit


                  • #10
                    Re: SF Badges: Zip Line, Grappling Hook and Tactical Support Usage

                    for the grapple, you need to grapple 10 DIFFERENT buildings. it wouldnt give it to me when just deploy pick up, deploy pick up
                    zip line however, did so.


                    • #11
                      Re: SF Badges: Zip Line, Grappling Hook and Tactical Support Usage

                      The basics are easy (too easy) just do it all in one round, now the vet badges are just as stupidly easy, just take forever to get (and I am done wasting my life getting them....the zip is good enough for me).

                      Dirk, there are no Army ribbons, they are commented out currently (though they may activate them in a future release/update)


                      • #12
                        Re: SF Badges: Zip Line, Grappling Hook and Tactical Support Usage

                        Originally posted by -=ACE=-
                        for the grapple, you need to grapple 10 DIFFERENT buildings. it wouldnt give it to me when just deploy pick up, deploy pick up
                        zip line however, did so.
                        Wrong - I have tested and retested on dummy accounts. You can just right click and pick it up 11 times and you get the award.

                        You do not have to get them on buildings or climb them.

                        I have all the basics, and I have the Vet zip line (confirmed you do not have to ride them) - took 3500 deployments for me to get it.

                        I am puzzled with the veteran tactical nade one though. Anyone got this yet? I know for a fact I have deployed over 1000 tactical nades - combination of tear and flashbang. I am pretty sure I have done 1000 teargas, and I know I have done about 500 flashbangs....I still do not have the award.

                        There are a couple of rounds that I was kicked for being idle while I was going after these awards, so those didn't obviously my numbers are off. Discounting those rounds though, I KNOW FOR A FACT I have over 1000 combined throws. Last night alone I shot over 900 teargas nades alone.

                        WTF is going on?!?!?!? Is it 3000?


                        • #13
                          Re: SF Badges: Zip Line, Grappling Hook and Tactical Support Usage

                          Same issue here BeerStein, I would bet real money I am way past 1000 teargas nades, but no joy on the vet badge. But I don't know how to confirm how many I have thrown since the current stat counters only include how many kills you have with teargas and flash (all the good that does)? I have a feeling it may be 3500 throws as well (like the zip and grapple), but I don't think I have the patients to find out......


                          • #14
                            Re: SF Badges: Zip Line, Grappling Hook and Tactical Support Usage

                            I am going to push again tonight, and I know I will be able to put teargas over 1000 by itself then.

                            I have a feeling that you get it for 1000 teargas, or 1000 flashbangs - they do not combine. However, when testing the basic badge, I was able to do 3 and 7 and 5 and 5 and get the badge.

                            I only need about 10 more minutes of grapples and I know I will have over 3500 of them, so I should get that badge tonight as well.

                            Now if only the fricken 44 kills were just that easy to get. The most I have gotten in SF before the fricken map ends is 30 something.

                            I guess I need to find a server with like 10 people on a 64 map.


                            • #15
                              Re: SF Badges: Zip Line, Grappling Hook and Tactical Support Usage

                              Originally posted by Special_K
                              hello all, K's first post here =]
                              K nuh ever thrown a single flashbang, yet has the Tactical Support badge!?
                              thunking about it, K was playing Support at the time it was awarded and using the Gas Grenade Launcher - mebe UBAR has it wrong and it should be "Fire 10 Gas Grenades"?
                              nuh idea about the grapple or zip lines :shrug:
                              I have no F**king clue what you are saying dude. What do you have against grammar anyway? Speaking about yourself in the 3rd person is also a bit megalomaniacal too. Besides you aren't "The Rock"...

                              To get your basic usage badges:

                              Start climbing different building for the grappling hook. DO NOT concern yourself with killing people, climb to evade your own death. Do this the entire round until it is awarded.

                              Start to deploy your zipline and slide down it all the way. Pick it back up using the "G" key and find somewhere else to deploy it from. Keep doing this all round until it is awarded.

                              Start tossing flashbangs into an enemy spawn using the Right Mouse Button you can chuck them longer distances. Do this as many times as possible during a round. Everytime you see an enemy, toss em a flash.

