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BlackHawk@ Mashtur City

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  • BlackHawk@ Mashtur City

    For someone played in BF2, you must get the idea of what I am thinking.
    If the US side get the blackhawk filled w/
    1. The medics/ supports@ the pilot/gunner positions while engineers in the other 3 spots,

    2. w/ a squard inside that BH that members can spawn in the chopper.

    This makes the whole game utterly BS..(I tried it a few times tho:laugh: )

    Just do some flying shooting, score above 100+ isn't hard to achieve.
    And the chopper constantly gets repaired in the air.

  • #2
    Re: BlackHawk@ Mashtur City

    NOPE since the patch nobody like to do that because only the driver recieves points for Flags. plus the blackhawks have been nerfed(rightly) so the only place ur likely to find one is sitting on the helipad


    • #3
      Re: BlackHawk@ Mashtur City

      I always sit in a vodnik when that happens, the .50 cals are amazingly effective against choppers in that level.


      • #4
        Re: BlackHawk@ Mashtur City

        Originally posted by DrunkenPirate
        I always sit in a vodnik when that happens, the .50 cals are amazingly effective against choppers in that level.
        Not really if they have a good pilot

        Plus those engineers will keep repairing the chopper...


        • #5
          Re: BlackHawk@ Mashtur City

          But at the very least you will force it to flee, and that's good enough for me.


          • #6
            Re: BlackHawk@ Mashtur City

            Originally posted by DrunkenPirate
            But at the very least you will force it to flee, and that's good enough for me.
            yeah I know what you mean. I do it too with my M95 - seems to annoy the pilot quite alot


            • #7
              Re: BlackHawk@ Mashtur City

              I've noticed less whoring since 1.0.3. No one cares about squad whoring the blackhawk anymore, I haven't noticed much medics or engineer and theres not that many points for them.

              I've noticed its a 3 man crew, pilot, and 2 gunners that use it. Otherwise everyone else goes after armour or plays infranty.


              • #8
                Re: BlackHawk@ Mashtur City

                I, for one, miss the good ol' BH times. I liked C4-ing the MEC chopper, fly above the BH and BOOM. Earned kickvote 99% of the time after 3rd time they got killed by almighty C4.


                • #9
                  Re: BlackHawk@ Mashtur City

                  the patches made it harder to repair the BH while sitting in it, takes a long time to do it accually. So yeh I think its ok having it in the map, just get teh 50 cal and ur good.


                  • #10
                    Re: BlackHawk@ Mashtur City

                    Getting some good comunication going and HUNTING that bird is the way to go.
                    If you've got a squad loaded to take it down (vodniks 'n ATs) you can do it fairly easily. If ya got a squad of talkers, you can spread out to find it, then converge for the kill. Works very well.

                    As a side bonus, you'll prolly win the map. The USMC team tends to get over reliant on Hawking. If they're constantly getting shot down, you'll own the ground.

                    Try it.


                    • #11
                      Re: BlackHawk@ Mashtur City

                      Originally posted by Wargimp
                      Getting some good comunication going and HUNTING that bird is the way to go.
                      If you've got a squad loaded to take it down (vodniks 'n ATs) you can do it fairly easily. If ya got a squad of talkers, you can spread out to find it, then converge for the kill. Works very well.

                      As a side bonus, you'll prolly win the map. The USMC team tends to get over reliant on Hawking. If they're constantly getting shot down, you'll own the ground.

                      Try it.
                      best way i find is to take their helicopter base and hold your own with no way to repair bar landing (assuming you have a good commander ofc) finding and destroying them then shouldnt be too hard....


                      • #12
                        Re: BlackHawk@ Mashtur City

                        As stated above the BH is a different animal now,the patch has I think made it more vulnerable.
                        In addition you tend to find a MEC tank at the spawn point if the vodniks get you,which stops the whoring.


                        • #13
                          Re: BlackHawk@ Mashtur City

                          I think the BH is pretty cool now...

                          Still effective but vunerable. In a round where it is dominating take a moment to look around and you will notice that nobody is shooting at it but you.

                          As stated above beating it off is key to victory for the MEC on this map. On the servers I play on the US helipad is always an early target for the MEC...


                          • #14
                            Re: BlackHawk@ Mashtur City

                            Originally posted by Bob_the_Insane
                            As stated above beating it off is key to victory for the MEC on this map.

                            I guess seeing over half a dozen towl heads ****ing is enough to make any army retreat.


                            • #15
                              Re: BlackHawk@ Mashtur City


